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Nezang Buddhist Meditation Group

Address: 5 Sedley Taylor Road, Cambridge CB2 2PW  Cambridgeshire
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu
Phone: 01223 240090
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Contact: Mrs. Ato  
Notes and Events:

The Nezang Buddhist Meditation Group
of Cambridge, England where Ato Rinpoche teaches meets every month (except August and December) 
on the 3rd Saturday at 2pm at Morley Memorial School, Blinco Grove (off Hills Road.)

Teachings and meditation instructions are given.
Telephone:  M. R. Baugh 01223 366 079

c/o Mrs Ato,

5 Sedley Taylor Road,

Cambridge CB2 2PW

Nirodha Insight Meditation Group

Address: Buddhist Center Sampo, Vetehisenkuja 3  Helsinki 00530
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana (insight) meditation
Phone: +358-40-8393281 / Juha Penttila
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Main Contact: Juha Penttila  Email  (Phone: +358-40-8393281)
Notes and Events:

We organize weekly sittings, practice days, courses, study groups, and silent meditation retreats. We gather every Tuesday at 6 PM in Buddhist Center Sampo, Helsinki, Finland. Our retreats are held in English; the teachers come from abroad, for example from Gaia House. Everybody is warmly welcome to practise insight meditation (vipassana) with us!

North London Zen Group

Address: North London Zen Group Highbury Roundhouse Community Centre 71 Ronalds Road   London N5 1XB
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Affiliation: International Zen Association (IZA)
Phone: 020 7732 3287
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Main Contact: Anette Fajardo  (Phone: 020 7732 3287)
Notes and Events:

The North London Zen Group meets 4 times weekly at the Highbury Roundhouse Community Centre to practice Zazen  - Zen Meditation - in the Soto Zen Tradition.  We are affiliated with Association Zen Internationale founded by Master Taisen Deshimaru and receive our spiritual guidance from Senior Dharma Teachers with this organisation. Introductions to our practice are held weekly on Thursday Evenings and everybody is welcome to come and join us regardless of experience.

North Oxfordshire Zen Group

Address: 6 Marlborough Place  Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 5DA
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai Gigen – Hakuin Ekaku Zenji
Affiliation: Chobo-ji Zen Temple, Seattle
Phone: 07901 836709
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Spiritual Director: Genjo Marinello Osho  
Main Contact: Justin Farquhar  Email  (Phone: 07901 836709)
Notes and Events:

North Oxfordshire Zen Group was created to allow people in North Oxfordshire and surrounding areas to practice traditional Zen Buddhism. The group is suitable for experienced practitioners and beginners alike, including those who wish to bring greater mindfulness into their lives without necessarily having an interest in Buddhism per se.

Our parent temple is Dai Bai Zan Cho Bo Zen Ji (Chobo-ji), in the Rinzai Gigen – Hakuin Ekaku Zenji Dharma Line and was founded by Zen Master Genki Takabayashi, in Seattle, USA, in 1983. Genjo Marinello Oshō succeeded Genki Roshi in 1999 as the second abbot of Chobo-ji.

Meetings are on Thursdays at 7pm,  practicing primarily ’silent awareness’ or shikantaza zazen meditation, walking meditation and dedication liturgy. There are also Zen retreats and other Zen-related events in the region on occasion.

Instruction for beginners is available.

Northants Buddhist Meditation Centre

Address: The Friends Meeting House, Northall Street, Kettering, Northants NN16 8DS   Kettering Northamptonshire NN16 8DS
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Karma Kagyu
Phone: 01536520000
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Lama: Ato Rinpoche  
Lama: Wangyal  
Main Contact: Bob Pollak  Email  
Teacher: Ringu Tulku Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

The Northants Buddhist Meditation Centre is an independent centre following the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. Anyone with an interest in Buddhism or who is just seeking to learn about meditation is welcome to attend.  The regular weekly programme consists of guided or silent meditation, readings from a Buddhist text and Chenrezig Puja on the last Monday of each month.  Visiting teachers: Ringu Tulku Rinpoche; Ato Rinpoche.

Northern Lights Sangha

Address:   Findhorn Scotland
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese Zen
Affiliation: Order of Interbeing
Phone: 01309 692253
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Spiritual Director: Thich Nhat Hanh  
Notes and Events:

Part of the world-wide Community of Interbeing founded by Vietnamses Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. Please contact Susanne (details above) for information about gatherings. Also, for more information about the wider Sangha in the UK, visit:

Norwich Buddhist Centre

Address: 14 Bank Street, Norwich NR2 4SE   Norwich
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Friends of the Western Buddhist Order
Phone: (01603) 627034
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Spiritual Director: Padmadaka  Email  (Phone: 01603 627 034)
Main Contact: Sudakini  Email  (Phone: 01603 627 034)
Notes and Events:

The Norwich Buddhist Centre is run by members of the Western Buddhist Order whose aim it is to make the teachings of Buddhism available in the modern world.

The Norwich Buddhist Centre is involved in teaching Buddhism and Buddhist Meditation to the general public. The meditation techniques taught at the Buddhist Centre consist of two simple practices, both of which are based on Mindfulness.

Visitors are welcome to the centre and the team provide workshops or courses for schools, community groups or professional bodies.  

Bookshop and daytime reception open for enquiries 12 till 3pm Monday to Friday.

Nottingham Chan Group

Address: Theosophical Lodege, Maid Marrion Way  Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG16AJ
Tradition: Mahayana, Chinese Zen (Chan)
Affiliation: Western Chan Fellowship
Phone: 01159242075
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Main Contact: Hilary Richards  Email  (Phone: 01159242075)
Teacher: John Crook  
Spiritual Director: Chan Master Sheng-yen Chan Master Sheng-yen  
Notes and Events:

We meet weekly on Tuesday evenings at the Theosophical Lodge on Maid Marion Way, Nottingham for meditation and discussion. We also hold day retreats (see the web site for details).

Oak Sangha

Address:   Hexham Northumberland
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese Zen
Affiliation: Community of Interbeing
Find on:
Spiritual Director: Thich Naht Hanh  
Notes and Events:

Part of the world-wide Community of Interbeing founded by Vietnamses Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. Please email Bernadette (email above) for information about gatherings. Also, for more information about the wider Sangha in the UK, visit:

Online Samatha course

Address: Sunnyside, 18A Main Street, Riccall,   York YO19 6PX
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Samatha Trust -
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Notes and Events:

Learn a gentle way to calm and inner strength through mindfulness of breathing, through a series of carefully designed stages. Online course including written guidance, group discussions and one-to-one Skype advice. Available for people anywhere.

Oxford Buddhist Centre (Triratna)

Address: 19 Paradise Street, Oxford, OX1 1LD   Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 1LD
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Triratna Buddhist Community
Phone: 01865 613562
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Notes and Events:

The Oxford Buddhist Centre is the hub of a thriving, friendly community of practising Buddhists. We run weekly meditation and Buddhism classes, courses, and study groups for all levels of experience, host events for Buddhist festival days, and run a couple of weekend retreats per year.
We're just one of many centres of the Triratna Buddhist Community, an international Buddhist movement based in over 20 countries. 

We no longer meet at Peace House so please see our website for details about our current venue. 


Oxford International Meditation Centre

Address: 51 Collinwood Road   Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 8HH
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 01865767456
Fax: 01865767456
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Chairperson: Ms Joanne Archbold  Email  
Spiritual Director: Rev Thalawathugoda Chandawimala  Email  (Phone: 01865767456)
Notes and Events:

Teaching meditation, Buddhism, giving advice to people in need via telephone, email, Skype, and our website. Meetings by appointment. Meditation class on Sundays.

Oxford Zen Group

Address: Peace House, 19 Paradise Street   Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 1LD
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Affiliation: International Zen Association UK
Phone: 07969 282243
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Contact: Ged  
Notes and Events:

The Oxford Zen group meets on Friday mornings and Wednesday evenings at Peace House, 19 Paradise Street, Oxford OX1 1LD.

Everybody is welcome to attend. Those who are new to our practice are invited to attend a brief introduction before zazen on Wednesday evenings.  Please contact us to arrange this.

For more information see the IZAUK website at

Affiliated to the International Zen Assocation founded by Master Taisen Deshimaru -

Padma Ling UK

Address:   Canterbury and Folkestone Kent
Tradition: Vajrayana, Ripa Lineage
Phone: 07969408960
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Main Contact: Jigme Choeying Dronkhar  Email  (Phone: 07969408960)
Teacher: Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: Gyetrul Jigme Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

We are part of a worldwide organisation; our main centre is in Switzerland. We are representative of the UK branch. Our spiritual director and main teacher, has been teaching worldwide for a number of years. He is now predominantly teaching in our main centre, yet still travels from time to time to give specific transmissions. We were fortunate to invite him to teach in the UK since 2003.

We are a rather small branch, here in the UK, in comparison to other countries in Europe. We meet weekly to practice Shinay Meditation, based on Rinpoche's instructions. We also practice some pujas on specific days of the lunar calendar. 

Our meetings alternate between the Canterbury and Folkestone area.

Palpung Changchub Dargye Ling

Address: 96 King Street   Brynmawr Wales NP23 4SY
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu 17th Karmapa Urgyen Trinley Dorje
Affiliation: Karma Kagyu
Phone: 01495313395
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Main Contact: Office  Email  (Phone: 01495313395)
Teacher: Choje Lama Rabsang  
Spiritual Director: HE Tai Situ Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

The centre offers weekly meditation classes, pujas, weekend courses and both group and solitary retreats. Library is open Mon-Fri 1-6pm.

Fridays 7-8pm Chenrezig Puja

Sundays 5-6pm Compassion and Calm Abiding Meditation

Tuesdays 7-8pm Meditation class

Warmly Welcome!

Palpung Ireland Buddhist Centre

Address: Railway View   Banteer, Co. Cork P51 NP64
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Phone: +353 29 56862
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Main Contact: Ani Chodron  Email  (Phone: +353 29 56862)
Teacher: Ani Chodron  
Spiritual Director: 12th Kenting Tai Situpa  
Notes and Events:

Palpung Ireland Buddhist Centres follow the Tibetan (Vajryana) tradition of Buddhism. We are of the Karma Kagyu Lineage. We are under the direction of the 12th Chamgon Kenting Tai Situ Pa Rinpoche, who is the abbot of Palpung Sherabling India and all Palpung monasteries and centres worldwide. 
Our resident teacher is Ani Chudron Lhamo, who is an Irish Buddhist nun.

Paramita Bonn

Address: Clemens-August-Str. 17 53115 Bonn   Bonn Nordrhein-Westfalen 53115
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 022896913571
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Teacher: Yesche U. Regel  
Main Contact: Yesche U. Regel  

Path Press

Tradition: Theravada, Buddhist Publisher
Affiliation: Path Press Publications
Main Contact: Bhikkhu H, Ñāṇasuvi  Email  
Notes and Events:

Path Press is a non-profit entity, which handles legal matters and holds the copyrights of all Ven. Ñāṇavīra Thera’s writings together with writings of Ven. Bodhesako and Sister Vajirā. It was founded in Sri Lanka in 1987 by Ven. Bodhesako. It is an entity with a small group of 4 bhikkhus and 3 layman (upāsakas) who are aspiring to make the late Ven. Ñāṇavīra Thera’s teachings more available for those who are interested.

‘Path Press’ was a name of convenience, originally intended to include those who, through the years, have contributed their various talents to bring Clearing the Path to realization. Path Press was not planned to be an ongoing publishing house. However, it now turns out that there remains sufficient worthwhile material from the writings of the Venerable Ñāṇavīra Thera to issue other volumes to the present work; and there are a few other writings, unpublished or now out of print, which, like Clearing the Path, are of high quality, worthy of publication or reprinting. Therefore it was established a publishing house, called ‘Path Press Publications’ (

Path to Awareness Meditation Retreat

Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 802-989-8363
Spiritual Director: Kathleen Walls  Email  (Phone: 802-989-8363)
Notes and Events:

The Path to Awareness Yoga and Meditation Retreat is an ongoing retreat located in Tuscany. Please visit our web page for more information.

Pebbles Sangha (Brighton)

Address: 66 Richmond Road  Brighton Sussex BN2 3RN
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hahn
Affiliation: Community of Interbeing
Phone: 0870 7773348
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Main Contact: Barry & Vivien Eliades  Email  (Phone: 0870 7773348)
Notes and Events:

The Pebbles Sangha meets in Brighton, on the south coast of England. We would like to invite you to join us on one of our meditation mornings.

Our practice is based on the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Zen Master and we are part of the UK Community of Interbeing.

We meet every first and third Saturday of the month. Please see our website for all the dates.

Pembrokeshire Buddhists

Tradition: Mahayana, Nichiren Buddhsim SGI
Affiliation: SGI-UK
Notes and Events: is the on-line home of Nichiren Buddhists, part of SGI-UK, practising in North South Pembrokeshire and Cardigan area.  Here you will find information about our practice with information links.   Most of our meetings take place in practitioners homes and are informal and friendly, guests are most welcome.  The website will act as a means to find out more about us and enable you to contact us should you wish to for further information or address of next meeting scheduled.  We are always ready to answer questions and welcome guests.  

Penzance Buddhist Meditation Group

Address: 33 The Close, Treneere, Penzance, Cornwall TR18 3NU  Penzance Cornwall TR18 3NU
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Friends of the Western Buddhist Order
Phone: 01736 874689
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Teachers: Visiting FWBO order members  
Contact: Wilf Frith  
Notes and Events:

After a break of a year or so, the group is hoping to resume in early 2010. The classes offer people the chance ot meditate together, using the Mindfulness of Breathing and the mettabhavana - i.e. the development of ‘loving-kindness’. Meditations will be guided to the extent that those present at any given time will require, so experienced meditators or novices are equally welcome. Time will also be put aside afterwards to discuss, share meditation experiences, difficulties, etc, also questions on any aspect of Buddhism.

Peterborough Triratna Buddhist Community

Address: c/o The Friends Meeting House, 21 Thorpe Road,   Peterborough Peterborough PE3 6AB
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Triratna
Affiliation: Triratna Buddhist Community
Phone: 01223 577553
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Notes and Events:

The Peterborough group meets on Monday evenings between 7pm and 9pm.

Classes begin with a lead meditation suitable for all levels of experience including beginners. Our main practices are the mindfulness of breathing and the metta bhavana. We typically meditate for around 30 minutes. Meditation cushions and chairs are provided.

The second half of the evening includes an exploration and discussion relative to the practise of Buddhism in the modern world.

Classes are offered free of charge. A donation towards the cost of the room hire is welcomed. Classes are open to all. Disabled facilities are provided.

Residential Retreats are available in conjunction with the Cambridge Buddhist Centre.

Pomegranate Sangha - Derbyshire

Address:   Chesterfield Derbyshire S41
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen (Vietnamese)
Affiliation: Community of Interbeing
Phone: 0777 862 5995
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Spiritual Director: Thich Nhat Hanh  
Notes and Events:

Meditation and Mindfulness Practice following the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. Regular meetings every Wednesday evening (unless notified on our website): arrive from 7.15 for a 7.30 start at the Friends Meeting House, 27 Ashgate Road, Chesterfield (map on website). No need to book, cost by donation.

Popkye-sa / Dharma Realm

Address: 3, ch. de la Cressonniere  Moiry 1148
Tradition: Mahayana, Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: General Buddhism with a Korean style
Phone: ++41-21-866-6616
Fax: same
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Spiritual Director: Mujin Sunim  Email  (Phone: ++41-21-866-6616)
Notes and Events:

Popkye-sa is a small monastery headed up by a bhikkhuni trained in both Theravada and Mahayana. Venerable Mujin Sunim welcomes anyone, both those who are curious about Buddhism as well as those who are already involved in practice. Come and have a cup of tea!

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