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Swinburne Buddhist Society

Address:   Dandenong, Victoria 3175
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 0405421706
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Notes and Events:

The organization is a religious charity that supports disadvantaged persons via volunteer training, community engineering education, multifaith chaplaincy and network.

PO Box 6263 Dandenong, Victoria 

Sydney Shambhala Buddhist Meditation Group

Address: 35-39 Dickson Street   Newtown NSW 2042
Tradition: Mahayana, Kagyu and Nyingma
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Main Contact: Louise Melov  Email  
Spiritual Director: Sakyong Miphan Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Mindfulness/awareness meditation is the foundation of all that we do at the Shambhala meditation group. This ancient practice of self-discovery is rooted in the simple but revolutionary premise that every human being has the ability to cultivate the mind’s inherent stability, clarity and strength in order to be more awake and to develop the compassion and insight necessary to care for oneself and the world genuinely.

The Sydney Group meets every Tuesday nite 5.45pm -7pm for sitting and walking meditation practise, dharma discussions and contemplation meditations. Instruction is provided to all new participants.

 Please contact Louise for instructions to get to the room.

Public Transport Access

Bus no.s 422 & 370 stop in King St Opp. Dickson St

Bus no.s 423, 426 & 428 stop at Newtown Station

Newtown Station – 10 minute walk

St Peter’s Station – 5 minute walk 

Sydney Zen Centre

Address: 251 Young Street, Annandale NSW 2038  NSW
Tradition: Mahayana, Diamond Sangha, Zen
Affiliation: Gorricks Run (Sydney Zen Centre Meditation Retreat)
Phone: 02) 9660 2993
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Teacher: Subhana Barzaghi, Roshi  
Notes and Events:

Zazen from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm is scheduled for Monday and Wednesday. Beginners should come on either Wednesday or Thursday evenings, arrive by 6.45pm and arrange to have a personal orientation during the evening with one of the senior students. After zazen, join the group for a cup of tea, and ask any questions that may have arisen for you during the evening. You can be sure that people before you have felt the same things, and had the same doubts.

• Zazenkai and Dharma talk (zazen from 8.30 until noon) takes place on the third Sunday of each month at Annandale. There is usually a Dharma talk at 10 am and personal interviews with a senior student when available.

• Samu Weekend: 4th weekend at Gorricks Run Centre.

Gorricks Run (Sydney Zen Centre Meditation Retreat)
A zen retreat facility, open during retreat times, set on rural land near St. Albans.

• Sesshin occurs several times a year, and offers the opportunity for intensive practice with a teacher, often including the ceremony of jukai, when students formally take the Precepts. Shorter retreats without the teacher are also held and a wide range of other activities. A calendar of coming events comes out every second month and is available free at the Zendo. Our journal, Mind, Moon, Circle, is published quarterly. Annual subscriptions are available or you can pick up a copy at the Zendo

Tara Institute

Address: 3 Mavis Avenue East Brighton Vic 3187  Vic
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa (FPMT)
Affiliation: FPMT
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Main Contact: Llysse Velez  Email  
Teacher: Ven. Geshe Doga  
Spiritual Director: Ani Rigsal  Email  (Phone: 03 9596 7410)
Notes and Events:

Notes and Events:

At Tara Institute, it is taught that by first listening to, then contemplating, meditating and putting into practice the Buddhas teachings, we can begin to generate a genuine sense of loving-kindness and further develop our positive inner qualities and wisdom, thereby equipping us to be of benefit to others and live more peaceful and meaningful lives.

Tara Institute is a Tibetan Buddhist centre providing classes in Buddhist philosophy and meditation for both beginners and more advanced students. We are affiliated with the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), a network of Buddhist centres in Australia and worldwide. The FPMT was founded under the spiritual guidance of Lama Yeshe and Kyabje Thubten Zopa Rinpoche. Tara Institute is a not-for-profit, religious, educational and charitable institute dedicated to preserving the Buddhas teachings. It supports itself through membership, benefactors, donations, residential rent and fundraising.

Downloadable newsletter outlining the monthly schedule, is available from their web site or can be posted to you for free for 4 months. Please contact the office on 03 9596 8900 for further details.

Monday 8pm
Introductory classes on meditation and Buddhist philosophy run in monthly blocks, beginning the first Monday of each month and led by senior students. A modest facility fee is requested.

Tuesday 8pm to 9.30pm
Study Group. Classes are taught by our resident Tibetan Lama, the Venerable Geshe Doga, and are divided into six-week segments throughout the year. Each segment includes four weeks of teachings, a discussion evening, and finally an exam or meditation on one of the subjects studied. Students make a commitment to attend a whole six-week series of classes. No facility fee.

Wednesday 8pm
General teachings by our resident Tibetan lama, the Venerable Geshe Doga, with practical advice on how to apply the Buddhas teachings to everyday life. No facility fee.

Weekend Courses
Generally run from 9am-5pm Saturday and Sunday; advertised via the Tara Institute newsletter which is downloadable from the web site. Fees apply. Some dormitory accommodation is available for people attending weekend courses.

Tara Institute has a well-stocked bookshop containing a wide range of titles covering Buddhist teachings from the introductory to the advanced, as well as Tibet-related and pictorial. There is a large selection of cards, malas (rosaries), ritual objects, candles and incense. A discount is offered to members of Tara Institute.

Traditional ceremonies that combine Tibetan chanting and English meditation. Dates and times are published in TIs newsletter. Offerings of food, flowers, lights and incense are welcome.

Healing Support
People with serious illnesses, and their carers or friends, meet on Wednesdays from 10am to 12.30pm at TI for meditation and advice-sharing as part of a Healing Support Group. The group is led by Bob Sharples and Venerable Carolyn Lawler. Open to people of all faiths and backgrounds.

Dining Room

Low cost 3-course vegetarian meals are available Monday to Wednesday from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. Please book through the Office by 3pm and pay at the kitchen on arrival.

Childrens Dharma Club
Held once a month on a Sunday from 10.30am-12pm. Stories, drawings, games.

Tara Kadampa Buddhist Centre

Address: 109 Leichhardt St,   Spring Hill Qld 4000
Tradition: Vajrayana, New Kadampa
Affiliation: Heruka Centre, Melbourne SA, Khedrubje Centre, Central Coast, Maitreya Centre, Adeleide., Bodhisattva Centre, Canberra, NSW., Dharmapala Centre, Perth W.A., Kadampa Meditation Centre Australia, Melbou
Phone: 0405 788 655
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Teacher: Kelsang Tsalden  
Spiritual Director: Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Notes and Events:

 Our meditation Centre is located on the edge of Brisbane CBD, five minutes walk from central station, and houses the extraordinary Kadampa Temple for World Peace. Our modern space is a peaceful oasis with air-conditioning and sound-proofing. Seating is available on comfortable chairs or meditation cushions on the floor.

The Centre includes a gift and bookshop, and provides a relaxed environment in which people from all walks-of-life can discover the benefits of meditation and modern Buddhism for themselves. Everyone is welcome!

Tara Meditation Centre

Address: 18 Clifton Street, Bunbury WA 6230   WA
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: 08 9791 9798
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Contact: Jim Aherne  
Teacher: Thubten Dondrub  
Main Contact: Director Julie Halse  
Spiritual Director: Glenda Lee  
Notes and Events:

( previously known as Hospice of Mother Tara)

We are on the corner of Wittenoom and Clifton St’s.

Plenty of parking available on Wittenoom St.

Please do not park on site.

Tashi Choling Dharma Foundation Inc. - Hobart Buddhist Meditation Centre

Address: Hobart Tasmania   Hobart TAS
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Dorje Ling Retreat Centre
Phone: 0432 630 796 (03) 62349404.
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Spiritual Director: Zasep Tulku Rinpoche.  
Notes and Events:

Tashi Choling Dharma Foundation is located in the island state of Tasmania, Australia. We are committed to the non-sectarian and generous presentation of the teaching of the Buddhadharma. Our Spiritual Director is Zasep Tulku Rinpoche.

 Every Tuesday : 7:30 — 9 pm: Buddhist teaching, meditation and discussion — For people wishing to deepen their understanding and maintain an ongoing practice. Led by senior students of our sangha. All welcome including beginners. No bookings are necessary, just turn up on the night.

Our meetings normally include meditation, a discussion topic on a Buddhist theme, and a chance for discussion. Sessions are led by senior students from the group.

 Our meetings are held on the 2nd floor of the Goulds building in Liverpool St.

Te Moata Retreat Centre

Address: 180 Paul Road   Tairua Coromandel 3544
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 021744503
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Manager: Lorraine Rastorfer  Email  (Phone: 021744503)
Manager: Jessie Birss  Email  (Phone: 647 8688798)
Main Contact: Jessie Birss  Email  (Phone: 07 8688798)
Notes and Events:

Te Moata hosts a range of mindfulness retreats, many with a Buddhist focus. Our centre is available for hire.

We have a regular Sangha night, 6-8: 30 pm Thursdays, please email to confirm your attendance. 

We also have cottages and cabins available for stays, between retreats.

Please see our website for upcoming events and subscribe to our newsletter. 

Tendai Buddhist Sangha of Australia

Address:   NSW
Tradition: Mahayana, Disciples of Ara Ryokan Japanese Tendai school
Affiliation: Tendai Shu (Tendai Sect) Hawaii Tendai Institute
Phone: 0405 682 419 email is the preferred contact
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Reverend: Jiryo Moxon  Email  (Phone: 0432 093 167)
Main Contact: Rev. Jikai Dehn  Email  (Phone: 0405 682 419)
Spiritual Director: Ara Ryokan  
Teacher: Rev. Jikai Dehn  
Notes and Events:

The Tendai Sangha of Australia is connected to the Tendai Hawaii Betsuin and Venerable Ara Ryokan. We have a Sangha in Sydney, New South Wales led by Rev. Jikai Dehn. And another in Brisbane, Queensland led by Jiryo Moxon.

Reverend Jikai Dehns Sydney Sangha currently holds Dharma lessons and services on Thursdays and Sundays. Service begins at 11:00 and ends at 12:00. Dharma lessons follow and last between an hour and an hour and a half. We also teach traditional Tendai Shikan meditation. Those wishing to attend are advised to email Reverend Jikai at .Reverend Jikai Dehn is also available for private services and lessons at other times. The following is a link giving a brief description of our Sydney Dojo:

Tharlam Ling Buddhist Centre Inc.

Address: 13 Gill St Kirwan 4817   Townsville 4817
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Phil Heang
Phone: +61070499026184
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Main Contact: Phil Heang  Email  (Phone: +61070499026184)
Teacher: Phil Heang  
Spiritual Director: Lama Choedak  
Notes and Events:

Tharlam Ling Buddhist Centre Inc conducts 8 week Calm Abiding Meditation Classes at Jame Cook University Chaplaincy, Townsville.

The Centre has retreats with lama Choedak. Presently there is a non residental retreat held over a weekend in May and a three day residential retreat.

The three day residential retreat held at Mt Spec, north of Townsville for 2012 will be  from 14 - 17 September 2012.

One day retreats are also planned for James Cook University Chaplaincy, approximately every three months.

Tharlam Ling also hosts visits from school children who ask questions about Buddhist Beliefs and Practices.

Chaplaincy service is provided to James Cook University and The Townsville Hospital and to anyone who phones the Centre.

Tharpa Choeling Australia - Wellington Buddhist Centre

Address: 166 Arthur Street   Wellington NSW 2820
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Tibetan - Gelug
Affiliation: Tharpa Choeling Abbey
Phone: 02 68454661
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Main Contact: The Sangha  Email  (Phone: 0268454661)
Teacher: Gen Thubten Tenzin  
Notes and Events:

Buddhism for a kinder world. Tharpa Choeling Australia is a Buddhist organisation situated in Central West/Western Plains NSW. We offer meditation, workshops and many other Buddhist activities from our beautiful Garden Dharma centre in Wellington NSW. We run meditation classes in Dubbo and Bathurst and we also aim to provide access to Buddhism for those who have trouble doing so, through our website and various outreach programs. We are a member of the Buddhist Council of NSW and take His Holiness the Dalai Lama as the head of our lineage.

The Pointing Out Style of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Meditation

Address: Studio 5/Suite 1 722 Bourke Street   Redfern NSW 2010
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma, Kagyu, and Bon
Affiliation: Rahob Rinpoche, H.H. Menri Trizin, Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Phone: +61 4 1868 7313
Fax: +1 514 669 3465
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Main Contact: Harvey Feldstein  Email  (Phone: +61 4 1868 7313)
Teacher: Dan Brown, PhD  
Spiritual Director: Dan Brown, PhD.  Email  (Phone: +1 (617) 244-1099)
Notes and Events:

Unique Opportunity to attend Dan Browns "The Pointing Out Style of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, Level 1" in Sydney,  14-21 April 2013

For additional information on Dan Brown, the Pointing Out Style Course Descriptions, and worldwide schedule see:

The pointing-out style is an ancient method of teaching meditation, grounded in the wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism and the dynamic relationship between student and teacher. Structured methodology leads the meditator through increasing levels of concentration and insight, to profound “crossing over” instructions, the very gateway to awakening. With roots in Mahamudra and Dzogchen lineages, this 7-day retreat with Dan Brown has been created to give participants both the understanding and the skills required to practice and master these precious teachings. 

For more information and to register for the Sydney Level 1 Retreat, go to:

What: Level 1 Pointing Out Way Retreat 

Where: Chevalier Center, 1 Roma Ave, Kensington NSW 2033 Australia 

When: Sunday 14th April—Sunday 21st April, 2013 

Harvey Feldstein— 

Linda Feldstein— 

The Sit In

Address: The Bhakti Tree, 410 Maitland Road, Mayfield West   Newcastle NSW 2300
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 0497075899
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Notes and Events:

Community based Sangha providing support in practice.

We meet Monday evenings at 7pm. 

The Teacher of Presence

Address:   Perth 6003
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 0435289559
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Spiritual Director: Duc-Minh Pham  Email  (Phone: 0435289559)
Main Contact: Duc-Minh Pham  Email  (Phone: 0435289559)
Teacher: Duc-Minh Pham  
Notes and Events:

I am a spiritual teacher, based in Perth, Western Australia.

I offer face-to-face sessions in Perth or virtual sessions worldwide. 

The Vishrant Buddhist Society

Address:   Perth 6000
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: +61 438 831 883
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Office & Marketing Manager: Tosh  Email  (Phone: +61 433 001 648)
Spiritual Director: Prem Vishrant  
Teacher: Prem Vishrant  
Main Contact: Darshana  Email  (Phone: +61 438 831 883)
Notes and Events:

The Vishrant Buddhist Society promotes awareness of the pragmatic teachings of Buddhism to support seekers toward higher consciousness, heart and enlightenment.

Our ability to be open and remain uncontracted in any situation or circumstance is mastery of the mind. This degree of equanimity can be cultivated through practices such as meditation, mindfulness, acceptance and openness to all that life offers. The result is the easing of suffering and is part of the Buddhist path to attaining enlightenment.

Buddhism is a way of life, which in essence is The Way of the Heart. The style of Buddhism practiced here encourages development of Heart through giving and taking care of others, and the removal of mental obstacles to freedom through meditation and active practice of the Dharma.

For more information please visit

The Yoga Space

Address: 6/1251 Hay Street   West Perth WA 6005
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: None
Phone: 0892435114
Fax: 0892435224
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Mr: Robert Schutze  Email  (Phone: 9243 5114)
Main Contact: Marie Martin  Email  (Phone: 0413244217)
Spiritual Director: Dr Jean Byrne  Email  (Phone: 92435114)
Teacher: Dr Jean Byrne  
Notes and Events:

Mindfulness Meditation

We offer non sectarian day long retreats. Also we offer Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), an 8 week meditation course which introduces people to the basics of mindfulness practice and includes daily homework and a one day retreat. Three decades of research have highlighted the positive effects of the MBSR program from improving genral health and chronic illness.

Teachers Jean Byrne and Rob Schutze are long term meditation practitioners. Their study of Buddhsim began with Theravadan practcie and later they began to sit Zazen (Kwan Um School and Diamond Sangha). Jean has a PhD in Eastern philosophy and has lectured in Buddhism at the University of Queensland and Bond University.

Theravada Myanmar Buddhist Society

Address: 50 Butterworth Avenue   Koondoola WA 6060
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 618 6162 2975
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Secreatary: Myint Aung  Email  (Phone: 0401 251 711)
Main Contact: Stuart Michael Fontyne  Email  (Phone: 0413 736 198)
Social Manager: Kyaw Mya Zaw  Email  (Phone: 0401 972 073)
Notes and Events:

The name of the Organization shall be called Theravada Myanmar Buddhist Society Inc. henceforth, will be known as the “Society”. The source of definition derived from the Theravada Buddhism, (henceforth the “Tradition”) practiced in Myanmar. It is the dominant and only Buddhist tradition or Buddhism, adhered to and practiced in Myanmar, accepted as the true teaching of Gotama the Buddha (henceforth, the Buddha) as taught by the Buddha, in its pristine form.

Welcome to all, to share and practise the Dhamma, handed down by the Orderly Venerable Teachers.

Daily Activities:
7:00 pm Learning Suttas
8:00 pm Learning Abhidhamma
9:00 pm Learning Meditation
Weekends Activities:
8 hours mindfulness and meditation practices (Saturday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm)
Individual or group of Burmese Language Learning (Weekends after 4:30 pm)

Special Activities:
Praising Dharmacakra, Patthana, etc.
Practicing Vipassana meditation for several days continuously

Thubten Shedrup Ling Monastery

Address: 25 Sandhurst Town Road   Myers Flat Vic 3556
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan-Gelugpa
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: +613 5446 3691
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Main Contact: Director  Email  
Spiritual Director: Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Getting to Thubten Shedrup Ling Monastery

The monastery is located at Myers Flat near Eaglehawk, north-west of Bendigo in central Victoria.
Trains run regularly between Melbourne and Bendigo.
A bus service is available from Melbourne airport to Bendigo.
If you are staying at the monastery we can arrange transport from Bendigo.

Visiting hours are on Saturday and Sunday afternoons between 2pm and 5pm.
Otherwise by appointment please.

We are happy to provide information regarding accommodation for retreats. Please call or email.

Private consultations may be arranged by appointment.

Thunderbolt Retreat Centre

Address: Armidale   NSW
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Zasep Tulku Rinpoche and Diamond Mountain University
Phone: 0402500578
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Main Contact: Ben  (Phone: 0402500578)
Notes and Events:

Places available for short or long term retreat.
Please call to enquire.

Tibetan Buddhist Healing Practices

Address: Atkinson House, 1st Floor, 145 Stanley Street   Townsville Qld 4810
Tradition: Gelugpa
Affiliation: Australian Institute of Tibetan Healing Practices, Sydney
Phone: 0423075575
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Teacher: Gen-la Chris Yangchen  
Notes and Events:

Overcoming Problems – 2017 course enrolment now open

Overcome Stress, Anxiety, Anger, Transform Adversity; relevant – practical – life changing

Overcoming Problems was formally recognised in 2008 as a new form of Buddhism for Westerners to overcome problems.

The course founder, Gen Chris Yangchen, is a Tibetan Buddhist nun and has been teaching for 26 years.

These innovative classes:

Have an openness that allows you to explore for yourself

Take a holistic approach to overcoming stress & negative habits

Include meditation and mindfulness

are multidimensional and down to earth

are remarkably insightful and resonate on a personal level

improve relationships with others

are user friendly for those who want to change

demystify mind, western culture and conditioning

are taught with humour, understanding and compassion

Course starts Wednesday 23rd of August 2017 at 6:50pm (late enrolments close 20th September 2017)

Level 1, 145 Stanley Street, Townsville City

0423 075 575

Patron:  H.H. Khalkha Rinpoche, Head of the Jonang Tradition & Buddhism in Mongolia

Spiritual Director: His Eminence Khejok Rinpoche

Tibetan Buddhist Institute Inc Thekchen Shedrub Choeling)

Address: 8 Ross Avenue   Flinders Park SA 5025
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelukpa
Phone: 08 8351 8788
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Geshe: Jampa Gyaltsen  
Main Contact: Nawang Thubten  (Phone: 08 8351 8788)
Teacher: Ven Khensur Kangurwa Rinpohce  
Spiritual Director: Nawang Thubten (Tenzin Dhargye)  Email  (Phone: 0418 847 016)
Ven: Jampa Tenzin  
Notes and Events:

Teachings at our centre are traditional and authentic, by one of the original Lamas who escaped from Tibet with His Holiness Dalai Lama, Ven Khensur Rinpoche.  He is very ably assisted by Geshe Jampa Gyaltsen, who was carefully chosen by Rinpoche, because of his extremely high academic and philosphical achievements, coupled with his great reverence for the teachings, his spontaneous and accurate insights and soft demeanour. His Holiness has described him as being "ïn the inner circle of my friends.

We usually hold an annual 11 day retreat in October, and many weekend teaching workshops throughout the year.  Ven Rinpoche gives initiations into Highest Yoya Tantra Deities, and various other teaching events.

We also have other classes, run by our Sangha and advanced students: Learn to Meditate, Introduction to Buddhism, Compassion and Medicine Buddha Meditation Days, Healing Meditation Days, Practice Days, Vajrayogini, Yamantaka, Green Tara, Chenrezig, Medicine Buddha Practices, Guru Pujas.  

Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute

Address: 1584 Burwood Hwy,   Belgrave Vic 3160
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Jonang
Phone: (03) 9754 6212
Fax: (03) 9754 6214
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Teacher: Khentrul Jamphel Lodro Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: Khentrul Jamphel Lodro Rinpoche  Email  (Phone: (03) 9754 6212)
Notes and Events:

The Tibetan Buddhist Rime Institute was founded in 2006 under the direction of Tibetan Lama Khentrul Rinpoche in Melbourne, Australia. It teaches the Ri-me view of harmony within all Buddhist traditions and respect for all spiritual traditions. In addition, it is introducing the extremely precious, rare and unique Jonang Kalachakra lineage teachings in the western world, with the hope that these will flourish.

The Ri-me view means to understand the uniqueness of the teachings of all different traditions and be able to view these in a non-contradictory way, so they can benefit everyone.

In the western world we already have a very extensive education system which gives us a good understanding of the external world. However, there is very limited opportunity to learn how to control our thoughts and emotions and master the inner world. If we engage in this type of training, it can give us powerful inner strength and a deep level of happiness, which is independent of outside circumstances. Learning this wisdom in a Ri-me way is a most rare and precious opportunity, which can bring harmony, unity, appreciation and genuine love to the members of groups, communities and families, and within any relationship. The teachings give us practical and profound wisdom in a simple way for the benefit of everyone, regardless of one\\\'s beliefs or background, and can help us achieve a meaningful life.

For those who already have a solid foundation in Buddhism, the institute provides authentic Mahayana and Vajrayana teachings and opportunities for retreat. Our main goal is to propagate on the Kalachackra Tantra, which we are very privileged to be able to share, as it is a powerful practice for individual and world peace.

The Institute also undertakes many projects, one example being the fascinating annual tour of Tibet, with the goal of experiencing and learning about a different way of viewing life, along with a different culture, lifestyle  and authentic spirituality. Through this we can develop an enriched attitude, wisdom and inner capacity, helping us discover true happiness within ourselves. Also we have the opportunity to spend money in a most beneficial way, supporting people with extremely poor healthcare and in need of basic education.

Activities at the Institute include:

Meditation for beginners: Tuesdays 7.30pm - 9.00pm, Wednesdays 1.00pm - 2.30pm and Sundays 10.00am - 11.30am

Introduction to Buddhist philosophy for beginners: Wednesdays 7.30pm - 9.00pm

Advanced Buddhist philosophy: Thursdays 7.30pm - 9.00pm.

Tibetan Buddhist Society

Address: 274 Campersic Road, Herne Hill, WA 6056   WA
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
Phone: (08) 9296 0086
Find on:
Teacher: Les Sheehy  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Geshe Thubten Loden  
Notes and Events:

Venue: 274 Campersic Road, Herne Hill, WA, 6056
Tuesdays: General class 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Sundays - Introduction courses: once a term for 5 weeks.

Tibetan Buddhist Society (Sydney)

Address: now online   Sydney NSW
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa
Phone: (02) 9969 6235, or 0419 227 535 or (02) 9362 9327
Find on:
Teacher: Ven. Chris Wilkins  
Notes and Events:

 SYDNEY: For information, please phone 0411473584

MELBOURNE: 20 Cookes Road, Yuroke, VIC., 3163 / p: 03 93331770

PERTH: 274 Campersic Road, Herne Hill, W.A., 6056 / p: 08 92960086

Tig-Le House - Margaret River

Address: 11 Tingle Avenue   Margaret River WA 6285
Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Non-Sectarian, Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche, Lama Karma Chime Shore, Burmese Theravadin, Karma Kagyu (Tibetan),
Phone: 0408952151
Find on:
Main Contact: Office manager  Email  
Teacher: Ian Hackett  
Notes and Events:

Tig-Le House is an independent community-based dharma teaching house located in Wardandi - Pibelmum Boodja in the Margaret River Region, Southwest, Western Australia.

We hold regular secular-sacred traditional and contemporary mindfulness and meditation teaching, training and practice sessions, Buddhist studies, Ecodharma retreats, Puja and ceremonies. All are welcome.

A cross-cultural universal dharma tradition stemming from the Lineage of the late Ven. Karma Tenzin Dorje Namgyal Rinpoche, Ananda Bodhi, Leslie George Dawson 1931 – 2003. Training and study based in the Mon. Burmese Theravadin and Karma Kagyu traditions. This lineage tradition passed on to us through Lama Karma Chime Shore.

You can find out more about Tig-Le House here Mindfulness and meditation, Dharma Centre, Buddhist studies, Retreats, (

Tig-Le House - Ian Hackett

11 Tingle Avenue,

Margaret River, W.A., 6285.


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