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Ordinary Mind Zen Melbourne

Address: PO Box 136 Kangaroo Ground Vic 3097   Vic
Tradition: Mahayana, Western
Affiliation: Ordinary Mind Zen
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Main Contact: Tom Fisher  
Teacher: Geoff Dawson (Dharma Successor of Charlotte Joko Beck)  
Notes and Events:

Meets on the fourth Sunday of every month at Kangaroo Ground, and on the second Sunday of each month at the Augustine Centre, Hawthorn.
Geoff Dawson visits to lead sesshin a number of times each year.

Ordinary Mind Zen Melbourne group is planning two visits by Geoff
Dawson to Melbourne for the second half of 2009 - the first will be an introductory workshop on the 11th of July. There will also be a four day meditation intensive over the Cup long weekend from 31st October to the 3rd of November in Lower Plenty. Costs for both will be kept to a minimum.

Ordinary Mind Zen School

Address: Suite 4/188 Pacific Highway, North Sydney   North Sydney NSW 2060
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen, western
Phone: (02) 9955 0110
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Notes and Events:

The group is led by Geoff Dawson.

The Ordinary Mind Zen School is evolving a style of Zen that is adapted to Western temperaments and ways of life but maintains the rigour and discipline of its traditional roots.Located in Sydney the group meets weekly on Tuesdays from 7 pm to 9 pm at Suite 4/188 Pacific Highway, North Sydney 2060

(Look for the Alexander Technique Institute sign on the front of building then up the stairs)

Zazenkais are held most months from 9am - 1pm. Sesshins are conducted during the year as advertised please see the website for more details.

Original Nature Meditation Centre

Address:   Wellington Wellington
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Insight Meditation
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Teacher: Stephen Archer  
Notes and Events:

Our vision is to promote the practice and realization of being fully awake to the truth of our experience.

We recognise that this radical awareness, while inherent and completely natural, demands a profound and disciplined inquiry to bring to fruition.

Sustaining this inquiry, encouraging suitable meditation practices and supporting the growth of a community of practitioners is the work of Original Nature.

Becoming fully present to our experience naturally evokes a response of reverence, compassion and joy. These qualities are the heart of our teaching and practice.

Original Nature Meditation Centre is founded on the ethical principles of the Buddha-dharma. Our work is dedicated to nurturing wisdom and peace in ourselves and others, and for the benefit of all beings.

We acknowledge with gratitude the lineage of our past and present teachers and we belong primarily to the Insight/Vipassana strand of the Buddhist tradition.

Origins Centre - Study and Retreat Centre

Address: 153-157 Jayes Road, Balingup PO Box 161, Balingup, 6253   WA 6253
Tradition: Theravada, Vajrayana, Tibetan, Karma Kagyu and Burmese Theravda teaching
Phone: (08) 9764 1109 (08) 9764 1275
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Contact: Centre Manager  
Main Contact: Tobias Newman (centre manager)  
Spiritual Director: Karma Chime Shore  
Notes and Events:

We are a respite/retreat/activity centre governed by Origins Centre in Western Australia, a charitable not-for-profit NGO founded in 1983.

Situated on 10 acres the Centre is surrounded by beautiful gardens, trees and native bush and is on the Bibbulmun Track and Balingup Brook.

We welcome all for respite, retreat and personal or group activity: yoga groups, health groups, meditation, carers/caring organisations, bush walkers, activists, environmental or school/youth groups, art groups and individuals - all have used Origins. There is a resident Manager and Caretaker.      

Tig-le House at 266 Oxford Street, Leederville in Perth, Western Australia, is a community based house offering a regular Wednesday program of art, gardening, meetings, body work, lunch and a 5.30pm mindfulness practice.

Tig-le opened in 2000 to support open exploration as well as Dharma Teachings in Perth. It has monthly gatherings and study groups with a guest teacher or facilitator.

For more information or to be put on our email list for upcoming events contact:

Anne Clark
Tig-le House,
266 Oxford Street
Leederville 6007
Western Australia

phone (08)94439639

Parami Dhamma Centre

Address: 18 Hillwa St  Villawood NSW 2163
Tradition: Theravada, Burmese, all are welcome
Phone: 02-9726 4126
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Notes and Events:

Used for  Lay meetings/ Dhamma talks by visiting Lay and Sangha teachers / special events.

Parikaruna Literature and Education Centre

Address: 3188 Wombeyan Caves Road   Bullio NSW 2575
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Yinshun Foundation Taiwan
Phone: +61 2 4888 9163
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Main Contact: Bhiksuni Yan Rong  Email  
Notes and Events:

Parikaruna Literature and Education Centre Ltd is a registered charity in Australia. Our aim is to translate the Chinese scriptures and teachings into English and publish these texts for distribution to the public.

The Chinese Buddhist scriptures are a treasure trove of wisdom and compassion that can inspire and guide us in our busy and chaotic modern lives. We hope that our translations can help the English speaking audience to access and benefit from this eternal wisdom.

Pathway Zen

Address:   Brisbane & Darwin
Tradition: Mahayana, Sanbo Zen
Phone: 0429 600 308
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Teacher: Arno Hess  
Notes and Events:

Pathway Zen offers a full program of Zen practice including weekly meditation groups in Brisbane and Darwin and regular day retreats and sesshins.

All welcome, please view our website for more details.

Perth Insight Meditation Group

Address: P.O.Box 1611, Fremantle. 6959. Venue: Beacon Yoga Centre, 151 South St, Beaconsfield 6162   WA
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana, Ven. Mahasi Sayadaw (Burmese)
Phone: 08.9335 3847
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Main Contact: Anne Del Fante  Email  (Phone: 08 9758 8631 and 0417 996 787)
Notes and Events:

About Us

"The Perth Insight Meditation Group is a group of Dhamma practitioners who invite meditation teachers from around the world to conduct retreats in Perth."

The Perth Insight Meditation Group is a not-for-profit organization with a small group of people who support meditation retreats in Perth. As the group has strengthened over a 13 year period, several retreats are organized annually, led by a range of visiting lay and ordained teachers.

PIMG invites both lay and ordained teachers from around the world to visit Perth to lead retreats. Ordained teachers include: Venerable Bhante Gunaratana, Venerable Sujiva, Sayadaw U Lakhana, Daw Ariya Nani, Sayalay Dipankara Lay teachers include: Patrick Kearney (NSW), Steve Armstrong and Kamala Masters (USA), Guy Armstrong and Sally Clough (USA), Sky Dawson (Perth).

About Vipassana

Vipassana or Mindfulness practice is simple and direct. It is the moment-to-moment investigation of the mind/body process through calm, open and precise awareness. Learning to observe experience from a place of spacious stillness enables one to relate to life with a balance of wisdom and compassion. This experience fosters insight into the nature of who we are and increased peace in our daily lives

Beacon Yoga Centre,
151 South Street,
Beaconsfield 6162

Phap Loa Buddhist Meditation Centre

Address: 17 Athol Road, Noble Park, VIC 3174   Vic
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen (Thien), Vietnamese ,Truc Lam sect.
Phone: (03) 9574 6061
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Spiritual Head: Ven. Thich Thanh Tu  
Main Contact: Tony Foster  Email  (Phone: 03 9587 5703 Mobile: 0405000606)
Contact: Ven. Thich Thong Giac  
Notes and Events:

Resident monks: Thich Kien Chan and Thich Thong Giac. Thich Thong Giac studied under Thich Thanh Tu, a renowned Vietnamese Zen master.

Available at the centre: Private consultation six days per week. A Dharma talk every Sunday afternoon. Books, audio and videotapes in Vietnamese and in some other languages, including English. Drop-in meditation available for everyone, capacity of up to sixty people. Retreats conducted at least twice per year depending on demand. Attendance is completely free including accommodation and food.

Time table:
Daily (Monday to Saturday)
5 am - 7am, morning meditation session;
7 am - 8am, breakfast;
8 am - 12 ndoon, house cleaning duties;
Private consultation available upon completion.
12 pm - 1pm, lunch;
1pm - 2 pdm, rest period;
2.30 pm - 4.30pm, afternoon meditation session;
Private consultation available upon completion.
5 pm - 6pm, walking meditation;
6 pm -7 pm, chanting;
7pm -7pm, light tea;
8 pm -9pm, evening meditation session;
9 pm - 10.30pm, personal studies;
11pm - bedtime.

Sunday timetable is the same except from 2 pm up to 6 pm
2 pm - 3.30 pm, meditation; 3.30 pm - 6 pm, Dharma Talk

Pho Quang Temple

Address: 19 Bradford Place WA   Marangaroo WA 6064
Tradition: Mahayana, Pure Land
Affiliation: Congregation of Vietnamese Buddhists in WA
Phone: 08 9343 3230
Fax: 08 9343 1446
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Teacher: Abbot: Ven. Thich Phuoc Nhon  
Notes and Events:

Venue: 19 Bradford Place, Marangaroo, WA, 6064
Sundays Chanting  1:00pm to 4:00pm

Phoenix Zen Centre-Brisbane

Address: 3 Albury Street   Deagon Qld 4017
Tradition: Mahayana, International Kwan Um School of Zen
Affiliation: Mu Sang Sa is the head temple of Asia and as such the Phoenix Zen Centre
Phone: 07 3269 7393
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Main Contact: Dae Haeng  Email  (Phone: 07 3269 7393)
Teacher: Founding Abbot Dae Haeng  
Notes and Events:

Practice times Monday and Wednesday 7-9 PM

Sunday 8 am - 12.30

Monthly : 1 day retreats 

Plon Tayaw Pratta Monastery

Address: 3694 Geelong-Ballan Road   Mt Wallace, Vic 3342
Tradition: Theravada, Burmese, Karen ( ethnic minority group)
Affiliation: Melbourne Karen Buddhist Association
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Notes and Events:

The objectives of the Melbourne Karen Buddhist Association (MKBA) are;
• To preserve and promote the doctrines of Buddha;
• To support the Buddhist monks and nuns residing in Australia;
• To practice in building up understanding and friendship with other Buddhist Associations and other religious organisations established in Australia;
• To observe the preservation and progress of the culture, tradition and literature of Karen nationality;
• To practice the preservation of the culture, precedent and tradition of the Karen Nationality;
• To observe social support to the Karen nationality who are arriving and are trying to settle in Australia.

Plum Village South Australia

Address:   Adelaide 5000
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen (Thien) Buddhism
Affiliation: Plum Village (Thich Nhat Hanh)
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Notes and Events:

Central body for Plum Village Communities & Students of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in South Australia, holding retreats, events, and building community.

Port Fairy Buddhist Community

Address: P.O. Box 61   Port Fairy Vic
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Triratna
Phone: +613 55682413 Mobile 0412 366 883
Fax: 613 55682013
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Main Contact: Sanghamati  Email  
Notes and Events:

Weekly Meditation and Discussion Evenings

The Port Fairy Sangha meets each Tuesday evening for Meditation and discussion.
If you are interested in attending, please contact Sanghamati: 55682413 or 0412 366883

Potowa Buddhist Group

Address: 1 Shiralee Place   Wagga NSW
Tradition: Vajrayana, Gelugpa
Affiliation: FPMT and Vajrayana Institute, ( Sydney )
Phone: 04 3182 0663
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Main Contact: Coordinator Peir Woon  
Teacher: Ven. Chokyi ( advisor )  
Spiritual Director: Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Phone: 04 3182 0663 (if you are calling from within Australia)

Phone: +61 431 820 663 (if you are calling from outside Australia)

Find us on:

Facebook: @potowawagga

Twitter: @potowabuddhist

Instagram: @potowabuddhist

Skype name : potowagroup

Our purpose

We are a non-profit Buddhist group based in Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia. Guided by Vajrayana Institute in Sydney, we offer programs that promote study and development of the mind in accordance to the wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism. We are committed to provide the opportunity for people to fully realise their natural wisdom and compassion; achieve transformation of their minds and hearts in order to benefit all sentient beings. 

Pure Land Learning College Association,

Address: 57 West Street   Toowoomba, Qld 4350
Tradition: Mahayana, Pureland Chinese
Affiliation: Pureland College Association Inc.
Phone: 7-4637-8765
Fax: 7-4637-8764
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Master Ching Kung  
Notes and Events:

Our goal is twofold:

to provide a good learning environment for students

who aspire to learn and practice Pure Land Buddhism and the teachings of the sages,

and to train and nurture successors to continue the propagation of Buddhism.

To accomplish this, the PLLCA first emphasizes the foundation studies of

Guidelines for Being a Good Person,

Accounts of Request and Response, Changing Destiny,

the Ten Virtuous Karmas Sutra, and Precepts for Novice Monks.

These texts are the foundation in the study of

morality, ethics, causality, wisdom, and science.

Building on this foundation, students will progress to advanced studies

in the five Pure Land sutras and one treatise.

Pureland Learning Center of Victoria

Address: 551 Burwood Hwy   Knoxfield Vic 3180
Tradition: Mahayana, Pure Land Chinese
Affiliation: Pure Land Learning College of Toowoomba, Queensland
Phone: (+61-3) 9887 1557
Fax: (+61-3) 9803 7497
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Teacher: Venerable Master Wu Xing  
Spiritual Director: Venerable Master Chin Kung  
Contact: Ellen Cheng  
Notes and Events:

The Pure Land Learning Center is a non-profit incorporated association and was granted Tax Exempt status by the ATO in 2001. The center devotes its full effort in introducing the concept of Buddhism as an education. It guides us to be filial, respectful to our teachers, cherish our traditional values, and promote multicultural understanding between different religious and ethnic groups as The Buddha explained "WE ARE ALL ONE ENTITY".

We conduct weekly meditation, Dharma lectures, and supply free Dharma materials. All services are free of charge and everyone is welcome to join us. We follow the instruction of the Buddha to deliver his teaching to anyone who has needs or is interested in Buddhism, without discrimination and conditions.  We hope everyone who practices according to the teachings will benefit spiritually and physically, and will prosper in whatever they are doing. Only then can there be harmony among people, and world peace.

Our center is affiliated with the Pure Land Learning College of Toowoomba, Queensland. We operate independently from the college in the financial and management aspects, however, we share the same mission and objectives and receive guidance from the same master, Venerable Chin Kung.

Quang Duc Buddhist Temple

Address: 85-105 Lynch Road, Fawkner Vic 3060   Vic
Tradition: Mahayana, (Vietnamese)
Affiliation: The United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation in Australia-New Zealand Head Monastery
Phone: (03) 9357 3544 Mobile 0450.378867
Fax: 9357 3600
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Main Contact: Ven. Thich Nguyen Tang  Email  
Teacher: Abbot: Ven. Thich Tam Phuong  
Notes and Events:

Regular program:

• Monday and Saturday, 6 pm - 8 pm: Recitation of sutras and sitting meditation. This includes training in meditation, from beginners to advanced level.

• Sunday: 9 am - 4 pm: Many activities, including sitting meditation, sutra recitation, Vietnamese Buddhist youth activities, Vietnamese language course for children, Buddhist doctrines, teachings and discussion.

Quang Minh Temple

Address: 18 Burke Steet   Braybrook Vic 3019
Tradition: Mahayana, Thien Thai (Vietnamese)
Affiliation: The United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation Of Australia - New Zealand
Phone: (03) 9312 5729
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Main Contact: Tony Le-Nguyen  Email  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Thich Phuoc Tan  Email  
Teacher: Ven. Thich Phuoc Thai  
Notes and Events:

Quang Minh Temple is a centre for the Vietnamese Buddhist community in Victoria, as well as the office of the United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of Victoria. The Temple is situated about twelve kilometres west of Melbourne’s CBD, overlooking the gentle Maribyrnong River.

Queensland Zen Centre (Dae Kwang Sa)

Address: 31 Lingle Street Robertson Qld 4109 Qld   Qld
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen, Korean
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: (07) 3219 4110
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Main Contact: Shim Kwang  
Teacher: Zen Master Sen Shin ,resident teacher.  
Notes and Events:

Notes and Events:

Founded in 1989 by the late teacher Zen Master Seung Sahn, internationally renowned Grand Master of the Kwan Um School of Zen, the Queensland Zen Centre – Dae Kwang Sa or “Great Light Temple” is a residential training temple for students of Zen Buddhism. 

The temple offers a training program consisting of daily meditation practice, monthly retreats, and introductory courses for persons interested in discovering their life direction.  In awakening the Bodhisattva ideal, one’s essence is realized and spontaneously functions for the benefit of all beings.

The formal aspects of Zen training consist of sitting and bowing meditation, chanting of sutras, and kong-an practice, a process of direct inquiry into one’s true nature as it appears in each moment.  The temple’s resident teacher oversees all aspects of Zen training including giving Dharma talks and kong-an interviews.

The temple’s resident teacher is Zen Master Sen Shin.  An ordained nun since 1990, Zen Master Sen Shin received transmission in Zen Master Seung Sahn’s lineage from Zen Master Dae Gak in 2006.

Zen Master Sen Shin also oversees the teaching at the Queensland Zen Centre’s practice groups at Nundah (Nundah Zen Group) in Brisbane and at Runaway Bay (Gold Coast Zen Group) at the Gold Coast.


Address: website   NSW
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Main Contact: Bhante Akāliko  Email  
Notes and Events:

Rainbodhi is a spiritual friendship group for LGBTQIA+ Buddhists and an advocate for more inclusion and diversity in the broader Buddhist community. We offer meditation, Dhamma discussion and social events in a safe, supportive environment. We welcome everyone regardless of race, gender, sexuality, or ability. Rainbodhi is a non-sectarian Buddhist group, welcoming people from all faiths or with no faith. All our events are free.

Our name combines two words; rainbow representing our diverse community and bodhi the Buddhist concept of Enlightenment. We believe in inclusion, compassion and wisdom.

Raj Malik

Address: 15 Heseltine Street, ACT  Denman Prospect 2611
Tradition: Vajrayana
Phone: 0433264105
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Spiritual Director: Lama Choedak Rinpoche  Email  

Red Hat Temple

Address: 110 McHales Road   Chorlton, Banks Penninsula RD3 Canterbury 7583
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma
Affiliation: Siddharthas Intent - Dzongsar Kyenste Ripoche
Phone: 03 304 8730
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Main Contact: Ron Books  Email  (Phone: 03 304 8730)
Notes and Events:

Rime is the principals of a non sectarian approach to Tibetan Buddhism, the not for profit trust actively invites teachers and organises events at a minimal cost for the benefit of the community. 

Raupo Bay Retreat is situated on a secluded bay with plenty of space in Banks Penninsula, it is available for any organisation to use for group retreats or come for a visit or stay for a solo retreat.

We meet twice a month on special practice days at the Nyingma Buddhist centre for Tsok (Tibetan) or Gana Chakra Puja (Sanskrit) - a Circle Gathering Feast offering. Dates are according to powerful astrological days - the 10th day of the waxing moon (Guru Rinpoche Day) and the 25th day of the waning moon (Dakini Day).

Tsok is primarily a practice of offering. It is a very rich practice with many layers of meaning, and it can be practised on various levels. Further it can be explained: “Ganapuja is a tantric ritual, made up of various phases, whose aim is the reconfirming of the “promise” or commitment (samaya) between the disciple and the master, and also between disciple and disciple. In addition to this, through consuming food and drink in the ganapuja, the practitioners develop their capacity to integrate contemplation with the sense-pleasures, as well as entering into the state beyond dualism, which is the inner meaning of the samaya” - Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, Dzogchen - The Self Perfected State, 1989.

Rigpa (Newcastle)

Address: 47 James Street, Hamilton   Newcastle NSW 2303
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Nyingma
Phone: (02) 02 4911 1108
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Spiritual Director: Sogyal Rinpoch  
Notes and Events:

We are located at 47 James St, Hamilton, NSW 2303 (corner of James and Murray Streets, behind the Beaumont St clock tower. )

Opening Times

In addition to our evening classes and Friday drop-in session, we are open 12 noon – 1:30 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays. Drop-in Meditation sessions are also held from 12:30 – 1:15 on on those days. 

Rigpa - Adelaide

Address: 77 King William Street   Kent Town SA 5067
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma Tibetan
Phone: (08) 8362 5888
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Notes and Events:

Please note that this centre is only staffed during courses and organised events. Please direct all mail to our post office address. Messages can be left at the phone number listed above at any time and we will return your call as soon as possible.

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