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Wat Pa Luangta Maha Bua Yannasampanno
Address: 10 Earhard Court, Marrara, NT 0812
PO Box 349 SANDERSON NT 0813
Tradition: Theravada, Thai
Affiliation: Thai Theravada Association of the NT Inc
Phone: 08 8988 2771 0426 139 918
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Main Contact: PRESIDENT: Ms Somsong Alberto
Notes and Events:
The Thai Theravada Association of the NT is a non-profi t organisation carrying out religious, cultural, educational and social welfare activities. One of the main objectives is to promote social and cultural harmony and mutual understanding amongst people of all faiths without discrimination and in accordance with the Buddhist teaching.
Location: North of Darwin Airport,
Earhart Court is off Batten Road, Marrara. Batten Road is off Amy Johnson Ave. Once you turn into Batten Road, Earhart Court is the first turn on your left.
Wat Phra Dhammakaya and Thai Buddhist Student Association of Australia
Address: Lot 3 Inspiration Place Berrilee NSW 2159
Tradition: Theravada, Phramonkonthepmuni Sod Chandasaro
Affiliation: Dhammakaya Foundation
Phone: 612-96551128
Fax: 612-96551129
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Phra: Kaset Yannavijjo Email (Phone: 612-11628677)
Phra: Satit Thitadhammo Email (Phone: 612-11453946)
Spiritual Director: Venerable Sudhammo Bhikkhu
Notes and Events:
60th Dhammachai Education Foundation
for details see website
Thai Buddhist Student Association of Australia
Ms: Natpiya Saradam EMail (Phone: 614-30227366)
Main Contact: Mr Atorn Ninlapong EMail (Phone: 614-33785767)
Wat Phrayortkeo Dhammayanaram
Address: 711-715 Smithfield Road, Edensor Park, NSW 2176 NSW
Tradition: Theravada, Laotian
Affiliation: Lao Buddhist Society of NSW
Phone: (02) 9823 7338 Mobile: 0466 629 378
E-mail: (Temple) (admin)
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Main Contact: Nith Chittasy Email (Phone: 02 9908 1278)
Teacher: [Venerable] Ajahn Thongsavanh Chanthathirath
Notes and Events:
Wat Puthic Khmer Krom
Address: 141, Symes Road, Waterloo Corner, SA 5110 SA
Tradition: Theravada, Khmer ( Cambodian)
Affiliation: Khmer Kampuchea-Krom Association of South Australia Inc.
Phone: 0402 620 441
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Notes and Events:
Khmer Krom Buddhist Monastery of South Australia Inc was first established in 2005. The first temple was located a rented rurual home in Waterloo Corner, South Australia, with one monk in residence.
Through contributions from Khmer Krom individuals and friends, the temple is able to aquire a section of the old Adelaide Equestrian centre at Lot 96, Symes Road, Waterloo Corner.
Although the building and facilities are run down, Khmer Krom people have joined hands to rennovate and build this place to become a place of worship, centre for education and a place where Khmer Krom can celebrate our culture festivals and ceremonies.
The temple now has two permanent resident Monks. We also have monks from Cambodia, Melbourne and other states to come for visit and stay for a period of time.
Wat Samphanthawong Geelong
Address: 85 Tillys Rd Lara Vic 3212
Tradition: Theravada, Thai- open to all
Phone: (03) 5275 5095 0405 901 290
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Teacher: Abbot : Luang Por Chao Khun Keng Khemako
Notes and Events:
A Buddhist Monastery in Thai Forest Tradition of Ajahn Mun
Wat Sanggharangsee
Address: 14 Conrad Dr, Otago Hobart TAS 7017
Tradition: Theravada, Thai
Affiliation: Buddhist Community of Tasmania Incorporated
Phone: (03) 6272 6998
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Teacher: Phra Rajaseelap̣horn
Notes and Events:
To provide Theravada Tradition teaching and promote religious and moral support to the community.
Wat Sangharatanaram ( Gold Coast Thai Temple )
137 Beaudesert-Nerang Road Nerang, The Gold Coast Qld 4211
Tradition: Theravada, Thai
Affiliation: Wat Buddharangsee (Annandale) NSW
Phone: (07) 5502 0464
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Teacher: Venerable Ajaan Lamai Apisamo
Spiritual Director: Ven. Phra Abhijaya Abhipunno
Notes and Events:
Location: in the middle of Nerang Suburb, on the Gold Coast.
- Alms offering: 10.30 am daily
- Evening Chanting and Meditation: 7pm daily, Everyone is welcome to meditate. Dhamma talk and discussion is available upon request.
Wat Sangharatanaram is a public place of worship meaning that it is open to the general public. All are welcome to attend including Thais, non-Thais, Buddhists, non-Buddhists, all ages etc.
Monks and facilities are provided for daily conduct of chanting, meditation, Dhamma talks and receiving offerings for merit-making of individuals and families. Monks can be invited for their one daily meal outside the temple. Functions are held on commemorative occasions for attendees to experience customs for merit-making, food offering, devotional practice and sermons familiar to Thai Buddhists in the Theravada, Dhammayuta tradition. Accredited teachers give lessons to young children of Thai migrants, to introduce them to the language, customs and values of Thailand. All monks and lay persons at our temple are volunteers. The temple is supported by donations from acceptable sources. Some fund-raising is conducted externally to the temple. Suitable grants are sought from government and philanthropic organisations.
If you wish to visit the Gold Coast Thai Temple, please know that we are open 7 days a week from 09:00am. We recommend if you are visiting to visit between the hours of 09:00am – 03:00pm.
Further, the community gather on a regular basis on every first Sunday of each month. You can expect to learn and experience more of the Thai culture, meet new people and try some delicious Thai food!
Wat Siangthum Phrapotiyan Temple
Address: 123 Torrens Street
Canley Heights 2166 Canley Heights NSW 2166
Tradition: Theravada, Thai
Phone: 0410873723 0287985620 0449 665 329
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Notes and Events:
Wat Sudharam
Address: 49 Kirkstone Road Point Cook Vic 3030
Tradition: Theravada, Thai
Phone: 03-83 531 107.
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Notes and Events:
Wat Sudharam is a Buddhist Monastery for monks to practise meditation. Wat Sudharam is located in Point Cook which is in the western suburbs of Melbourne.
Wat Sudharam welcomes lay people who are interested in Buddhism. The monastery provides a number of services including meditation classes.
Visitors who wish to visit from 1pm onwards should make an appointment. Any visit without an appointment may be unanswered. During meditation sessions, please do not disturb unless you have prior appointment.
Dana is vegetarian only.
In case of emergency, please call 03-83 531 107. If there is no answer, please leave a message including your name and phone number. Please do not ring between 9:00 am to 10:00 am and between 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm (or during other meditation sessions) because meditation may be conducted at these times.
Please check the calendar for our monastery schedule. Due to lockdown, please left any offering outside the door, and then ring the door bell so a monk knows.
For current projects, please go to the projects page for more details.
Wat Thai Buddharam
Address: 1 Paradise Road, Forestdale, QLD 4118 Qld
Tradition: Theravada, Thai
Affiliation: Melbourne Thai Buddhist Temple, Lao Buddhist Association of QLD, Khmer Buddhist Society of Qld
Phone: (07) 3806 8900
Fax: 07 3806 8906
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Teacher: Ajahn Chonlatish Chanhorm
Main Contact: Secretary Ven. Chonlatish Chanhorm Email (Phone: 07) 3806 8900)
Notes and Events:
Activities: Buddhist Services, Educational, Cultural, Meditation and Thai Language Classes
MAP to locate the Wat.
Wat Thai Warrnambool,Wanram Inc.
Address: 95 Lava St Warrnambool Vic 3280
Tradition: Theravada, Thai
Phone: 03 55613596
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Main Contact: Bud Knackstedt Secretary Email
Notes and Events:
This Wat provides a center for all Buddhists to receive the guidance, comfort and teachings of a Buddhist Monk. This Wat provides a hub of Thai culture. Preserving and displaying Thai customs, dance, song and history. And provides a vehicle to display and promote both Thai culture and Buddhism to the those interested
This Wat adds to and compliments the various cultures and religions in this area.
Date established:26 February 2017
NOTE: due to lingering effects of Covid, and a necessity to find a new premise, the Wat is in a temporary hiatus. ( 21/7/22).
Wellington Buddhist Centre
Address: 6 Broomhedge Street Mt Cook Wellington
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Triratna Buddhist Community
Affiliation: Triratna Buddhist Community
Phone: 022 302 3356
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Notes and Events:
A contemporary approach to Buddhism
Drop In Nights - every Tuesday 7pm - 9.30pm.
Wellington Insight Meditation Community
Address: P.O. Box 6626 Wellington Wellington 6041
Tradition: Theravada, Insight Meditation
Phone: (04) 389 9465
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Main Contact: Mary Duignan Email (Phone: (04) 389 9465)
Notes and Events:
Wellington Insight Meditation Community Te Puaki Marama is a group that offers an open space which emphasises individual inquiry and a big hearted attitude to both formal practice and our meetings as a group.
Whanganui Interbeing Sangha
Address: Whanganui Manawatu-Wanganui
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Thich Nhat hanh
Phone: 06 347 7492
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Main Contact: Clare Fearnley (Phone: 06 347 7492)
Notes and Events:
This small Sangha meets weekly to practice mindfulness together.
Whyalla Buddhist Meditation Centre (Sakya Yigah Choe Ling )
Address: 78 Wileman Street
Whyalla Playford PO Box 297 Whyalla Whyalla SA 5600
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Sakya
Phone: (08) 86458482 0400 454 687
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Teacher: Abbott: HE Dungyud Tulku Rinpoche
Main Contact: Bruce (Phone: 0427 452 160)
Spiritual Director: Lama Kunga
Notes and Events:
Notes and Events: Buddhist meditation and philosophy – meets Sundays at 10.00am for Vajrayna practices and Tuesdays at 7.30pm for Mindfulness Meditation
Won-Buddhism of Gosford Meditation Temple
Address: 20 Bundaleer Crescent Bensville NSW 2251
Tradition: Mahayana, Korean , all welcome
Affiliation: Won-Buddhism
Phone: 02 4368 2393
Fax: 02 4368 2393
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Spiritual Director: Ven. In Myung Email (Phone: 02 4368 2393)
Teacher: Ven. In Myung
Main Contact: Ven. Won Kyung Email (Phone: 02 4368 2393)
Notes and Events:
This is Won-Buddhism Meditation Temple in Gosford. This temple from south Korea. We opened temple three years ago. We have Buddhist meditation class and Hatha Yoga class. The Meditation class have on the Wednesday night from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, and the yoga class have on Thursday from 10:00 to 11:00 am. Also we have scripture class, meditation and yoga on Sunday too.(10:00~12:00) In the afternoon we have Tradition Korean Drum Class(TKDC) in Gosford Public School at 1pm . Ven. In Myung has teaching in Gosford Public School for Buddhist scripture class.
Address: 79A Herbert St, Dandenong Vic 3175
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan ( everyone welcome)
Phone: +61 401 670 585
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Notes and Events:
Yun Yang Temple
Address: 6-10 Reservoir Road, Narre Warren North Vic 3805 Vic
Tradition: Mahayana, Ch\'an, Chinese
Phone: 03 9796 8079
Fax: 03) 9796 9969
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Teacher: Abbot: Venerable Ru Sun
Notes and Events:
Notes and Events:
Regular Program:
* Every Sunday
9:00 to 10:30 am Amitabha Buddha Name Recitation
11:00 to 12:00 noon Offerring to Buddha
* Every month
First Saturday of the month - 1-day Meditation Retreat
Second Saturday of the month - 1-day Amitabha Buddha Name Recitation Retreat
Third Thursday to Saturday - 3-day Meditation Retreat
Fourth Thurday to Saturday - 3-day Amitabha Buddha Name Recitation Retreat
* Every Full moon and New Moon Day
9:30 to 10:30 amLotus Sutra (Full moon day) and Diamond Sutra (New Moon day) chanting
11:00 to 12:00 noon Offering to Buddha.
Zen Affiliate of Christchurch, Zenz Garden City
Address: The Opawa Zendo
4 Kennedy Place
Hillsborough Christchurch 8022
Tradition: Mahayana, ZEN, Mountains & Rivers Order
Affiliation: Mountains and Rivers Order of Zen Buddhism
Phone: (03) 981-9171
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Contact: Steve Ingram Email (Phone: (03) 981-9171)
Spiritual Director: Abbot Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Sensei
Notes and Events:
Garden City Zenz is based at the Opawa Zendo, a purpose-built facility. There are three regular meditation (zazen) sessions each week.
Tuesday: 7.30-8.45pm (beginners start at 6.45pm and should phone in advance)
Friday: 6.00-7.10am
Sunday: 7.00-9.15pm
We also hold regular half-day and full-day sits (zazenkai), as well as monthly question-and-answer sessions with the Zen teachers and seniors of the Mountains and Rivers Order (MRO).
Zen Affiliate of Wellington (Zenz Wellington), MRO
Address: Kaizen Academy (Seido Karate Wellington)
223 Thorndon Quay (above Resene Paints) Thorndon Wellington
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen, Soto and Rinzai, Mountains and Rivers Order of Zen Buddhism.
Affiliation: Society of Mountains and Rivers, Mountains and Rivers Order of Zen Buddhism
Phone: (04) 977 6460
E-mail: (see associated website)
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Sensei: Geoffrey Shugen Arnold
Sensei: Konrad Ryushin Marchaj
Main Contact: Rachel Stockwell (Phone: (04) 977-6460)
Spiritual Director: John Daido Loori, Roshi Email
Notes and Events:
We meet every Tuesday night at 8 pm for zazen. Beginners are welcome - instruction given. Please telephone for further information on the Tuesday evening schedule and other group activities.
Zen Group of Western Australia
Address: Box 442 Fremantle WA 6959
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Affiliation: Diamond Sangha founded by Aitken Roshi
Phone: (08) 9430 9155 (08) 9430 9255
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Contact: Mary Heath
Main Contact: Mary Heath - the contact person can change
Spiritual Director: Ross Bolleter Roshi
Teacher: Ian Sweetman
Notes and Events:
Sits every Thursday night 7-9pm in Fremantle. Regular sesshin and dharma talks.
Venue: St Pauls Church Hall, 162 Hampton Road, Beaconsfield, WA,Sesshin (formal Zen retreat) available to people who attend the weekly meditation
Zen Open Circle
Address: 90 Church Street (Buddhist Library) Camperdown NSW 2050
Tradition: Mahayana, Diamond Sangha Zen Lineage, authorised by Robert Aitken Roshi
Affiliation: Diamond Sangha and Pacific Zen Institute
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Main Contact: Merran Dawson, Practice Leader Email
Spiritual Director: Susan Murphy Roshi
Notes and Events:
For those who are just starting out in their practice, or who are just curious about Zen, a chance to find out about
* the history of Zen and its connections to China and Japan
* meditation, in easy steps
* background and explanations of chanting and sutras particular to Zen
* information about koans and their role in Zen practice
* exploration of the working of the student-teacher relationship.
Session Dates 2015:
Sunday March 8 1:00 – 3:00pm
Sunday March 29 9:00 – 11:00am
Saturday April 18 1:00 – 3:00pm
Saturday April 26 9:00 – 11:00am
With fortnightly optional support group continuing until the end of July, 2015. As well, there will be the ongoing comradeship of being in a group who are all learning together and able to question and discuss.
The two hour course sessions will run before regular Zen Open Circle fortnightly sitting, at the Buddhist Library 90 Church Street, Camperdown, and comprehensive course notes will be supplied. Fees charged for the course will be used to provide a space for Zen practice, and the continuation of Susan Murphy’s otherwise unpaid work as a teacher of Zen.
Note: A second Beginning Zen Course is planned for August- September, 2015.