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Rigpa San Diego and Rigpa US National HQ
Address: 710 13th Street
San Diego CA 92101
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Nyingma (Rigpa)
Phone: (866) 200-5876 or 619-906-4291
Fax: 619 906 4293
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Spiritual Director: Sogyal Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Rigpa aims to present the Buddhist tradition of Tibet in a way that is both completely authentic, and as relevant as possible to the lives and needs of modern men and women.
Open to all schools and traditions of Buddhist wisdom, and with the guidance and gracious patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Rigpa offers those following the Buddhist teachings a complete path of study and practice, along with the environment they need to experience the teachings fully.
Current meditation and course schedule information is available on the Rigpa San Diego website.
Directions : in the Art Center building at 13th & G Street
Rigpa San Francisco Bay Area
Address: 111 New Montgomery St San Francisco, CA 94105
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Nyingma (Rigpa)
Phone: (415) 777-0052
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Spiritual Director: Sogyal Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Rigpa aims to present the Buddhist tradition of Tibet in a way that is both completely authentic, and as relevant as possible to the lives and needs of modern men and women.
Open to all schools and traditions of Buddhist wisdom, and with the guidance and gracious patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Rigpa offers those following the Buddhist teachings a complete path of study and practice, along with the environment they need to experience the teachings fully.
Current meditation and course schedule information is available on the Rigpa Bay Area website.
Rigpa Santa Cruz
Address: Santa Cruz CA
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Nyingma (Rigpa)
Phone: (866) 200-5876
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Spiritual Director: Sogyal Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Rigpa aims to present the Buddhist tradition of Tibet in a way that is both completely authentic, and as relevant as possible to the lives and needs of modern men and women.
Open to all schools and traditions of Buddhist wisdom, and with the guidance and gracious patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Rigpa offers those following the Buddhist teachings a complete path of study and practice, along with the environment they need to experience the teachings fully.
Rigpa Seattle
Address: WA
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Nyingma (Rigpa)
Phone: (866) 200-5876
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Spiritual Director: Sogyal Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Rigpa aims to present the Buddhist tradition of Tibet in a way that is both completely authentic, and as relevant as possible to the lives and needs of modern men and women.
Open to all schools and traditions of Buddhist wisdom, and with the guidance and gracious patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Rigpa offers those following the Buddhist teachings a complete path of study and practice, along with the environment they need to experience the teachings fully.
Current meditation and course schedule information is available on the Rigpa Seattle website.
Rigpe Dorje Schweiz
Address: Hofenstrasse 13
Hinterkappelen Bern 3032
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Affiliation: Jamgon Kongtrul Labrang, Nepal
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Teacher: Pullahari Monastery, Nepal
Notes and Events:
The Organisation RIGPE DORJE SCHWEIZ was initiated by the late 3rd Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche.
We promote the social and cultural projects of H.E. Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche in cooperation with His Affiliated Organisations in Nepal and India and many other countries.
Social Engagement:
Medical center, Eye Clinic, Schools, Home for elderly, etc.
Our Cultural Engagement:
Meditation of Lama Kyambö and Chenresig and organizing exhibitions, teachings, etc.
Location in Switzerland: "House of Religions" Europaplatz 1, 3008 Bern
See program on our Website
Rigzin Denchhen Chhoeling Chugla Khang (RDCCK)
Address: Barahithan,Nuwakot Barahithan
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: registered as an institution under Nepal government
Phone: 9849118562
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Main Contact: Khenpo Sonam Gyurme Tamang Email (Phone: 9849118502)
Teacher: Khenpo Sonam Gyurme Tamang
Spiritual Director: Khenpo Sonam Gyurme Tamang Email (Phone: 9849118562)
Notes and Events:
Rigzin Lhundub
Address: 1386 Braceville Robinson Rd Southington 44470
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Palyul Nyingma
Affiliation: Mongolian/Tibetan
Phone: 3307758657
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Center Manager: Melissa Clayton Email (Phone: 3307758657)
Spiritual Director: Rigzin Lhundub
Main Contact: Dr. Paul Lynn Email (Phone: 3307758657)
Notes and Events:
Fossil Ledges offers retreats and weekly practice. Contact us for times and scheduled events.
Rime Shedrub Ling
Tradition: Vajrayana, Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Rime
Teacher: Khenpo Ngedon
Spiritual Director: Younge Khachab Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Younge Khachab Rinpoche is the Younge family lineage holder, a treasure revealer and a true nonsectarian scholar and Dzogchen yogi. He is the seventh incarnation of Khachab Tulku who was known for his accomplishment of Yamantaka and his healing siddhis.
Rinpoche makes his home in the United States and he is one of the most qualified lineage masters alive, holding both the titles of Geshe and Khenpo. He is known for his accessibility, youthful humor and brilliant discourse.
Rinpoche is recognized as a Khenpo, specifically from the Kagyu Thag ten Nying Je Ling Monestary. He is still recognized as their first Khenpo. However he felt the need to pursue the Dzogchen studies of Nyingma and Bon after realizing the profound path of Rime has been followed by all the great realized masters of the past. He received further Mahamudra clarifications with the Drikung Drubwang Rinpoche and stayed in retreat again for four months under his personal direction.
Younge Khachab Rinpoche is acknowledged as a traditional master of the Mahamudra and Dzogchen practices. He received all signs of accomplishment in the Six Yogas of Naropa, particularly Tsa Lung and Dream Yoga. He is fully able to transmit all stages of the Vajrayana path. He is known in India and Nepal for his vast knowledge of the Rime tradition.
Ringwood Buddhist Meditation Group
Address: 70 Jeffrey Drive Ringwood 3134 Vic
Tradition: Theravada, Western
Phone: 0424 196 583
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Notes and Events:
The Ringwood Buddhist Meditation Group meets at the:
Maroondah Federation Estate
32 Greenwood Ave
Melways Ref: 49 H10
Rinzai-Zen Gruppe Graz
Address: Alchemilla Graz
Grillparzerstra Graz 8010
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 0660 710 1747
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Notes and Events:
Wann und wie oft treffen wir uns?
Mittwoch, 18:30h - 20:30h
Freitag, 6:15h - 7:45h
Herkunft und wichtige Lehrerinnen und Lehrer:
Wir praktizieren in der Tradition von Joshu Sasaki Roshi und Genro Seiun Dai Osho, dem verstorbenen Abt des Rinzai Ji Ordens Wien. Unser Lehrer ist der derzeitige Abt des Ordens, Kigen Seigaku Osho, der 24 Jahre unter der Führung von Joshu Sasaki Roshi praktizierte. Siehe dazu auch die Eintragungen unter Bodhidharma Zendo Wien.
Entwicklung unserer Gruppe in Österreich:
Die Gruppe entstand um 2013 aus einer Soto-Zen-Gruppe im She Drup Ling Graz. Seit damals passte sich unsere Praxis schrittweise der oben genannten Tradition an, der auch der Bodhidharma Zendo Wien folgt, dem wir freundschaftlich verbunden sind.
Tätigkeiten und Praxisangebote:
Formale Zen-Meditation. Die Gruppe ist offen, Vorkenntnisse sind nicht notwendig. Bitte vor der ersten Teilnahme einen Termin für eine kurze Einführung vereinbaren.
Rissho Kosei-kai Buddhist Church of Hawaii
Address: 2280 Auhuhu Street. Pearl City HI 96782
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 808-455-3212
Fax: 808-455-4633
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Publications Dir: bradley tom Email (Phone: 808-455-3212)
Main Contact: bradley tom Email
Notes and Events:
Based on the teachings of the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni, through the scriptures of the Lotus Sutra as interpreted. We strive to cultivate our spirituality by practicing the teachings in our daily lives, realize the Universal Truth & build great harmony within ourselves and the world. “Rissho” means to stand on the right teachings of the Buddha. “Kosei” means to interact among people to try to perfect our character through mutual support and encouragement. “Kai” means a group of people of the same belief. Therefore, Rissho Kosei-kai means a community of believers that strive to perfect their character by interacting with others basing their actions on the Dharma (teaching) taught by the Buddha.
Sunday service 9:00 AM in both Japanese & English
Dharma studies, Hoza counseling sessions are conducted weekly and parade, obon festival are scheduled annually.
Rissho Kosei-Kai of the UK
Address: 143 Woodnesborough Road Sandwich Kent CT13 0BA
Tradition: Mahayana, Japanese
Phone: 01304 611291
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Main Contact: John Gisbey Email
Notes and Events:
Rissho Kosei-kai is a worldwide Buddhist organization founded in Japan in 1938 by Nikkyo Niwano and Myoko Naganuma. It combines the wisdom of both the Lotus Sutra and the foundational teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha. Its purpose is to bring these transformative teachings to the modern world.
The Lotus Sutra is a teaching of human respect, both the study and practice of a spiritual path that develops human potential, and a way of living that seeks peace for all people. By studying, understanding, integrating, and practicing the teachings, human beings can gradually approach a state of mind free from delusions, thereby enriching their own lives and those of others around them. Because everything is interconnected, when people devote themselves to benefitting all beings through harmony, they create awareness and develop a better world. This is the ideal for practitioners of the Lotus Sutra.
Rissho Kosei-kai South Africa
Address: 53 Ravenshill, Turley Road, Lonehill, Johannesburg Sandton 2146
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Rissho Kosei-kai Japan/International
Phone: (082) 8557801
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Main Contact: Andrew Christie Email (Phone: 0828557801)
Spiritual Director: Nichiko Niwano
Teacher: Nichiko Niwano
Notes and Events:
Rissho Kosei-kai is a worldwide Buddhist organization founded in Japan in 1938 by Nikkyo Niwano and Myoko Naganuma. It combines the wisdom of both the Lotus Sutra and the foundational teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha. Its purpose is to bring these transformative teachings to the modern world.
The Lotus Sutra is a teaching of human respect, both the study and practice of a spiritual path that develops human potential, and a way of living that seeks peace for all people. By studying, understanding, integrating, and practicing the teachings, human beings can gradually approach a state of mind free from delusions, thereby enriching their own lives and those of others around them. Because everything is interconnected, when people devote themselves to benefitting all beings through harmony, they create awareness and develop a better world. This is the ideal for practitioners of the Lotus Sutra.
River Oak Sangha
Address: 1905 Hartnell Avenue Redding CA 96002
Tradition: Mahayana, Thich Nhat Hanh / Vietnamese Zen
Affiliation: Community of Mindful Living
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Notes and Events:
Meetings Every Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Riwoche Tibetan Buddhist Temple
Address: 28 Heintzman Street. Toronto Ontario M6P 2J6
Tradition: Vajrayana, Taklung Kagyu, Nyingma
Phone: (416) 766-7964
Website: http;//
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Teacher: Khenpo Sonam Tobgyal Rinpoche
Spiritual Director: Khenpo Sonam Tobgyal Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Stimulates the benefit of natural healing influences for
the health and well-being of oneself and others, especially
those suffering from physical and mental afflictions.
Cultivates mindfulness and awareness in a simple practice
which allows the busyness and speed of habitual mind to subside
so that intrinsic peace and clarity may manifest naturally.
RKUK (Rissho Kosei-kai of the UK)
Address: 29 Ashbourne Road London W5 3ED
Tradition: Mahayana, Nichiren Buddhism
Affiliation: Rissho Kosei-kai
Phone: 02089333247
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Cofounder: Myoko Naganuma
Founder: Nikkyo Niwano
Main Contact: Rev Kyoichiro Hosoya
Spiritual Director: President Nichiko Niwano
Notes and Events:
Rochdale Zen Retreat
Address: The Briars, Grange Lane, Hutton Preston Lancashire PR4 5JE
Tradition: Mahayana, Order of Buddhist Contemplatives, Soto Zen
Affiliation: Order of Buddhist Contemplatives
Phone: 01772 612112
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Founder: Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett
Main Contact: Reverend Master Peter Bonoati (Phone: 01772 612112)
Teacher: Rev. Peter Bonati (Master)
Notes and Events:
Rochester Zen Center
Address: 7 Arnold Park, Rochester, New York, NY 14607 Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede NY
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Cloud-Water Sangha
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Teachers: Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede
Founder: Roshi Philip Kapleau
Notes and Events:
Rockford SatSangha
Address: various meeting places Rockford IL 61103
Phone: 815 964-2007
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Main Contact: Judith Engblom Email
Notes and Events:
All Traditions welcome.
Meditation each Saturday morning 7:30.
Call contact person for location of next meeting.Rockhill Hermitage
Address: Wegirikanda, Hondiadeniya Via Gompola, Sri Lanka
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana Insight Meditation
Phone: 602 801 871
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Contact Persons: Venerable Bhante Kassapa & Tim Browning
Spiritual Director: Venerable Bhante Kassapa Rockhill Hermitage and Rockhill International Buddhist Nunnery offer group and individual Vipassana Insight Meditation retreats for Westerners and Sri Lankans. The head teache
Rockridge Meditation Community
Address: 5463 College Avenue
Oakland, Ca 94618
Rockridge CA 94618
Tradition: Mahayana, Koan Zen
Affiliation: Pacific Zen Institute
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Teacher: David Weinstein
Spiritual Director: John Tarrant, Roshi Email
Contact: Steven Grant Email
Notes and Events:
The Rockridge Meditation Community is the Oakland home of the Pacific Zen Institute. Our mission is to develop a culture for transforming the mind through meditation, koans, conversation, and the arts. We offer a quiet and inviting space for meditation, Koan study and conversation.
Rocky Mountain Insight
Address: 2525 W. Pikes Peak Ave, Suite A Colorado Springs 80904
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana, Burmese, Sri Lankan
Affiliation: Dhamma Dena
Phone: 7193370237
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Board President: David Reinberger Email
Teacher: Lucinda Green
Spiritual Director: Lucinda T. Green Email
Notes and Events:
We offer a number of weekly sittings, year round classes, a monthly Children's Program, various Kalyana Mitta (Spiritual Friends) Groups. and DPP Dedicated Practitioner Programs. We take the refuges and precepts monthly and celebrate Wesak joyfully each year. Sign up to receive our newsletter at for the most updated information and news of special events.
Rohana Vipassana Meditation Center
Address: Aagarawala
Aparekka, Matara Southern MH 81032
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Sri Mathikarama Purana Viharaya
Phone: 94-60-2414710
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Ullala Chandima Maha Thera (Phone: 94-60-2414710)
Main Contact: Ven. Ullala Chandima Maha Thera (Phone: 94-60-2414710)
Notes and Events:
Forest Monastery provides meditation instructions & spiritual guidances.
ROKPA Cardiff
Address: Tibetan Buddhist Centre
100 Moorland Road Splott, Cardiff Wales CF24 2LP
Tradition: Vajrayana, Karma Kagyu
Phone: 029 20499185
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Contact: Lorraine Harris, Co-ordinator/Administrator
Teachers: His Holiness 17th Karmapa, Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche,
Main Contact: Lorraine Harris Email (Phone: 02920 499185)
Teacher: Abbot: Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche
Spiritual Director: Dr Akong Tulku Rinpoche (Phone: 013873 73232)
Notes and Events:
Guided Meditation Classes on:
Tuesdays 7.30pm - 8.30pm Classes for All at the Twyn Community Centre, Caerphilly
Wednesdays 5.50pm - 6.50pm for Beginners at 100 Moorland Road, Cardiff
Wednesdays 7pm - 8pm classes for All at 100 Moorland Road, Cardiff
Mon - Thurs 6pm - 7pm Shiney practice (please phone if you are attending these sessions)
7am - 8.15am Monday to Friday - Green Tara Sadhana at 100 Moorland Road, Cardiff
8.30am - 1-am Saturdays - Green Tara Sadhana at 100 Moorland Road, Cardiff
5.30pm Sundays - Guru Rinpoche Sadhana at 17 Princes Avenue, Caerphilly
6.30pm Sundays - Chenrezig Sadhana at 17 Princes Avenue, Caerphilly
6.30pm Mondays - Chenrezig Sadhana at 100 Moorland Road, Cardiff
Rondebosch Dharma Centre
Address: 6 Lulworth Mansions, Saint Andrews Road Rondebosch, Cape Town 7700 South Africa
Tradition: Mahayana, Kwan Um School of Zen (Korean)
Phone: (27) 21-686-3698
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Main Contact: Abbot: (Phone: 082 344 2683)
Guiding Teacher: Heila Downey, JDPSN
Founding Teacher: Zen Master Seung Sahn
Notes and Events:
This centre offers regular practice and meditation instruction on Tuesday evenings. We do chanting, 2 rounds of sitting meditation (30 minutes each) with a short walking meditation in between followed by a teaching reading.
Practice starts at 7:00 pm and concludes at about 9:00 pm.
Every month we offer one non-residential Sunday retreat, starting at 8:30 am, concluding at 3:45 pm. Tea/coffee is provided, and it is suggested that each participant brings her/his own light lunch. There is also an opportunity to have interviews with Rodney Downey (Senior Dharma Teacher) or Heila Downey (Master Dharma Teacher), as well as a dharma talk, followed by a question/answer period and a discussion session.
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