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Zendo USA
Address: 5610 SW 37 Street
Davie, Fl 33314 Davie FL 33314
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
Affiliation: American Buddhist Sangha
Phone: 954 338 5480
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Spiritual Director: Michael Nolan Email
Notes and Events:
Address: Zendouniversitario
Organizaciones Estudiantiles
Universidad de Puerto Rico en Bayamón
Zona industrial Minillas
Carr. 174 Bayamón 00959
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Rinzai
Affiliation: Centro Zen Universitario
Phone: (787) 242-0815
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Teacher: Yoshu Sasaki Roshi
Spiritual Director: Kando Luis Pabón Email (Phone: (787)242-0815)
Notes and Events:
El primer semestre del año académico 2007-2008 comenzamos la práctica de budismo Zen en la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Bayamón. Cada martes a las 11:30 convertimos el salón 304 en un Zendo, lugar donde se practican las meditaciones (zazen).
Zenshin-ji Zen Center
Address: 601 50th Street Charleston WV 25304
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Garland/White Plum Lineage
Affiliation: Zen Garland
Phone: 304-389-7242
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Spiritual Director: Rev. Greg Tensho Noble Email (Phone: 304-389-7242)
Main Contact: Rev. Greg Tensho Noble Email (Phone: 304-389-7242)
Notes and Events:
Offering Introductory classes for Zen Meditation as well as Zazenkai. Weekly Dharma talks. Zen retreats/Sesshin with Rev. Paul Genki Kahn Roshi.
Zenshuji Soto Mission
Address: 123 S Hewitt St
Los Angeles CA 90012
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Soto Zen School of Buddhism, Japan
Phone: (213) 624-8658
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Teacher: Bishop Daigaku Rummé
Notes and Events:
Zenshuji is a Sōtō Zen temple dedicated to bringing the 2,500-year-old teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha to America as illuminated by Dōgen Zenji and Keizan Zenji, the Two Founders of Sōtō Zen Buddhism.
Our mission is to offer the ethnically diverse area of greater Los Angeles guidance in Sōtō Zen practice for those interested in satisfying spiritual, intellectual, and social needs.
Zenshuji is located in the heart of Los Angeles in the Little Tokyo/Arts District area. We offer Zen practice for all people in a unique Japanese-style setting.
Please join us. Zenshuji is an oasis of calm in the midst of the fast pace of urban life.
Zazen Hours: Sat 6:30am-8am, Sun 8am-9am, Mon 6:30pm-8pm.
“A Day of Zazen” is a monthly one-day sitting. Please see Temple News on the Zenshuji website for the date and the schedule.
Zentrum für Zen-Buddhismus
Address: Schaffhauserstr. 476B Zürich Zurich 8052
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: +41 (0)44 312 1062
Fax: +41 (0)44 312 1027
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Notes and Events:
Das Zentrum für Zen-Buddhismus ist ein Ort, an dem die Stille des Geistes und die lebendige Offenheit des Herzens angestrebt und kultiviert werden. Die geistige Grundlage bildet die Lehre des Zen-Buddhismus. Buddhismus wird dabei nicht in erster Linie als eine fernöstliche Religion verstanden, sondern als eine Lebenseinstellung, die die Einheit und die angeborene Weisheit aller Lebewesen betont und allen Menschen offen steht.
ZENtrum Phat Mon
Address: Sevogelstrasse 56
4052 Basel Basel Basel-Stadt 4052
Tradition: Mahayana, Mixed Lineages
Affiliation: Vietnamese Zen, Lin Chi
Phone: +41 61 701 58 14
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Thich Duc Tinh Email (Phone: +41 61 701 58 14)
Notes and Events:
Meditation every Tuesday and Thursday with Ven. Thich Duc Tinh,
Dharma Teachings
Days of Mindfulness
Tai Chi & Qi Gong every Monday
Please visit our homepage for details.
Address: Zen Yoga
Camberwell Grove London London SE5 8RE
Tradition: Mahayana, Mino branch of the Inzan line of Rinzai Zen
Affiliation: Rinzai Zen
Phone: 01698542677
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Spiritual Director: Julian Daizan Skinner Roshi Email
Notes and Events:
Zenways is a Rinzai Zen Sangha based in Camberwell, London. Our guiding teacher is Julian Daizan Skinner Roshi. Twenty years ago, Daizan Roshi gave up a promising career as a scientist in the pharmaceuticals industry, sold his house, gave all the money away and entered a Zen monastery. Over many years of strict training, in Japan and the west, Daizan Roshi received Dharma Transmission in both the Rinzai and Soto lineages of Zen and received inka and permission to teach from Shinzan Miyamae Roshi of Gyokuryuji, with whom he continues to study.
ZenWords Zen Centre
Address: 824 Regina Street Creston BC V0B 1G4
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Writing Practice Lineage Soto
Phone: 250-428-3390
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Spiritual Director: Kuya Minogue Email (Phone: 250-428-3390)
Teacher: Kuya Minogue
Notes and Events:
Fall Schedule
October 25 - December 23 Online Practice Retreat "Training the Mind"
The joining of zen meditation and writing goes back to the early Chinese monks who exchanged dharma words through poetry. At ZenWords, we practice Zen Writing Practice as developed by Natalie Goldberg, Kuya's teacher.