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Gayanalok Religious Education Council

Address: Ka-76/8, Kalachadpur, Gulshan   Dhaka 1212
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +8801818469646
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Vice-President : Juwel Barua  Email  (Phone: +8801818469646)
Main Contact: Juwel Barua  Email  (Phone: +8801818469646)
Notes and Events:

Gayanalok Religious Education Council (An Independent Buddhist religious educational & cultural organization). Established in 2008.

Organization Activities:
■ To appreciate the Buddhist children in religious study.
■ To teach the Buddhist children with religious study.
■ To arrange a lesson on every Friday afternoon for this reason.
■ To arrange Quiz competition on Buddha Dharma.
■ To distribute religious books among the winners of Quiz competition.
■ To arrange competition on Prayer & recitation of Sutta for the children.
■ To distribute religious books among the winners as prize.
■ To arrange prayer by group with the members at every Evening.

Contact Address:

Gayanalok Religious Education Council
Ka-76/8, Kalachadpur, Gulshan,Dhaka-1212.
Cell: +88-01818469646, +8801721257462

Georgia Meditation Circle

Address: 4522 Tilly Mill Road   Atlanta GA 30060
Tradition: Theravada, Dhammakaya Foundation
Affiliation: Atlanta Meditation Center
Phone: 678-887-3828
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Meditation Coach: Nat Intakanok  Email  (Phone: 404-259-5739)
Teacher: Venerable Bendit  
Main Contact: Bee Intakanok  Email  (Phone: 678-887-3828)
Meditation Assistant: Daniel Prete  Email  (Phone: 770-864-0868)
Spiritual Director: Venerable Nah  Email  (Phone: 770-452-1111)
Notes and Events:

The Georgia Meditation Circle an affiliate of the Atlanta Meditation Center Dhammakaya foundation promotes meditation and spiritual awareness. It is said that all happiness, ordinary and sublime, is achieved by understanding and transforming our own mind. The mind is not a physical thing that has thoughts and feelings; it is the totality of our conscious and unconscious experiences. 

The mind can be compared to an ocean, and momentary mental events such as happiness, irritation, fantasies, and boredom to the waves that rise and fall on its surface. Just as the waves can subside to reveal the stillness of the oceans depths, so too is it possible to calm the turbulence of our mind to reveal its natural clarity. The ability to do this lies within the mind itself and the key to the mind is meditation.

"Unlocking the door of ancient wisdom for modern times".

Our meditation sessions are conducted by Buddhist monks who have ordained for 10 or more years.

They are eager to teach western people their technique and wisdom on meditation methods, benefits and knowledge gained from meditation, and our true purpose.

Every session will be inspiring and will help encourage one to meditate.

Though many of us are aware that meditation can help with stress, there is still so much more to learn from benefits of meditating.

We constantly need to be reminded and encouraged to meditate otherwise it is very easy to forget and realize how meditating can be beneficial to our overall well being.

Every Wednesday Evening:

7:00-7:10pm Stretching 

7:10-7:20pm Orientation Intro 

7:20-8:00pm Guided Meditation 

8:00-8:10pm Q&A 

8:10-8:30pm Buddhist Philosophy Discussion


4522 Tilly Mill

Atlanta, Ga 30360

Glasgow Theravada Buddhist Group

Address: 165 Hill Street, Glasgow, G3 6UQ Harnham Buddhist Monastery   Scotland
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Aruna Ratanagiri,
Phone: 0141 564 5994
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Contact: Paul Hansen  
Notes and Events:

Meetings take place usually on the first Friday of every month except during winter retreat.

Glass City Dharma

Address: La Galeria 1224 - 1226 Broadway   Toledo OH OH
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: (408) 717-3350
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Teacher: Stephanie Tate  
Notes and Events:

Glass City Dharma is a weekly Vipassana Meditation Group based in Toledo, OH.  Weekly meditation and Dharma discussion is every Thursday evening from 7 - 8:30 p.m. EST.

Additional day longs and retreats are scheduled periodically.

Global Buddhist Foundation

Address: Ashoka Buddha Vihara, Old Power House Road, Rajghat, New Delhi- 110002, India   New Delhi Arunachal Pradesh 110002
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +91 8586038772
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Main Contact: Ven. Nanda Priya Bhante  Email  (Phone: +91 8260694584)
Spiritual Director: Ven. Dhitta Dhamma Thera  Email  (Phone: +91 8586038772)
Notes and Events:

Global Buddhist Foundation is a Buddhist religious organization (Govt. registered) established in 2015, with the main motto of developing peace and unity in every part of the globe. Our goal is to revive the moral values and peace of mind for the welfare and happiness of the many with the help of meditation and right approach. A healthy mind could lead the society into a good direction which will enable the common people to feel the real calmness and inner happiness within themselves in this very life. Therefore, GBF is dedicated full effort in order to achieve each and every dream with selfless feeling, friendly and fraternity approach. It would be happy to work and complete its tasks in national and international level with open hands.

Global Buddhist Foundation

Address: Ashoka Buddha Vihara, Old Power House Road RAJGHAT   New Delhi NDelhi 110002
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: World Chakma Buddhist Organisation
Phone: +91- 8586 038 772
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Teacher: Ven. Dhamma Ditthi Thera  
Main Contact: Bhikkhu Saddharakkhita  Email  (Phone: +91 - 9971 365 194)
Notes and Events:

We are committed Buddhist organisation,working for the Chakma Buddhists of India,to preserve,promote and to propagate,the teachings of the Buddha,to bring peace, happiness,and harmony in the society. And to train the young generation to follows the Panchsheela to make their life meaningful,happy and worthy.

Gold Coast Buddhist Centre

Address: 84 Advancetown Road   Advancetown Qld 4211
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan-all are welcome !
Phone: 07 3808 5083
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Notes and Events:

The Gold Coast Buddhist Centre was established in 2019 with the help of the Australia - Sri Lankan community in the Gold Coast area. Ven K. Prannasiri Thero, the Viharadhipathi of the GCBC is conducting the services of the Centre from its beginning. Since the beginning of the GCBC, the temple has been giving its services to not only the Sri Lankan community, but also to all other companions who need our services. Saturday of every poya day.

Gotami Vihara (dedicated Theravada Nuns centre )

Address: K37-C, Jalan TK 1/11A, Taman Kinrara, 47180 Puchong, Selangor  
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Support Network for Women Renunciants in Malaysia and Singapore (SNFWREMS
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Notes and Events:

The Vihara will be for both local and visiting nuns to stay either on a short term or longer term basis.

Gotami Vihara is the first dedicated Theravada Nuns centre in Malaysia.

Government Services Buddhist Association

Address: 9/2, Sri Siddhartha Passage, Kirillapone Avenue, Colombo 5 Kirulapona Sri Lanka   Colombo
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0112512667
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Notes and Events:


In relation to Buddhists presently employed in or who were previously employed in the public service:

  • to take action to fulfill the religious, social,cultural and educational needs
  • to establish and develop mutual cooperation
  • to cultivate and foster spiritual development
  • to inculcate and promote the values such as

honesty,efficiency, impartiality and good public relations

To take appropriate action as far as possible in respect of matters affecting those of the Buddhist faith in society.

To work in collaboration with other organisations having objects similar to those of the Association.

To take action for the welfare of the Buddhists in general.

Grupo Vipassana

Address: La Peña / Los Majales   Tarifa Cádiz 11380
Tradition: Theravada, Thai Forest, Goenka, Joseph Goldstein
Phone: +34625662375
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Main Contact: José Manuel Pérez  Email  (Phone: +34625662375)
Notes and Events:

Somos un grupo muy reciente de meditación Vipassana. Nos encontramos todos los jueves a las 20:00 horas en una casa particular a unos 8 kms de Tarifa, para practicar Metta, meditación Vipassana y escuchar charlas mp3 de diferentes profesores/maestros/lamas budistas.

Gulf Coast Dharma

Address:   Pensacola 32504
Tradition: Theravada, Justin Otto
Affiliation: Insight/Vipassana
Phone: 5046717735
Fax: Justin Otto
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Main Contact: Justin Otto  Email  (Phone: 5046717735)
Notes and Events:

Our Sangha meets in person every Monday at 7pm Central time.  Information can be found on our website.

Halifax Vipassana Circle

Address:   Halifax Nova Scotia
Tradition: Theravada
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Main Contact: Zoey Roy  Email  
Notes and Events:

An egalitarian group of lay practitioners coming together to meditate and study in the Theravadan Buddhist tradition.

Hazrat Buddha Sahib Anjuman/ Muslim-Buddhist Dialogue Circle

Address: Social Sciences Division, University of the Philippines Campus U.P.Lahug Street, Gorordo Avenue, Cebu City, Cebu 6000  
Tradition: Theravada, Study circle with Strong Sufi-Muslim synthesis/emphasis
Affiliation: Phu Sian Buddhist Temple, Cebu City
Phone: 032-2334708 / 032-2338202
Fax: 032-2328104
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Contact: Prof. Henry Francis Bibera Espiritu, M.A.Philo  
Spiritual Director: Hazrat Baba Khizr Dhul Qifl  
Notes and Events:

Teachers: 1.Master Oi Tse 2.Prof.Henry Francis B.Espiritu 3.Master Ching Yuen 4.Hazrat Ilyas Suhrawardi

Description: This is an ecumenical organization that is primarily a dialogue study circle for a cooperative and integrative study of Buddhist and Islamic traditions. All are welcome to participate in the weekly study circles.The organizations mini-library is likewise is open for everybody.

Heart Insight Meditation Group

Address:   Woolloongabba Qld 4102
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0402588347
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Notes and Events:

When: Sunday evenings 6pm to 7:45pm

Program: Varied - dharma talks, group sits, discussion

Where: via Zoom

Directions: see the website for information



Thursdays – We meet in person from 6:30 – 8:00pm at:

 6 Qualtrough Street Woolloongabba

 We are located in the heart of Woolloongabba not far from Park Rd train station and just off Ipswich Rd. There is usually off-street parking available at the time we meet.

Enter through the main entrance and go up the stairs on the left. The sitting room is on the first floor. We follow the current Qld Health Covid-19 requirements.Donation: The group is run by donation to help cover the running costs.


HORYU JI - Templo Drag

Address: LOTEAMENTO ALPES DE SÃO FRANCISCO - Rua 3 - Casa 401 - Templo Buddhista   SÃO FRANCISCO DE PAULA Rio Grande Do Sul 95400 000
Tradition: Theravada, BUDDHISMO BRASILEIRO (Brazilian Buddhism)
Affiliation: Ananda Kuti ViharNANDA - Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: (0055) + 54 + 32446027
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Upassika: Thairiny Silva  Email  
Main Contact: Mr. Theo Cardoso  Email  
Teacher: Gokai Sensei  
Spiritual Director: Gokai Sensei  Email  
Notes and Events:

HORYU JI - Templo do Dragão do Dharma, introduces into Brazil the Theravada Tradition, adapted for Brazilian people. It follows the Pali Canon and reckognizes some Mahayana Sutras, such as The Heart Sutra 

Refuge Ceremony available after interview

Wedding Ceremonies, Blessings and other activities can be scheduled.

Huseyin Turkkan

Address:   Chiang Mai Chiang Mai
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: International Meditation Center, Chom Thong, Chiang Mai
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Teacher: Thanat Chindaporn  
Spiritual Director: Ajarn Thong  
Notes and Events:

Vipasana Meditasyonu (Retreat yada temel Eğitim), Thravada Budizmi, ve Geleneksel Çin Tıbbı  ile ilgili olarak yolunuz Thailand a düştüğünde herhangi bir yardım gereksinmeniz olduğunda seve seve yardıma hazırım.

Sevgi ve saygıyla.

In The Footsteps Of The Buddha

Address: Triwood Community Centre, 2244 Chicoutimi Dr. NW  Calgary Alberta
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana: All welcome
Phone: 282-2677
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Main Contact: Triwood office staff  
Teacher: Nayda  
Notes and Events:

Contact Triwood's office staff (they will pass on any
queries to Nayda, the group's facilitator).  Call for times and room location.

This group is starting Tuesday March 21st, 2006, and will be held the 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings of each month. 

We are planning a half-hour of meditation, and about an hour of study/discussion, with the emphasis on applying the Buddha's teachings to our everyday lives.   No meditation experience necessary.   Everyone welcome!

Indian Buddhist Literary Organisation

Address: nalanda, kharvikeri road, kundapura 576201, india   Kundapura 576201
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +918254232380
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Main Contact: muniyal ganesh  Email  (Phone: 09448869963)
Notes and Events:

We are engaged in publishing and distributing Buddhist literature in Kannada and other Indian languages as well as in English.

Indiana Buddhist Temple

Address: 7528 Thompson Road, Hoagland, Indiana 46745   Fort Wayne IN 46745
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Sinhalese Buddhist (Sri Lanka)
Phone: (260) 447 5269
Fax: (260) 447 5269
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Main Contact: Ven. Thalangama Devananda Thero,  Email  (Phone: 260-447-5269)
Notes and Events:

The temple conducts free weekly meditation class every Monday at 6:30 pm. The monks could assist Meditation any other day with prior appointment. You may kindly contact temple at 260-447-5269. Everyone is welcome.

Indiana Buddhist Temple is located in Hoagland - a suburb of Fort Wayne Indiana. Take Exit 13 from I-469 onto Marion Center Road and make a left onto Thompson Road. Drive about a mile and you will see the Temple onto your right.

Indonesia Satipattana Meditation Center (City center)

Address: Jalan Nusa Raya, block AA n°1, Citra 1 ext. Jakarta Barat.   Jakarta Jakarta
Tradition: Theravada, Mahasi Sayadaw, Myanmar
Phone: +62 87720021577 - +62 87720021755
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Main Contact: Sayalay Pannacari  Email  (Phone: +62 816706756)
Notes and Events:

ISMC City Center is in Jakarta at about 20 minutes. driving from the International Airport.

Daily meditation session as well as short term retreats are held every week.

For more than 5 days retreat yogis are invited to go to the Forest Center in Bacom.

See our web sites for programs and detailed info.

Indonesia Satipattana Meditation Center (Forest)

Address: Kampung Bacom, Dusun Barulimus, Kelurahan Cikancana, Kecamatan Sukaresmi,Rt 02-RW 10. Kabupaten Dati 2cianjur.   Bacom Jawa Barat 43254
Tradition: Theravada, Mahasi Sayadaw, Myanmar
Phone: +62 87720021577 - +62 87720021755
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Main Contact: Sayalay Pannacari  Email  (Phone: +62 816706756)
Notes and Events:

ISMC is about 100 Km from the capital city Jakarta.

Retreats are given all year long conducted by teacher monks

English speaking from Mahasi tradition, mainly of Burmese nationality.

Translation in Bahasa Indonesia and Chinese

mandarin available;

See our web site for programs and detailed info.

All nationality yogis, beginner and experienced are welcome.

Indonesian Buddhist Society of NSW - Cetiya Dhammadasa

Address: 37/112-122A McEvoy Street Alexandria NSW 2015   NSW
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0413 373 440 (Faith) 0421 356 598 (Andy) 0410 888 292
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Notes and Events:

The Indonesian Buddhist Society of NSW Inc. (IBS) is a group of lay Buddhist practitioners who are committed to putting the Dhamma into the daily activities order to be of benefit to oneself and to all.
Established in 1999, the Association runs regular Sunday mornings of service at Cetiya Dhammadasa in Alexandria, as well as kids Sunday school and Buddhist special services.

We welcome all who wish to find out more about a Buddhist way of life or who seek a community within which to practice the Dhamma. Cetiya Dhammadasa is the name of our temple as the meeting place.
We are well-known for providing quality speakers – monks and lay practioners – to give advice and teachings on Buddhist practice and meditation through insightful Dhamma Talks.

IBS aims to teach and practice Buddhist teachings and meditation and also to foster friendship and goodwill among Buddhists residents in New South Wales.

Our aims:

  1. To engage in and encourage education activities that will increase public awareness of Buddhism according to the Pali Texts.
  2. To provide facilities for the teaching and practice of Buddhism according to the Pali Texts.
  3. To provide support for Buddhist monks and nuns.
  4. To provide social welfare services to members of the association and to other people in need.

Insight Meditation - Modesto

Address: 2467 Veneman Ave.   Modesto CA 95356
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana meditation (mindfulness)
Affiliation: Insight Meditation Center of the Mid-Peninsula
Phone: 209-343-2478
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Main Contact: Lori Wong  Email  (Phone: 209-343-2478)
Notes and Events:

Meets on Tuesday evenings 6:30-8:30pm at the Unity Church, 2467 Veneman Ave., Modesto.

Insight Meditation Circle of Cape Cod

Address: 55 Birch Drive   Harwich 02645
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 774-722-9067
Website: htt
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Main Contact: Annette Miller  Email  (Phone: 774-722-9067)
Notes and Events:

We bring together a community of people on Cape Cod (Massachusetts) who practice insight meditation to support each other in the deepening of Dharma practice in our daily lives. We hope that our practice will promote peace and compassion in the world around us and believe that through the sharing of the Dharma we can free ourselves and others from suffering.

We are a Buddhist group whose practices originate in the teachings of Theravada Buddhism. However, one need not identify as a Buddhist to take part in these practices. We include people from any (or no) faith tradition.

Insight Meditation Circle is open to all people interested in learning about the teachings of the Buddha on wisdom, compassion and mindfulness.  We strive to reflect the diversity of the Cape in which we live.  Our sangha is a place where everyone of different ages, cultures, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, and spiritual and religious backgrounds is welcome to begin or deepen meditation practice based on the teachings of the Buddha.

We offer weekly mindfulness meditations, book discussions, and Dharma talks.    Newcomers are welcome.  

Tuesdays from 7 - 8:30 p.m.  
30 minute meditation.

Insight Meditation Class

Address: 243 S.W. J Street Grants Pass, OR 97526   OR
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 541-761-7576
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Main Contact: Rhonda Lawrence  Email  (Phone: 818-288-7538)
Teacher: Jane Mara  
Notes and Events:

Join Us for a Buddhist Meditation Class
Every Thursday from 12:45 to 2:45 p.m. 

Class includes Instruction in Vipassana (insight) and Metta (loving kindness) Meditation and a Dharma Talk and Discussion on Buddhist Teachings for Today’s Challenges: Personal and Planetary. 

Beginners and Experienced Meditators Are Welcome

Chairs and Cushions are Available

Classes are Free, but Donations are Appreciated
To register, call Mara at 541-761-7576

Classes held at Merging Rivers Zen Practice Center

243 SW J Street, corner of 4th and J

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