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Dhammodaya Meditation Centre

Address: 45/1 Mu 4 Tambol Tanoun-krat Ampur Muang.   Nakhon Pathom 73000
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana meditation, Mahasi Sayadaw
Phone: (0) 1-810-9632
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Contact: Ms Khun Nay  
Notes and Events:

Dhammodaya is a Mahasi Sayadaw based practise Centre with various English speaking teachers, both Burmese and Western,  trained in Burma under Sayadaw U Janaka.It is located just outside Bangkok and conducts retreats frequently throughout the year as and when the teachers are available. U Janaka was a disciple of Mahasi Sayadaw himself, and has numerous centres around the world. The approach focuses much on Metta meditation as an aid to Insight. Most of the teachers speak fluent English, which is translated for Thais.

Dhammodaya does not have a website of its own, relying instead on phone and email contact, and the extensive network of the YBAT organisation of Bangkok, and other contacts. The retreats are almost always in English, or English + Thai, with experienced teachers under the tutelage of Sayadaw U Janaka.

Dhamsuwa Meditation Centre

Address: 285 Clonbinane Rd   Clonbinane Vic 3658
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan Sri Kalyani Yogashrama Forest Monastic Tradition of Sri Lanka
Affiliation: Bhaddeka Viharee Aranya Senansana and Kalyani Yogashrama Forest Monastery in Sri Lanka
Phone: 61 468 456 451
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Teacher: Ven. I. G. Pasadika Thero  
Notes and Events:

As another significant step of Buddhist meditation Association of Australia efforts to disseminate Dhamma, Dhamsuwa Meditation Centre with the leadership of Ven. I. G. Pasadika Thero established at 285 Clonbinane Rd, Clonbinane, under the patronage of Sri Kalyani Yogashrama Forest Monastic Tradition of Sri Lanka.

For residential meditation practice needs until such time a suitable premise is established, we have got the kind and most respected patronage of Ven. Wegodapola Wimalagnana Maha Thero to utilise facilities of Bhaddeka Viharee Aranya Senansana, at 1855, Westernport Rd, Ripplebrook VIC, 3818 which is another branch of Kalyani Yogashrama Forest Monastery in Sri Lanka.


As the preliminary stage, our centre will be a Monk’s residence and an online broadcasting station for meditation programmes which in the near future will be moved to a suitable location and premises away from existing Buddhist Centres.



Dharma Zephyr Sangha

Address: PO Box 4401   Carson City NV 89702
Tradition: Theravada, Many sitting groups in No. Nevada
Affiliation: Mountain Stream Meditation Center
Phone: (775) 882-4980
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Contact: Kathy Schwerin  (Phone: 775.882.4980)
Notes and Events:

We have several sitting groups in  Nevada.  In addition, we bring in teachers for non-residential retreats.  Please visit our website at for more information.

Dharma Zephyr Sangha (Reno)

Address: St. Johns Presbyterian Church-1070 West plumbland   Reno NV 89509
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana
Affiliation: Mountain Stream Meditation Center
Phone: (775) 324-2535
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Notes and Events:

We are part of Dharma Zephyr Insight Meditation Communities.  Please check the website at for current meeting place and contact information

Contact: Renate or Dennis. Note: Meet every Monday 6:30 to8:15 PM. 


Address: 147 Richmond Road QLD  Morningside Qld 4170
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana
Phone: (07) 3343 8243
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Contact: Victor von der Heyde  
Notes and Events:

Events are normally held at the Cloudroom, which is in the grounds of the Morningside Healing Sanctuary, 147 Richmond Road, Morningside on the corner of Bonar Street. The entrance is in Bonar Street.

DharmaCloud is a Brisbane-based group which runs introductory meditation courses, hosts occasional Sunday morning meditation sessions, organises in-service teacher training courses for established meditation teachers and offers occasional meditation retreats.

DharmaCreek Sangha

Address:   Jenner CA 95450
Tradition: Theravada, Ruth Denison lineage / U Ba Khin
Affiliation: Dhamma Dena
Phone: 707-632-5589
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Spiritual Director: Jill Rayna  Email  (Phone: 707-632-5589)
Notes and Events:

Our Vipassana Sangha, in the Forest Monastery tradition, practices mindful awareness within the awesome beauty of nature.  We practice being in the moment, in bare receptivity to all that arises, as we kayak in silence at sunset/moonrise on the Russian River, hike mindfully along a redwood canyon, or meditate beside a rushing sun-sparkled creek.

We practice in harmony with the elements and our bodily sensations, to cultivate non-conceptual Being (mindfulness), to realize the truth of our own nature. Just as the waters are ever-changing, as the trees and plants dance with the air element of wind, or as the sun appears and disappears through the clouds and coastal fog, we cultivate our awareness of impermanence, which is reflected in our constantly changing thoughts and feelings, and the arising and dissolving away of all forms.  We practice surrender to the moment as it is unfolding, without clinging to any particular object, thought, or sensation--allowing all to arise and pass away within the field of our non-judging awareness.

Dharma Creek Sangha currently offers one weekend womens sunset/moonrise kayak retreat each month, plus a week-long womens dharma camp in June.  The Sangha is located on 200+ acres of beautiful land which is available for guided or solo private retreats, and for small-group use by other spiritual groups upon request.

Mail to :  PO Box 68, Jenner, 95450 

Dharmadeepam Foundation

Address: PLOT NO-99, SRI NAGAR COLONY   Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 500073
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +91-40-23744169
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Mr.: Aajaneya Reddy  Email  
Spiritual Director: Reddy  Email  (Phone: +91-9849311810)
Notes and Events:

Dharma deepam is a Buddhist organisation established in hyderabad to preserve and propagate Buddhas teachings and meditation.

The organisation arranges a 10days meditation course once a month starting on the fullmoon day of every month.

There  is a growing interest in people to learn more about Buddha and Buddha Dharma.

so the organisation is committed to bring back Buddhas teachings to the land of its origin, and to the land of Acharya Nagarjuna.



Address: Dharmagiri PO Box 270   Underberg KwaZulu-Natal 3257
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: + 27 (0) 337012938
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Spiritual Director: Kittisaro & Thanissara  Email  
Notes and Events:

Dharmagiri, a Buddhist hermitage nestled in the dramatic Southern Drakensberg (uKhahlamba in Zulu) on the border between South Africa and Lesotho. It is affiliated with the Forest Sangha of Ajahn Chah and was founded by his disciples Kittisaro and Thanissara in 2000 as a hermitage. Dharmagiri is the home of a contemplative community that provides support for self retreatants and practitioners, facilitates meditation retreats and enables access to Buddhist practice and teachings. Dharmagiri runs on a semi monastic ethos and requests that visitors and retreatants join in the community morning and evening practice sessions as well as help with simple daily chores. An extensive library of Dharma talks and Dharma books is available for retreat support. Dharmagiri also initiates and guides a number of Outreach programs - for further details: 

Dharmakirti International peace and progress society

Address: Damdama-Nababpur Dharmakirti Buddhist Monastery.   Dhamdama, Nababpur
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0094 713546555 / 0088 1819626842
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Spiritual Director: World Citizen, Prof. Dr. Ven Dharmakiriti Mahathera  Email  (Phone: 0094 713546555)
Notes and Events:

The founder of our society most respectable world citizen,Prof. Dr. Dharmakirti Mahathera locally established many social, religious and cultural developmental associations. The local people of our society are greatly benefited to this association. For long time his contribution is unique and unparalleled in our local area (Especially in Mirsarai and Sitakunda Upazilla). If he is still working with many others national and international organization and there also he has contribution, but for long time he is thinking to establish an organization to extend his own work range Nationally and Internationally. So this society is the fruit of his dream.

He had a plan to declared about this society in the year 2010, in his Mahathera Abhidha conferring ceremony, which was observed Nationally and Internationally. At that time if he could not declared but this society is working from that time. So it was established in a historical and memorial day the 21 January 2010.

Dharmakirti International peace and progress society (abbreviation for DIPPS) begin to consist a DIPPS Central Trust Fund for future all developmental work, except special projects all of DIPPS money will fixed deposit in bank for trust fund. We don’t spend capital money of trust fund. we only use yearly interest of fixed deposit for social development work of DIPPS and its Co-organization.

The first work of this society is to start Friday weekly monastic religious schools or Friday Dhamma schools for children. We already start it in Damdhama- Nababpur Dharmakirti Buddhist Monastery. When our fund will increase, gradually we will extend this program all the temples of Mirsarai and Sitakunda Upazilla. After that all the temples of Bangladesh. Because without ethical guidance or religious teachings we can’t build a good society as well as a good Nation.

According to our founder’s observation, now there have not much financial poverty in the Buddhist community of Bangladesh, but in the field of Buddhist studies of youth there have much poverty. For a lack of moral religious knowledge now many Buddhist youth of Bangladesh are misguide and degenerate to the way of real life. So their families as well as the society are suffering a lot. We think that the Buddha’s teaching is the best way to escape to this situation.

The second priority of our society (DIPPS) is to establish Dhamma Duta residential school and college for monks and novices. Because our founder think that except good and skillful religious teacher society cannot be good. Now days there have shortage skillful religious teachers or monks in Bangladesh. So DIPPS will whole heartedly try to fulfill this shortage. You will be happy and glad to hear that by the graces of Triple Gems our founder already get a big land as a donation for this purpose. And building construction also going on at that place. We have a master plan, where we have need near about 250, 00000/- (Two core and fifty lac) approximately USD 320512$  to complete this construction work. within six months we already spent near about 300, 000/- (Thirty Lac). Now its foundation work is completed. Our well wishers from land and abroad are extend their generous helping hand.

After complete this construction work we will start education courses on Tripitaka (Sutta, Binoyand Abhidhamma including Pali and English) to the grass label. This Dhammaduta School and college not only teach them canonical teachings (pariyatti Dhamma) but also emphasis to teach them the strong code of discipline, Sila and Samadhi (Patipatti Dhamma). After finishing their course they will go for preach the Dhamma for the good of many, for the happiness of many, as a Dhammaduta (The messenger of Dhamma).

Dharmakirti Vihar

Address: shreega ,Nagal tole   Kathmandu Bagmati gpo kathmandu
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +977 1 4259466
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Vice president: Drabyaman singh tuladhar  Email  (Phone: 9851105959)
Secretary: Meena tuladhar  Email  (Phone: 9841280673)
Main Contact: do  Email  (Phone: do)
Teacher: do  
Spiritual Director: Bhikkuni Dhamavati  Email  (Phone: 9774259466)
Notes and Events:

Dharmakirti Vihar is established in 44 years ago in Kathmandu, capital of Nepal.President of this vihar is  Most recpected Bhikkuni Dhammavati. She was honored SASANDHAJ DHAMMACHARYA from government of Barma.She ha sgot many awards from diffirent association.This vihar has 8 branches and 8 diffirent wings.This is only leading vihar for Nuns.This vihar is completly running by is just brief information of vihar.

The wings like this

Dharmakirti vihar conservation trust is mean unit. chief of that trust is Bhikkuni Dhamavati and Dhrmanusaak is most respected Bhikku Ashogosh Mahaasthever

1.Dharmakirti Study circle,2Dharmakirti health service.3.Dharmakirti Library.

4.Dharmakirti gyanmala bhajan khala.5Dharmakirti Sisu sadan (Kinder garden)

6.Dharmakirti Magazine and publication and maintinace

8.Traning andn public relation

9.Dharmakirti Health care center is going to establish with 10 beds( the plan is going on)It will take some time.

Dr. Ambedkar Student Front of India

Address: Jr hostel UPRIMS&R SIAFAI   Etawah 20130
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 9458657722
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Notes and Events:

Dr Ambedkar Student Forum is is national student organisation working in 13 state of india. it works in the field to guide the youth of Bhahujan student in their pursuit of Buddhism and meditation.

Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Buddha Vihar, Pune

Address: Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Buddha Vihar, Above New Type 1, Rangehills, Khadki, Pune - 411020. MAHARASHTRA (INDIA)   Pune Maharashtra 411020
Tradition: Theravada, Buddhagaya Mahabodhi Mahavihar Mukti Andolan, Pune
Phone: 09527484323, 09028284701, 09823404818, 08698692080
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Ayu.: Suhas Popat Gajarmal  Email  (Phone: 08698692080)
Main Contact: Ayu. Satish Sugrav Gaikwad  Email  (Phone: 09823404818)
Teacher: Ayu. Ajay Ravikiran Dhende  
Spiritual Director: Ayu.Uday Ravikiran Dhende  Email  (Phone: 09527484323)
Notes and Events:

Organasation :Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Buddha Vihar, Pune
Name : Above New Type 1, Rangehills, Khadki, Pune - 411020. MAHARASHTRA(INDIA)

Founder Persons : Ayu. Uday Ravikiran Dhende

                           Ayu. Ajay Ravikiran Dhende

                           Ayu. Satish Sugrav Gaikwad

                           Ayu. Suhas Popat Gajarmal

                           Ayu. Sachin Patil

 Contacts : 09527484323, 09028284701, 09823404818, 08698692080

 Website :

 Email :

 Activities : Buddhagaya Mahabodhi Mahavihar Mukti Andolan, Pune

 Plans : Bhikkhu Nivas, Buddhist Students Hostel, Buddha Vihar.

East Bay Meditation Center

Address: 2147 Broadway  Oakland CA 94612
Tradition: Theravada, open to all
Phone: 510-268-0696
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Founded in a celebration of diversity, the East Bay Meditation Center welcomes everyone seeking to end suffering and cultivate happiness. Our mission is to foster liberation, personal and interpersonal healing, social action, and inclusive community building. We offer mindfulness practices and teachings on wisdom and compassion from Buddhist and other spiritual traditions. Rooted in our commitment to diversity, we operate with transparent democratic governance, generosity-based economics, and environmental sustainability.

Edinburgh Theravada Buddhist Group

Address: 0131 337 0901 (Muriel Nevin) or 0131 556 7000 (Myint Su)   Scotland
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Harnham Buddhist Monastery
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Contact: Neil Howell  (Phone: 0131 226 5044)
Notes and Events:

The Edinburgh  Buddhists practice in the Forest Sangha tradition of the venerable Ajahn Chah of Thailand. We are affiliated with the Ratanagiri monastery in Harnham and Amaravati in Hemel Hempstead.

We meet every Thursday evening for meditation and group discussion. All are welcome, whether you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re looking for a regular practice or an occasional meditation. We begin the evening with chanting and meditation, followed by group discussion or a dhamma talk.

7:30 - 9:30 pm, Christ Church Hall, Holy Corner, Bruntsfield Place in Edinburgh.   Every Thursday, by donation.

Ehipassiko Meditation Centre

Address: 5107 Whitestone Road. NE   Calgary Alberta T1Y 1T4
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: International Buddhist Foundation in Calgary
Phone: 403 280 9729
Fax: 403 280 9729
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Teacher: Venerable Dedunupitiye Upananda Thero  
Teacher: Venerable Werapitiye Somananda Thero  
Main Contact: Venerable Werapitiye Somananda Thero  (Phone: 403 280 9729)
Notes and Events:

he Sri Lankan Buddhist Society of Calgary is a religious, charitable, non profit organization registered with the Government of Canada. It is solely funded by members and well-wishers of the community. The objective of the Society is to give the noblest gift of the Dhamma and spiritual guidance to its congregation. The Society caters to the religious needs of its members while the borders are open to everyone in Canada as well as in the United States of America. Our services include counseling, spiritual guidance, Sunday school service to our children, community work, national and cultural services, personality development and non-violence awareness programs for youth, and library services to name a few that are all free of charge.

Embracing Simplicity - Nashville

Address: 5125 Franklin Road   Nashville TE 37220
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Embracing Simplicity Contemplative Order
Phone: 931-994-8023
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Teacher: Acharya Christie Bates (Passatininna)  
Notes and Events:

Open to all who wish to heal suffering caused by delusions of self. Meets Sunday evenings 630-8PM for mindfulness practice, Dharma study and discussion.

Eureka Mindfulness

Address: PO Box 6865   Eureka CA 95502
Tradition: Theravada, Vipassana
Phone: 707-269-7044
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Main Contact: Cindee  (Phone: 707-269-7044)
Notes and Events:

 Mail to : PO Box 6865, Eureka, CA 95502      

"Eureka Mindfulness" vipassana meditation and discussion group, second and fourth Weds. 7:15pm, First Christian Church 730 K St., Eureka, CA. Wheelchair accessible, fragrance free, beginners welcome. Info: 707-269-7044.

Farmington Valley Insight Meditation & Study Group

Address:   West Simsbury CN 06019
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 860 651-7728
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Main Contact: Kathy Simpson  Email  (Phone: 860 651-7728)
Notes and Events:

We meet biweekly on Thursday evenings for meditation and discussion on the Buddhas teaching.

Foerderverein Theravada-Buddhismus

Address: Dr. Marianne Wachs Bismarckstrasse 86   Berlin Berlin 10627
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: (0049-) 030-3137740
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Notes and Events:

Der Foerderverein wurde 1999 von einer Gruppe engagierter Buddhisten gegruendet, die durch eigene Konzeptionen, Projekte und Aktivitäten zur Entwicklung eines den sozialen und kulturellen Bedingungen des Westens angepassten Theravada-Buddhismus beitragen moechten. Siehe auch:

Forres Dhamma Friends

Address: 1 Leask Road   Forres Scotland Iv36 1SW
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Theravada Forest Sangha
Phone: 07921211434
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Main Contact: Claralynn nunamaker  Email  (Phone: 07921211434)
Notes and Events:

 Please join us for Sunday mornings for chanting (Pali and English), meditation, and discussion. 10-11 am, 1 Leask Road in Forres. 

Fort Worth Meditation Center

Address: 312 W. Leuda Street.   Ft. Worth TX 76104
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 817-290-2117
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Main Contact: Buddy Fichera  Email  (Phone: 817-290-2117)
Notes and Events:

Fort Worth Meditations curriculum is inspired by Ajahn Geoff (Thanissaro Bhikkhu) and Ajahn Sumedho. Both are senior monks in the Thai Forest Tradition of Theravada Buddhism.

All the material at our center is offered freely with no strings attached. The best way to repay the teacher is to earnestly put the teachings into practice - to see for yourself, for your own benefit, and for the benefit of the world.

Fundacja Theravada

Address:   Warszawa
Tradition: Theravada
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Buddyzm Theravāda od wielu lat ma w Polsce wielu sympatyków, osób zainteresowanych i praktykujących. Dotychczas jednak nie powstała żadna organizacja, centrum, czy ośrodek który wspierałby polskich Theravādinów w zdobywaniu wiedzy o naukach Buddhy, bazujących na kanonie palijskim oraz praktykowaniu tychże.

Postanowiliśmy to zmienić i założyć Fundację Theravāda. Liczymy na Wasze zainteresowanie i współpracę. Fundacja nie jest związana z konkretnym nauczycielem ani tradycją czy odłamem buddyzmu. Jesteśmy otwarci na wszystkie osoby autentycznie zainteresowane naukami buddyjskimi na podstawie kanonu palijskiego.

Gaia House

Address: West Ogwell  Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 6EW
Tradition: Theravada, Mahayana, Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Insight Meditation / Vipassana / Zen
Phone: +44 (0)1626 333613
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Teacher: Christina Feldman  
Spiritual Director: Yanai Postelnik  Email  (Phone: +44 (0)1626 333613)
Notes and Events:

Gaia House is an old Georgian country house set in its own mature parkland gardens amongst the rolling hills of Devon, deep in the English countryside.

We provide a year-round timetable of Group Retreats, mainly in the Insight Meditation tradition but with many Zen retreats.  Additionally, we also provide an extensive facility for Personal Retreats, where individuals can conduct solitary retreats within the house and grounds for up to 3 months.

Garia Bauddha Sanskriti Samsad

Address: 21/1 MILON PARK, KOLKATA-700084   Kolkata Bangla
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 91-033-24300885
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Main Contact: MR. ASIS BARUA  Email  (Phone: 91-9830409576)
Spiritual Director: SAMADHIPRIYA BHIKSHU  (Phone: 91-9831781670)
Notes and Events:

This organisation is mainly a monastery/temple oriented buddhist cultural organisation. It is situated at south calcutta. A magazine called ATTADIP is published by this organisation beside holding religious ceremonies within the temple. This organisation also runs a charitable Homeo Dispensary and whenever possible involves in social works. For further information please contact Mr. Asis Barua, General Secretary of the organisation at 91-033-24308907 (after 20 hr.indian standard time) or 91-9830409576.

Gauthama Buddha Aahram

Address: Near Erpedu railway station, Erpedu Mandal, chittoor district.   Erpedu Andhra Pradesh
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0091-8578-204214
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Main Contact: Mr.Narsimulu  (Phone: 0091-9393622976)
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