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North American Fulong Dharma Centre

Address: 2105-77 Harbour Square   Toronto Ontario M5J 2S2
Tradition: Vajrayana, Buddha Shakyamuni, Tsongkapa - the greatest commentator of Buddhism in history, KonSa Rinpoche, the great Master NengHai, Master Qin Hai and to Master HaiKong.
Affiliation: TWDD Hai Kong
Phone: 416-272-0913
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Kitchener TWDD: Vibeke  Email  
Main Contact: Jemma Fong  Email  
Guelph TWDD: Ryan  Email  
Teacher: Wen Tang  
Spiritual Director: Master Shi Hai Kong (from China)  Email  
Notes and Events:

The North American Fulong Dharma Centre is committed in providing ongoing support and guidance to all individuals in hopes to reducing life’s pain and suffering through meditation and Dharma practice.

TWDD meditation originated in Tibetan Buddhist Meditation / Yoga practice. After a process of reforms, a series of public teachings has been developed by Master Hai Kong and has made available to the general public for the first time in history. TWDD represents a powerful tool to unfold our inner peace and to develop true happiness.

During each meditation session, we will give about half hour on-going teaching on " the three principle aspects of the path of true happiness" - a fundamental study set forth for successful meditation practices. Also we will do half hour standing meditation, 45 minutes of sitting meditation, as well as a short QA session.

The essence of TWDD meditation is to preoccupy one’s body, mind and speech with (holding) Mudra, (visualizing) Guru and (speaking) Mantra. In just a matter of 2 hours/per day in up to 7 days, all practitioners will be able to establish the connection to their own Dharma Nature, thereby generating the confidence to continue on the journey of spiritual development.

Learn TWDD meditation a powerful tool to unfold your inner peace and to develop true happiness. TWDD meditation originated in Tibetan Buddhist Meditation / Yoga practice. Practice sessions in Toronto, Kitchener, Guelph, Ontario Canada

North American Shin Buddhist Association (NASBA)

Address:   Middletown CN
Tradition: Mahayana, Shin Buddhism
Affiliation: independent lay practicioners
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Notes and Events:

NASBA is a growing and innovative collection of affiliated American Shin Buddhist communities that follow the successful and increasingly popular practice style of its flagship community, the Buddhist Faith Fellowship of Connecticut. Established in the year 2005, and now headquartered in Middletown, Connecticut, NASBA serves as the religious and administrative center for its affiliated sanghas across the continent and the world.

North Carolina Buddhist Temple

Address: 1017 Patterson Rd   Durham NC 27704
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 919-827-4389
Fax: 919-827-4389
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Yatiyana Wajirapala Thero  Email  (Phone: 919-827-4389)
Notes and Events:

We are located in Durham, North Carolina and welcome anyone who is interested in learning and practicing Buddha’s teachings and philosophy to achieve their spiritual and personal goals. The temple community is guided under the leadership and patronage of the Most Venerable Yatiyana Wajirapala Thero. The cultural heritage of the temple stems from the Sri Lankan tradition of Theravada Buddhism.

We offer many services that include meditation sessions, scripture discussions, Sunday school, monthly one-day retreats on Poya (Full-Moon) days, and various community and cultural events such as Vesak, Vas Season Program and Katina Pooja, Sinhala and Tamil New Year Celebrations, etc., on a frequent basis. Please check back for these announcement as they happen.

North Dakota Buddhist Vihara

Address: P.O.Box 5152   Fargo ND 58105
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Minnesota Buddhist Vihara
Phone: (612) 522 1811
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Spiritual Director: Witiyala Seewalie Thera  Email  (Phone: (612) 522 1811)
Notes and Events:

Mail to :  P.O.Box 5152, Fargo, 58105 ND

The mission of the North Dakota Buddhist Vihara is to share the Buddhas message of Peace and Happiness and help create peace and harmony within and ourselves and in the surrounding world.

Northeast Ohio Buddhist News

Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Main Contact: Lynne Brakeman  Email  
Notes and Events:

Northeast Ohio Buddhist News supports and engages the diverse Northeast Ohio Buddhist community by providing a central source for news, events and networking. Members of this FaceBook page can post news and events of interest to Buddhist students in our region. Occasional posts about national and international Buddhist news -- and about events in surrounding states.

Northern Light Zen Center

Address: 202 Meadow Road.   Topsham ME 04086
Tradition: Mahayana, Korean Chogye Order
Affiliation: Kwan Un School of Zen
Phone: (207) 835-1480
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Contact: Bill Robitzek  
Teacher: Terence Cronin, JDPSN  
Notes and Events:

Evening Practice is every Wednesday. 

6:00            Orientation for new students

6:40            General arrival

6:45            Recite 4 Great Vows; 3 Bows

6:50            Chanting

7:05            Sitting meditation

7:35            Walking meditation

7:45            Sitting meditation

8:05            Reading from Zen Books

8:20            Discussion

8:30            Conversation and departure

Northwest Territories Theravāda

Address: Northwest Territories   Northwest Territories
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Wilderness Meditation
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Notes and Events:

Theravāda Buddhist Wilderness practice throughout Northwest Territories, as well as Yukon and Alaska. Please contact for exact location.

Nritya Mandala Mahavihara/ Dance Mandal

Address:   Portland 97214
Tradition: Vajrayana, Newar/Nepalese Buddhism specializes in the Buddhist arts including dance, singing,painting, mask and deity costumes, and mandalas
Affiliation: Newar Vajrayana Buddhism
Phone: 503-807-5252
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Teacher: Prajwal Ratna Vajracharya  
Spiritual Director: Prajwa Ratnal Vajracharya  Email  (Phone: )
Notes and Events:

Charya Nritya and Giti Classes - Lineage of Nepalese Buddhist Dance and Song, dancing the Bodhisattvas, Dakinis, and Buddhas for Deity Yoga.

Nyingma Institute

Address: 1815 Highland Place   Berkeley CA 94709
Tradition: Vajrayana
Affiliation: Tarthang Tulku
Phone: 510-809-1000
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Main Contact: reception desk  (Phone: 510-809-1000)
Teacher: Sylvia Gretchen  
Spiritual Director: Tarthang Tulku  
Notes and Events:

With an emphasis on joyful engagement in life, the Nyingma Institute in Berkeley, California has been bringing the riches of the Tibetan tradition to the Western world since 1972.

We offer training in meditation, Buddhist studies, and Tibetan language in ways that blend cognitive and experiential learning. Tibetan Yoga; Nyingma Psychology; and the Time, Space, and Knowledge vision were all developed here by our founder Tarthang Tulku. These unique fields of study provide effective ways to counteract tension, clear the mind, and open body and mind to new dimensions of feeling.

We offer ongoing weekend and extended retreats, classes, workshops, certificate programs, resident and non-resident volunteer programs.

Ocean Mind Sangha

Address:   Playa del Carmen
Tradition: Mahayana, White Plum
Affiliation: Zen
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Notes and Events:

 Virtual Zen sangha guided by Zuisei Goddard, based in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Visit for info on upcoming sangha events like weekly zazen and dharma classes, our dharma podcast, written teachings, and to sign up for private teaching with Zuisei.

Oklahoma Buddhist Vihāra

Address: 4820 N Portland Ave.   Oklahoma City OK 73112
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: (405) 810 - OKBV (6528)
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Resident Monk: Santhapiya  
Teacher: Bhante Piyaratana  
Resident Monk: Piyananda  
Notes and Events:

Oklahoma Buddhist Vihāra is a non-profit organization dedicated to the study and practice of the teachings of the Buddha. Our resident monks are trained in the Theravada tradition, but we invite Buddhists of all traditions to practice with us.


5:00pm - 6:00pm     Meditation & Discussion @ OKBV

6:00pm - 7:00pm     Meditation & Discussion @ OKBV

6:00pm - 7:00pm     Silent Meditation @ OKBV

6:00pm - 7:00pm     Meditation & Discussion @ OKBV 

6:00pm - 7:00pm     Meditation & Discussion @ OKBV

Oklahoma Nichiren Shoshu Hokkeko

Address: 2235 W Britton Road   Oklahoma City OK
Affiliation: Myohoji Temple, Los Angeles, CA
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Main Contact: Michael Heffron  Email  (Phone: 405-751-8360)
Notes and Events:

Contact for Nichiren Shoshu Hokkeko members or persons interested in Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism.

Oklahoma Rime Foundation

Tradition: Vajrayana
Main Contact: James Martin  Email  
Notes and Events:

The Oklahoma Rim&eaut; Foundation is a nonsectarian organization whose primary goal is to bring qualified Tibetan spiritual teachers into our communities to live and teach, and to form conditions that will enable dedicated spiritual practitioners in our communities to engage in spiritual study and retreat.

One Dharma Nashville

Address: 2301 12th Avenue South, Suite 202  Nashville TE 37204
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, open to all Buddhist traditions
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Spiritual Director: Lisa Ernst  Email  
Teacher: Lisa Ernst  
Notes and Events:

One Dharma Nashville reflects an emerging Western Buddhism that integrates the teachings of the major traditions and focuses on the key practices of mindfulness, lovingkindness and compassion. We meet on Monday nights at the 12South Dharma Center from 7 - 8:30. Our program includes meditation, chanting and discussion. We also meet two Saturdays per month for a dharma study group, 10 - 11:30, and the third Wednesday night of each month 6:30 - 8 p.m for a "new meditators" night. More information is available at our website,

One Mind Dharma

Address: 12217 Pacific Avenue #7   Los Angeles CA 90066
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Spirit Rock
Phone: 888-991-6463
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Spiritual Director: ELIZABETH KEY-COMIS  Email  
Notes and Events:

One Mind Dharma offers daily guided meditation emails, a mindfulness blog, and tons of online meditation groups and resources.

One Mind Zen

Address: 14 Plymouth Ave   Florence 01062
Tradition: Mahayana, Seung Sahn
Affiliation: Korean Seon
Phone: 413-341-56785
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Dharma teacher: Jonson Sunmin Miller  Email  (Phone: 413-341-6785)
Teacher: Myeong Jin Eunsahn  
Notes and Events:

One Mind Zen Collective is an American Zen Sangha. It has been on-line-only since the advent of Covid in 2020. Since then, we have attracted members from Sri Lanka, Japan, Canada, Texas, Chicago, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, as well as Massachusetts. The Abbott & Guiding Teacher is Myeong Jin Eunsahn, who was given Dharma Transmission from his teacher in 2023. 

The group’s YouTube channel is where we have recorded full services and Dharma talks since 2020. Links to our Zoom meditation meetings are available on the website. 

One River Zen Center

Address: 121 E Prospect Avenue   Ottawa 61350
Tradition: Mahayana, Danin Katagiri through Diane Sojun Martin
Phone: 8153240020
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Spiritual Director: Michael Brunner  Email  (Phone: 3129289082)
Notes and Events:

Where ancient tradition meets modern life. At One River Zen, we blend the timeless teachings of Sōtō Zen Buddhism with contemporary practices to help you awaken to your true self and realize your full potential. Our community is rooted in tradition yet fully open to the present, empowering all to embody wisdom, compassion, and mindfulness in today’s world through daily practice.

Open Door Sangha

Address:   Santa Barbara CA 93101
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: In the tradition of Spirit Rock, IMC, IMS
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Notes and Events:

We are a peer-led group offering three weekly sitting groups (one including a dharma talk by a senior student), classes and daylongs led by senior students, and weekend non-residential retreats taught by visiting teachers from several streams of Buddhism, but mostly in the Theravadan/Insight tradition.

Details of our current schedule can be found on our website and on our Facebook page, Open Door Sangha of Santa Barbara.

Open Heart Sangha

Address: 97 Main Street   Yarmouth ME 04096
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Engaged Zen Buddhism
Phone: 207-774-1599
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Teacher: Thich Nhat Hanh  
Main Contact: Dave Trafton  Email  (Phone: 207-749-3396)
Notes and Events:

Open Heart Sangha is a meditation group that practices mindfulness in the tradition of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. We are an open and welcoming community for any and all who wish to practice with us. We offer sitting and walking meditation and dharma study every Monday from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

.See our website calendar for additional events.

Open Sangha

Address: 4161 N. High Street, Suite B   Columbus OH 43212
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 1-(614) 594-9336
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Notes and Events:

The mission of the Columbus Open Sangha is to provide an opportunity for people to practice and study Buddhism and the teachings of the Buddha without the constrains of sectarianism or the historical lines between the many traditions of Buddhism. Rather, we will examine and reflect upon the differences in doctrine and practice between different schools of Buddhism and discuss whether they are products of culture and history or inherent to what Buddha taught. We respect that his successors continued to develop the Dharma, creating new schools of thought and practice. These are all valuable teachings, regardless of the school or tradition of the teacher. 

Open Sky Sangha - an LGBT Buddhist Community

Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 212-989-3456
Main Contact: Lawrence Grecco  Email  (Phone: 212-989-3456)
Notes and Events:

Open Sky is a group of gay, lesbian, bisexual,straight, and transgendered people with a common interest in Buddhism. We are open to newcomers, seasoned Buddhists, and everyone in between. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at the New York Insight Meditation Center in New York City.

We are dedicated to providing our members with a diverse and inclusive experience of the dharma. This means that we embrace the wide array of lineages and traditions that exist within Buddhism.

We are a completely self-sustaining and independent organization so we have complete autonomy with regard to our meeting formats and speakers. This gives us the freedom to explore and learn about different ways of meditating from different teachers. We have the unique opportunity to meet as peers and to speak freely about our individual approaches to practice.

We provide a space for reflection, discussion, mutual support, and learning. Each meeting begins with meditation instruction and a brief period of sitting. Our meetings focus on assigned readings as well as readings we will do as a group that cover a rich and diverse overview of relevant Buddhist teachings and topics.

Members are encouraged to share their personal experiences regarding their personal practice and spiritual journey.

We realize that all of us are both students and teachers at different moments of our lives--we all have something to teach and we all have something to learn.

Everyone is valuable and everyone is welcome regardless of religion, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, or previous meditation experience.

Order of Clear Mind Zen

Address: 642 South Alameda Boulevard, Suite E   Las Cruces NM 88005
Tradition: Mahayana, Soyu Matsuoka-roshi
Affiliation: Independent
Phone: 575-680-6680
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Spiritual Director: Rev. Daiho Hilbert-roshi  Email  (Phone: 575-680-6680)
Notes and Events:

The Order of Clear Mind Zen is an Engaged Zen sangha.  We have established sanghas in El Paso, Texas, northern California, and Las Cruces, New Mexico.  We provide daily zazen services, educational services, monthly zazenkai and quarterly sesshin.  We practice both in Zendo and on the streets. 

Order of the Lotus Blossom

Address: Lincoln, Nebraska   Lincoln NE
Tradition: Mahayana, Hui Neng
Affiliation: Zen Buddhism
Phone: 4024504668
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Fajian Shakya, Abbot  
Notes and Events:

The Order of the Lotus Blossom (OLB) is a Zen Buddhist Brother- and Sisterhood. It consists of novices and ordained members, who are committed to a mindful life style, but not necessarily within the confines of a community, center or monastery.

Orgyen Dorje Den

Address: 2244 Santa Clara Ave.   Alameda CA 94501
Tradition: Vajrayana
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Spiritual Director: Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

 The Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche founded Orgyen Dorje Den in 1978 to support the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism in the San Francisco Bay Area. In 2001 the group established the the current center in Alameda and it has developed into a stable resource for the local Buddhist community.

On the 10th and 25th days of the Lunar calendar, the sangha gathers to make offerings and renew our samaya commitments through meditation on Guru Rinpoche and the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal. All are welcome to join in these practices from the Dudjom Tersar tradition. Please bring food or drink to share.  To view our calendar of events, visit our webpage at

 Les Collins, a long time student of Gyatrul Rinpoche, conducts a sitting meditation practice group every other Wednesday Evening at 7pm. The program is open to all and includes practice and instruction based on the text taught by Gyatrul Rinpoche called Natural Liberation.

Orgyen Khamdroling

Address: 3300 Josephine Street   Denver 80205
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma
Affiliation: Anyen Rinpoche: Spiritual Director
Website: http//
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Main Contact: Ven. Chris Jamyang Palden  Email  
Teacher: Anyen Rinpoche  
Spiritual Director: Anyen Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Orgyen Khamdroling invites you to join us in the traditional study and practice of the Longchen Nyingthig: The Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse. Under the guidance of Anyen Rinpoche, our community is committed to rooting the Dharma in the West through authentic practice, following the example of the great masters of our lineage. Please feel free to join us at Orgyen Khamdroling Center in Denver, Colorado, or wherever Anyen Rinpoche is teaching!

Visit our website to view our current schedule at

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