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Dhamma Study Group Bogor
Address: Jl. City No. 9A, Bogor 16123 Jabar, Indonesia
Tradition: Theravada
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Dhamma Study Group Bogor is a lay Buddhist Group (Dhamma Study Group) in Bogor.
Activities are studying, teaching, translating Buddha Dhamma; regular meditation based on the Pali Canon.
Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center and Anathapindika\'s Park Complex
Address: 8218 County Road 204
Annapolis, MO 63620
Ironton, MO MO 63620
Tradition: Theravada, Most Ven. Sayadaw Gyi U Vimalaramsi MahaThera
Affiliation: Buddhist American Forest Tradition
Phone: 573-546-1214
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Abbot: Ven. Bhante Vimalaramsi Email (Phone: 573-546-1214)
Master Teacher: Bhante Vimalaramsi Email (Phone: 573-546-1214)
Main Contact: Ven. Sister Khema Email (Phone: 573-546-1214)
Teacher: Bhante Vimalaramsi
Spiritual Director: Bhante Vimalaramsi Email (Phone: 573-546-1214)
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Dhamma Sukha Meditation Center ( DSMC) and Anathapindikas Study Park Complex is located in the Ozark mountain forest near to Ironton, MO. it is supported by the United International Buddha Dhamma Society (UIBDS). The center offers one-on-one personal training and investigation retreats for two weeks at a time with Most Ven, Bhante Vimalaramsi and Ven. Sister Khema who train people in Tranquil Wisdom insight Meditation. This practice brings together again the practices of Serenity and Insight Meditation as they were originally given to us through the early Pali Canon.
The center is located on 102 acres of land about 13 miles outside of Ironton, Missouri. Presently (DEC-2010) the center has a capacity for up to 11 students in training at one time. More residences are under construction. there is vast support for this project around the world now. The monastic area can train three people at one time in a separate area and is growing.
The summer months of Rains retreat, usually July - October, are best for training. Retreats can begin as early as April if approved. Visiting monks present Pali classes, assist with research and writing, teach Buddhist history, and Sutta study is daily addressed through Dhamma talks which students are encouraged to investigate. Dhamma English is taught to monks and nuns here also. There is an active Ordination program for men and women.
This is a rustic environment where you will be asked to practice what you hear in Dhamma talks to confirm it when you see it. There are daily interviews with students. There are outside and inside sitting and walking areas.
If interested in attending, you should contact Sister Khema. this year 2011 there will be two week limts for first time visitors. Times may later be extended on other visits upon approval by the Abbot. This practice is one you can take with you into life and it changes everything and brings back your smile according to the level of your understanding. It is great. It certainly wakes up your understanding of the Dhamma by tweaking whatever you have been practicing and is very useful.
Visiting monastics should contact Sister Khema to then be approved by Ven. Vimalaramsi for training and assistance.
Contact us through the website for more information.
We look forward to hearing from you.
In the Dhamma
Ven. Sister Khema
Dhamma Sukhakari
Address: Saxon Road, Saxmundham
Suffolk IP17 1EF
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: UK Vipassana Trust
Phone: 01728 602 580
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The Dhamma House can accommodate up to 28 people and offers 1 day, weekend and 3 day Assistant Teacher lead courses to students who have already completed a full 10 day course.
There are also 1 day and residential courses for Children and young people, children's courses.
Dhamma Vihara
Address: Dhamma Vihara Apartado Postal 19 Banderilla Ver. C.P. 91300 México
Tradition: Theravada, Burmese-everyone welcome!!
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Teacher: Ven.U Nandisena
Spiritual Director: Late Venerable U Silananda
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Dhamma Vihara is located on the foothills of the Sierra Madre Oriental near the city of Jalapa in the State of Veracruz.
Dhamma Wheel Meditation Society
Address: 1518, S. Haven Drive Clearwater FL 33764
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 727 242-7239
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Spiritual Director: Bhante Dhammawansha Email (Phone: 727 536-9241)
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Vipassana Meditation Thursdays at 7PM
Metta Meditation and Dhamma discussions Sundays at 6PM
Dhamma Kids group meets on weekly, times vary.
Dhamma Wisdom Centre
Address: 27 Jalan Senyum
Singapore 418151
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Wat Ananda
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Main Contact: Dr Winyoo
Spiritual Director: Dr Winyoo
Temple Guardian: Ricahrd Tan (Phone: 9231 1221)
Notes and Events:
Morning meditation starts daily from 6.30am and evening chanting starts from 7pm. All is welcome.
Dhammabucha Rocksprings Meditation and Retreat Sanctuary
Address: 2382 Indian Springs Road. Barksdale TX 78828
Tradition: Theravada, Thai forest Tradition of Ajahn Mun
Affiliation: Wat Dhammabucha - San Antonio
Phone: 1 830 683 2419
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Teacher: Eddie and Janet Rock
Main Contact: Eddie and Janet Rock Email (Phone: 1 830 683 2419)
Spiritual Director: Venerable Luang Por Samarn Saengsri Email
Notes and Events:
The sanctuary is located on eighty-five quiet, wooded acres away from paved roads and cell phone signals, a perfect setting for meditation practice. The Buddha said, “Here are roots of trees, here are empty huts – practice jhana! (meditation). Do not be negligent! Do not regret it later!”
Following the forest monastery tradition in Thailand, monks, nuns, and lay people reside and practice individually in kutis (small 8’ x 8’ cabins) which are spaced around the hillsides, using the sala (central meditation hall) for meals, dhamma study, chanting, and group meditation. The experience of aloneness and detachment, away from the hustle and bustle of the world, offers a rare opportunity to take his or her meditation practice and spiritual development to new levels.
The sanctuary is maintained by two full-time resident anagarikas: Upasaka Eddie Rock and Upasika Janet Rock, who support visiting meditators by providing food, lodging, and meditation guidance if requested based on the fundamentals of Theravada Buddhist spiritual practice as originally taught by the Buddha 2,550 years ago.
We provide the opportunity for you to schedule your own time here, whether it is only a quick day visit or a long-term retreat.
For those staying overnight, taking the Eight Precepts is a requirement, which are the foundation of Buddhist training and a prerequisite to successful meditation practice.
Dhammacakka Meditation Center
Address: No. SA, 14/ 98/ J-10, Baraipur, Sarnath,Varanasi
Uttar Pradesh 221007
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +91-542-2595716
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U: Adicca Email (Phone: +91-542-2595716)
Spiritual Director: Dr. Nagavamsa Email (Phone: +91-542-2595716)
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I am Rev. U Nagavamsa a Myanmar Buddhist monk, doing missionary in India, Bangladesh and Myanmar. At present I have construction a meditation center at Sarnath, Varanasi where the Buddha first sermon was. I hope I can fulfill here the reintroduction of the Buddha\'s teaching.
After construction the meditation hall I can accept 120 Yogis and will arrange the course for training of meditation on the way of Mahasi Sayadaw of Myanmar.
I hope I can: 1 preservation, 2. Restoration, 3. Promotion and, 4. Propagation of Buddhist cultures in India.
I wish all living being happiness with Dhamma and that they attain Nirvana by practice of meditation.
Dr. Nagavamsa
Dhammacakka Meditation Center
Baraipor, Sarnath Varanasi UP India
Dhammachaya Buddhist Center Denmark
Address: H 4534
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0045 5016 8646
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Spiritual Director: Venerable Kusalasami
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We offer Meditation class and Buddhist teaching class.
Address: Jakarta
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Main Contact: Sumedho Email
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DhammaCitta is an independent Buddhist organization. We provide online discussion forum, e-library and Buddhist text publications.
Dhammadapa Sangha
Address: Formosa 182, Ing. Maschwitz, Pcia. de Buenos Aires Ingeniero Maschwitz 1623
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
Affiliation: Sangha Dhammapada
Phone: 0348 4627143
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Teacher: Sifu Koio Samadhi
Spiritual Director: Sifu Koio Samadhi
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* Transmisión del Budismo Zen con identidad propia. Budismo Zen del Río de la Plata.
* Fomentar la defensa y desarrollo de los Derechos Humanos a través del desarrollo espiritual y de actividades sociales y comunitarias.
* Promover el diálogo interreligioso con el anhelo de encontrarnos en lo que nos une como seres humanos sin necesidad de hacer hincapié en las diferencias que siempre pertenecen a la esfera de las formas y no de la esencia.
Dhammadeepa Vihara
Address: 43 Hemmings Street, Dandenong, VIC 3175 Vic
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan, all are welcome!
Affiliation: Sri Lankans Buddhist Meditation Association
Phone: 03 9794 9492
Fax: 03 9708 0264
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Contact: Ven. Sangha Nanda
Teacher: Venerable Puja Akaravita Sangananda
Notes and Events:
Dhammadeepa meditation centres located at Dandenong and Cranbourne are managed by The Buddhist Meditation Association of Victoria. The Association is incorporated under the Australian Government Incorporations Act 1981 and has been operating in the state of Victoria since 1994. The Association is also registered as a Charitable and non-profitable religious organisation with Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission (ACNC).
Dhammadhara Foundation
Address: The Cypress Hermitage, Bambarella Tawalantenna Central 20838
Tradition: Theravada, Forest Tradition (Aranna-vasin)
Phone: (+0094) 081 562 0553
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Spiritual Director: Venerable Bhikkhu Samahita Email (Phone: (+0094) 081 562 0553)
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Solitary meditation hermitage in connection with meditation center.
Longterm retreats welcome, personal guidance by solitary meditator.
The Dhammadhara Foundation performs public service for all beings:
Address: 6791 Sturtevant Drive. Penngrove 94951
Tradition: Theravada, Bhikkhuni Monastery
Phone: 7075839522
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Main Contact: Ven. Tathaloka Mahatheri Email (Phone: 7075839522)
Spiritual Director: Ven. Tathaloka Mahatheri Email (Phone: 7075839522)
Notes and Events:
Founded by Ayya Tathaloka & friends in 2005, Dhammadharini was first in the Western United States to offer a support network for bhikkhunis in Theravada Buddhism. Our monastics have served as a vanguard & continue to deepen and refine their skill in nurturing an awakening and awakened Sangha.
Dhammaduta Myanmar Buddhist Center Germany e.V.
Address: Gutleutstr 127 Frankfurt am Main 60327
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: Meditation and Buddhist teaching
Phone: +4915214489565
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Main Contact:
Teacher: Venerable Chekinda
Spiritual Director: Venerable Kusalasami
Notes and Events:
We offer Meditation class, General Buddhist Teaching
Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage
Address: 10 Ben Varden Ave
Kholo Brisbane QLD 4306
Tradition: Theravada, Ajahn Chah
Phone: 61 7 3201 2041
Fax: 61 7 3201 2044
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Spiritual Director: Ajahn Dhammasiha (Phone: 61 7 3201 2941)
Notes and Events:
SATURDAY: 10:30am Pindapata (Almsround)
11:45am Personal questions and Dhamma Discussion
SUNDAY: 10:00am Pindapata (Almsround)
11:45am Dhammatalk and discussion
02:45pm Chanting, guided meditation, Dhammatalk & discussion
MONDAY: 10:30am Pindapata (Almsround)
11:45am Personal questions and Dhamma Discussion
Everyone is welcome to join the programme on the above days.
For more information, please visit our website.
Dhammagruppe Nyanaponika e.V.
Address: Kasinostraße 59
52066 Aachen Aachen Nordrhein-Westfalen 52066
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0241/53807252
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Wir sind eine offene Meditationsgruppe, die sich seit 12 Jahren in Aachen, Hauset, Hergenrath und Raeren einmal pro Woche zu Meditation und Gespräch zusammen findet. Auißerdem treffen wir uns einmal im Monat zu einem Lesekreis, in dem wir buddhistische Texte besprechen.
DhammaGyan Foundation
Address: Alwar Rajasthan 301001
Tradition: Theravada
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Main Contact: DhammaGyan Foundation Email
Teacher: DhammaGyan Team
Notes and Events:
DhammaGyan Foundation is an organization to spread the Buddha's words in digital format. We at DhammaGyan provide ebooks, articles, videos and other kind of content that needed to serve our goal.
Dhammakaya Centre Singapore
Address: Dhammakaya Centre Singapore 6 Sumang Walk punggol Singapore [828675] Tel. 6926 2072
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 6926 2072
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With the core belief that “Inner Peace brings World Peace”, Dhammakaya Centre Singapore was set up as a Buddhist Meditation Society back in September 1999, with teaching and promoting meditation as its principal activity. Meditation is a popular activity suitable for all ages, races and religions, and particularly relevant for people living in a dynamic and fast-paced city like Singapore. On top of well-established benefits to one’s physical health, it has also been shown to be effective in reducing stress and elevating cognitive abilities and work productivity. In the area of inter-personal relationship, it has an even more profound impact; a positive change at the individual’s emotional level has a positive influence on the well-being of one’s immediate family and community, thus setting in place the foundation for a world that is accepting, inclusive and cohesive. This is the world that we value and aspire for. The DCS Building was designed specifically to provide a space of tranquillity to anyone who seeks to achieve that inner peace. It’s like an oasis in a desert, a safe harbour to nourish an individual’s mind. Having set base at Punggol, we are now ready to fully pursue our mission to benefit the masses. In lock-step with the development of the Punggol district, we shall now march towards a blissful, harmonious and prosperous society.
Dhammakaya Foundation
Address: Wat Luang Phor Sodh Dhammakayaram
Dammnoen Saduak District, Rajburi Province 70130, Thailand.
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 66-81-837-8457;
Fax: 66) 32-740-170
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The Venerable Chao Khun Phra Mongkol-Thepmuni once said that Dhammakaya meditation would be known all over the country, primarily because it penetrates right to the heart of the practice of purification. Defilements such as greed, hatred, delusion, conceit, wrongview, doubt, sloth, restlessness, shamelessness, and lack of moral dread are uprooted naturally and effectively. Avijja or ignorance becomes Vijja or knowledge.
Dhammakaya meditation is not a new practice, as many believe. It is the original Buddha-Teaching. Dhammakaya meditation is the exact path that the Buddha practiced. It is cited many times in the Tipitaka (Buddhist Canon), and directly follows the Noble Eightfold Path which is classified into the three categories of Sila or morality, Samatha or Right Concentration, and Vipassana or Right Wisdom. In combination with the four Satipatthana or Foundations of Mindfulness, the Samatha (concentration) and Vipassana (insight) will advance to Right Wisdom pertaining to the Sankhara or compounds and Visankhara or non-compounds. The Right Wisdom of the Four Noble Truths will be unfolded. Nirvana or freedom from all conditioning and suffering will, thus, be attained.
Without Lord Buddha, this teaching would never have been known and practiced. Without the Venerable Phra Mongkol-Thepmuni, Dhammakaya meditation would never have been well known again. Various benefits will be gained even at the beginning of Dhammakaya meditation practice.
This is for all who seek to understand reality or the true meaning of life as well as those who seek inner purification. Wisdom and virtue develop hand-in-hand. As the meditator progresses beyond the distortions of the passions, insight sharpens and understanding deepens.
Dhammakaya Meditation does not require blind faith. You do not have to believe in Buddhism to benefit from it. It is a method for training the mind to become concentrated and keenly aware, focused inward at the center of the body. With practice, you will encounter new experiences for yourself and will develop confidence.
In 1916, Luang Phor Sodh Candasaro (Chao Khun Phra Mongkol-Thepmuni) rediscovered the Dhammakaya approach to meditation which had been lost sometime during the first five hundred years following the passing away of Lord Buddha. The technique leads the meditator directly along the path to enlightenment and emancipation by combining concentration (Samatha) and insight (Vipassana) meditation techniques. It is, thus, extremely focused and effective.
Dhammakaya Meditation practice has become popular and widespread throughout Thailand. This is intended to make the method more widely available to English speakers.
Meditation begins with turning the powers of observation and awareness inward. We are accustomed to perceiving the outside world, but introspection requires special effort. Steeped in science, we have prided ourselves on “objectivity” while remaining largely unaware of inner biases.
Traditional scientific objectivity required isolation from the object observed. Since quantum mechanics was introduced, science has recognized that we are part of the world we perceive and what we see depends on how we look at it. Meditation is like polishing a lens to enable us to see more clearly. Skill in meditation develops the ability to perceive experience directly without the distortions implicit in conceptualization.
Many seekers turn to meditation because of dissatisfaction with life. This is the universally experienced sadness / suffering / tension (Dukkha) on which Lord Buddha based the Four Noble Truths. But, this motivation to ease tensions or cope with anxieties is only a starting point. Many meditation techniques will provide relief on this worldly level, but the beauty of Dhammakaya Meditation is that it leads directly upwards from this plane to more and more refined, purer and purer levels of awareness.
The effectiveness of the Dhammakaya Meditation derives from focusing attention at the center of the body and combining three meditation techniques simultaneously. Meditators often debate the efficacy of concentration (Samatha) versus insight (Vipassana). Dhammakaya Meditation employs elements of both. Higher and higher levels of concentration enable personal insight to progress from a more worldly view to Right Understanding and ultimately to Supra-mundane Right Wisdom.
Dhammakaya International Society of Belgium
Address: Ronkenburgstraat 25 Lede Oost-Vlaanderen B-9340
Tradition: Theravada, Wat Paknam Bhasicharoen, Thailand
Affiliation: Dhammakaya Foundation
Phone: +(32) 5 33 94 909, +(32) 4 88 56 99 03
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We bieden cursussen en andere activiteiten aan, waarbij we niet de nadruk leggen op het werven van leden of het ‘bekeren’ van mensen tot Boeddhist. We proberen, zoals eigen is aan het Boeddhisme, de wijsheden van de Boeddha aan te bieden aan alle geïnteresseerden, aan zowel de allochtone Thai die in België, Nederland en Luxemburg wonen, als de steeds meer geïnteresseerde autochtone Europeaan.
We benadrukken de praktische kant van het Boeddhisme: hoe je Boeddhistische wijsheid op een pragmatische manier in je dagelijks leven kunt integreren, door eenvoudige maar zinvolle dagelijkse activiteiten zoals vrijgevigheid, zelfdiscipline en vooral meditatie.
Daarom organiseren we elke week meditatielessen voor zowel nieuwkomers als meer ervaren beoefenaars. Daarnaast organiseren we verschillende keren per jaar retraites aan in het Nederlands, Thais en Engels. Nu en dan zijn er vieringen, die worden gehouden in overeenstemming met eeuwenoude Boeddhistische tradities. Deze vieringen bevatten vaak verschillende ceremonies of plechtigheden, die we simultaan vertalen in het Nederlands of Engels naar gelang het publiek dat de viering bijwoont.
Dhammakaya Meditation Center Boston
Address: 65 Roberts Street, Quincy MA 02169 Quincy MA 02169-6466
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 617-479-0674
Fax: 617-479-0674
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Dhammaland The Royal Monastic School
Address: Bir Bira-Siripur, Grampanchaayat- Banskuda, POST jalki, P.S. Tumgon
Mahasamund Chhattisgarh 493445
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: UBNO
Phone: 9340522897
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Spiritual Director: Dr. V. Sheelratna Bodhi Email (Phone: 00919340522897)
Notes and Events:
Dhammaland is registered Under Public Trust No.74/2009/Bilaspur India, and Income tax exempt u/s 80G of the IT Act 1961. Dhammalands purpose is to spread Buddhas Teachings and human kind to come out of suffering. Dhammaland is working for development of Buddhist and poor peoples of India through various Programs, seminars, meditation camps all over India. Dhammamaster (Dr. Venerable Sheelratna Bodhi) is the Founder President of Dhammaland. He is a well known Indian Buddhist monk. He has done Doctorate Degree in Meditation. He had completed his B.A. from Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka and M.A. in Buddhist Psychotherapy from Postgraduage Institute of Kelaniya University, Sri Lanka. He learned Buddhist meditation, Buddhist Philosophy, Pali, Abhidhamma at Buddhist Studies International and got six years special Bhikkhu training under the guidance of late Most Venerable Dr. Havanpola Rathanasara Mahanayakthera, Sangha Nayak of western world. He had been awarded as Dhamma Duta Honor (DDH) Doctor of Dhamma, and (MDH) Master of Dhamma by Buddhist Studies International, Sri Lanka in year 2001. He is currently propagating dhamma in India as well as other countries.
Dhammaloka Buddhist Centre
Address: 18-20 Nanson Way, Nollamara, Perth WA 6061
Tradition: Theravada, Thai, Forest Tradition
Affiliation: Buddhist Society of Western Australia
Phone: (08) 9345 1711
Fax: (08) 9344 4220
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Ajahn Brahmavamso
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We are a Buddhist centre serving the global community irrespective of age, colour or creed. We offer numerous resources and support to those interested in practicing the Dhamma.
Dhammapada -Templo Budista
Address: Formosa 182, Ing. Maschwitz. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ingeniero Maschwitz 1623
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
Affiliation: Sangha Dhammapada
Phone: 0348 4627143
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Teacher: Sifu Koio Samadhi
Spiritual Director: Sifu Koio Samadhi Email (Phone: 01167467600)
Notes and Events:
* Transmisión del Budismo Zen con identidad propia. Budismo Zen del Río de la Plata.
* Fomentar la defensa y desarrollo de los Derechos Humanos a través del desarrollo espiritual y de actividades sociales y comunitarias.
* Promover el diálogo interreligioso con el anhelo de encontrarnos en lo que nos une como seres humanos sin necesidad de hacer hincapié en las diferencias que siempre pertenecen a la esfera de las formas y no de la esencia.
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