Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands
There were 697 results matching your query.
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Tri Duc Temple
Address: 321 Massey Road
Mangere, Auckland Auckland 2024
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese Buddhist
Affiliation: Vietnamese Buddhist Association of Auckland
Phone: (09) 276 2211
E-mail: chuatriduc@yahoo.co.nz
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Dao Nguyen (Phone: (09) 276 2211)
Truc Lam Temple
Address: 13 Winspear Avenue, Bankstown, NSW 2200 NSW
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese
Affiliation: Quang Duc Melbourne
Phone: (02) 9708 6339
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Main Contact: Most Venerable Thich Tam Minh (Phone: 0422.310225)
Trung Tâm Pháp Âm
Address: (United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of Australia) Lot D, Angle Vale Road, Hillier, SA 5116 SA
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese
Phone: (08) 8240 1758
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Contact: Ven. Thich Nu Nhu Thien
Tsu Ming Buddhist Society
Address: 17 Wairakei Street, Green Lane Auckland Auckland
Tradition: Mahayana, Pure Land (Taiwanese)
Phone: (09) 579 8758
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TU AN Monastery
Address: 26 Jacques Road Nraae Warren North Vic 3804
Tradition: Mahayana, Vetnamese
Affiliation: Quang Duc Monastery Melbourne
Phone: +61 4066 08886
E-mail: khanphamthich@gmail.com
Website: http://www.tuvientuan.com
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Tzu Chi Jing Si Hall
Address: 10 Blyth Street Arundel (Gold Coast) Qld 4214
Tradition: Mahayana, Charitable organisation, Chinese
Affiliation: Buddhist Compassion relief-Tzu Chi Foundation
Phone: 07 5571 7706
E-mail: gc@tzuchi.org.au
Website: http://www.tzuchi.org.au/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=776&Itemid=319&lang=en
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Spiritual Director: Dharma Master Cheng Yen
Unibodhi-University of Sydney Buddhist Society
Address: Box 100 Holme Building University of Sydney NSW 2006 Camperdown NSW
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Student Society
E-mail: info@unibodhi.org.au
Website: http://www.unibodhi.org.au
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University of Wollongong Buddhist Society
Address: CSE Mail Box 39
Centre for Student Engagement
Wollongong UniCentre
P.O. Box U100 University of Wollongong, NSW 2500 NSW
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
E-mail: wd253@uow.edu.au
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Contact: Wen Dong (President)
UTS Buddhist Meditation Society
Address: c/- UTS Union University of Technology, Sydney PO Box 3210 Broadway, NSW 2007 NSW
Tradition: Non-sectarian student society
E-mail: utsbms@yahoo.com
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Contact: Megan - Mobile: 0412 454 313
Vajra Ling
Address: PO Box 230 Uralla NSW 2358 33 Rowbottoms Road, Rocky River 2358 NSW
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetal, Gelugpa
Affiliation: Gaden for the West
Phone: (02) 6778 5038
E-mail: maxine@bluepin.net.au
Website: http://www.gadenforthewest.org/centers.html
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Contact: Maxine Ross
Spiritual Teacher: Zasep Tulku
Spiritual Director: Zasep Tulku
Vajrayana Institute
Address: 9 Victoria Square PO Box 352 Summer Hill NSW 2130 Ashfield NSW 2131 NSW
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa FPMT
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: 02 9798 9644
Fax: 02 9550 4966
E-mail: office@vajrayana.com.au
Website: http://www.vajrayana.com.au/
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Main Contact: Cheryl Gough
Teacher: Geshe Ngawang Samten
Vejjasala - Place of Healing
Address: 219 Forest Road
Wingello, NSW 2579
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Association of Engaged Buddhists/ Sangha Lodge
Phone: 02-4884 4443
E-mail: office@engagedbuddhists.org.au
Website: http://www.engagedbuddhists.org.au/index.php?cID=1
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Teacher: Venerable Tejadhammo
Vidarshana Buddhist Vihara
Address: 71 B Essex street Epping NSW 2121
Tradition: Theravada, Sri Lankan- all are welcome !
Phone: + 61 401 633 601
E-mail: secretary@vidarshana.org.au
Website: https://vidarshana.org.au/
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Notes and Events: Principle Place of Events: 1st Roselea Scout Hall, Plympton Road, Carlingford NSW 2118
Vietnamese Australian Buddhist Womens Association of NSW
Address: PO Box 540, Cabramatta, NSW 2166 NSW
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Vietnamese
Phone: (02) 9728 3741
Fax: (02) 9728 3741
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Vietnamese Buddhist Association
Address: United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of Australia P.O. Box 43162 Casurina, NT 0811 NT
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: (08) 8927 0588
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Contact: Nguyen Thanh Buu
Non-Resident Teacher: Ven. Thich Quang Ba
Vimokkharam Forest Hermitage
Address: 29 Perrins Creek Rd, PO Box 152, Kallista VIC 3791 Vic
Tradition: Theravada, Ajahn Chah tradition, Thai Western
Affiliation: International branch monasteries of Wat Nong Pah Pong Thailand
Phone: (03) 9755 3378
E-mail: vimokkharam@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vimokkharam-Forest-Hermitage/196515614032184
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Notes and Events: http://vimokkharam.net/ website for this hermitage
Vinh Duc Zen Monastery
Address: 34 Allenby Road ROSEMORE NSW 2557
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese, zen / pureland
Affiliation: Quang Duc Monastery Melbourne and The United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation in Australia-New Zealand
Phone: 02.96067167
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Main Contact: Most Venerable Thich Hanh Hieu
Vinh Nghiem Temple
Address: 177 John Street, Cabramatta, NSW 2166 NSW
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese
Affiliation: Buddhist and Charitable Society Inc.
Phone: (02) 9723 3383 Mobile: 0402 614 060
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Teacher: Abbot Ven Thich Vien Chom
Vizawadaya Theinn Australia Mediation and Community Center
Address: lot 201 Eucalypt Bend Wundowie WA 6560
Tradition: Theravada, Burmese
Affiliation: Vizawadaya Theinn centres Burma
E-mail: vizawdayatheinnperth@gmail.com
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Spiritual Director: Venerable Sayadaw Ashin Siri Dhamma
Waikato Tibetan Buddhist Study Group
Address: Cambridge 3434
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: +64273750952
E-mail: getpamela@me.com
Website: http://waikatotibetanbuddhist.weebly.com/
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Main Contact: Ella Walker Email (Phone: +64273750952)
Wat Albury - Dhammakaya Meditation Centre
Address: 302 East Street East Albury NSW 2640
Tradition: Theravada, Thai
Affiliation: Dhammakaya Meditation Assiciation-Thailand
Phone: 02 6045 8074
Website: https://watalbury.org/
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Teacher: Phra Satit
Main Contact: Enquiry call Barry 0459 727 316
Notes and Events: FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/events/1001307106593893/
Wat Aranh Rangsy Khmer Buddhist Temple
Address: 3285 Ohaupo Road, D2 Rukuhia, Hamilton 2021, New Zealand Hamilton
Tradition: Theravada, Cambodian
Affiliation: Waikato Khmer Association Inc.
Phone: 64-7-843 9886 Mobile: 021-577048
E-mail: Lyquang@slingshot.co.nz
Website: http://www.waikatokhmerassociation.co.nz/
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Teacher: Rev. Ly Quang Long
Wat Buddha Cabramatta Australia
Address: 52 Hughes St, Cabramatta NSW 2166
Tradition: Theravada, Thai
Affiliation: Dhammakaya Thailand and Australia
Phone: 61 433 877 557
Website: http://www.dhammakaya.com.au/
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Main Contact: Abbot: Venerable Sudham Sudhammo (Phone: 61 433 877 557)
Wat Buddha Dhamma
Address: Ten Mile Hollow Wisemans Ferry NSW 2775
Tradition: Thai Forest Tradition
Phone: (02) 4323 3193
E-mail: office@wbd.org.au
Website: http://www.wbd.org.au/
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Spiritual Director: Ajahn Khemavaro (Abbot)
Wat Buddha Dhamma- Kempsey
Address: 145 Kemps Road South Kempsey NSW 2440
Tradition: Theravada, Ajahn Chah Thai Forst tradition
Affiliation: Wat Buddha Dhamma- Wisemans Ferry
Phone: 0409 389 887
Website: https://www.wbd.org.au/support/buddha-in-the-bush/
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Teacher: Ajahn Khemavaro
Notes and Events: Buddha in the Bush Purpose - Dedicated nature conservation area and animal sanctuary.
- Preserving natural bushland for future generations
- Spread the Buddha’s Teachings through presence of forest monks
- Buddhist Village—Old age care for monastics and laity.
Highlights - Rare opportunity to acquire large parcels of land in NSW.
- Great karma of establishing monasteries which may last hundreds of years
- Minimal maintenance required as properties are raw land.
- Building of huts and infrastructure will proceed slowly and according to support
- from local community.
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