There were 117 results matching your query.
Buddhist Temple of Chicago
Address: 1151 W. Leland Chicago IL 60640
Tradition: Mahayana, Jodo Shinshu (Akegarasu, Kiyozawa)
Affiliation: Administratively Independent Jodo Shinshu (Otani-ha lineage)
Phone: (773) 334-4661
Fax: (773) 334-4726
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Founder: Gyomay Kubose
Teachers: Yukei Ashikaga, Patti Nakai, Fred Babbin Email
Spiritual Director: Yukei Ashikaga (Phone: (773) 334-4661)
Notes and Events:
Chicago Ratna Shri Sangha
Address: 5337 W. Cullom Ave Chicago IL 60641
Tradition: Vajrayana, Drikung Kagyu Tibetan
Affiliation: Drikung Kagyu
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Main Contact: Bill Pope Email
Teacher: Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche
Spiritual Director: Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
The Chicago Ratna Shri Sangha is a non-profit organization dedicated to the practice of Tibetan Buddhism as passed down in the Drikung Kagyu Lineage founded by Lord Jigten Sumgon in the 12th Century. Born in Tibet Lord Jigten Sumgon (Rinchen Phel or Ratna Shri in Sanskrit) was an emanation of Buddha Shakyamuni and was considered to be one of the greatest disciples of Phagmo Drupa, who named him as his successor.
Founded in 1994 by the Venerable Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen Rinpoche, Chicago Ratna Shri Sangha has sustained itself with regular practice in the homes of local practitioners and teachings given by the precious lamas of the Drikung Kagyu lineage, who have been invited several times yearly.
Under the guidance of our spiritual director, Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche, we are striving to establish a strong center dedicated to serving the Chicago area as a place for teachings, practice, contemplation, and meditation. Under the guidance of Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche, our goal is to sponsor regular retreats, teachings, and to maintain our regular weekly practice. In the future we hope to establish a broader spectrum of activities to benefit both the local community and other communities worldwide.
Chicago Zen Center
Address: 2029 Ridge Ave. Evanston IL 60201
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Soto/Rinzai, Kapleau Line
Affiliation: Rochester Zen Center
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Teacher: Ven. Shodhin Geiman
Main Contact: Ven. Shodhin Geiman Email
Notes and Events:
Full weekly schedule of zazen and dokusan. Teisho on Sunday. Sesshin 4+ times a year.
Chicago Zen Meditation Community
Address: Chicago IL 60602
Tradition: Mahayana, Dainin Katagiri
Affiliation: Soto Zen
Phone: 312-576-3582
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Main Contact: Myoshi Roger Thomson Email (Phone: 312-576-3582)
Notes and Events:
We are a diverse group of Chicagoans committed to practicing the Zen way of awakening together, and to providing a place for others to come to and deepen their own practice. See our website at for additional information.
We meet twice per week: Sunday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Lincoln Park neighborhood and Wednesday afternoons at 2:15 p.m. in the Chicago Loop.
On Sunday evenings, we meet for zazen, chanting and a dharma talk. We meet at the Cenacle Retreat Center, 513 W. Fullerton, in Chicago\\\'s Lincoln Park neighborhood. Meditation begins promptly at 7:00 p.m. Meditation instruction is available for newcomers every week at 6:40 p.m.
On Wednesday afternoons, we meet for zazen, kinhin, and a dharma talk. We meet at 30 N. Michigan Ave., Room 1111 (across the street from Millennium Park). Meditation begins promptly at 2:15 p.m., so please plan to arrive early. If you are new to Buddhist meditation, please plan to attend a meditation instruction session before your first visit. Our teacher, Myoshi Thomson, offers meditation instruction to newcomers every Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. in Suite 1008 of the same building. If you are planning on attending meditation instruction, please email us at so we know to expect you.
We practice in the Sōtō Zen Buddhist tradition, which traces its heritage back to Buddha through a 2500-year history of fellow practitioners, including our ancient teachers Bodhidharma, Caoqi Huineng, Dongshan Liangjie, and Eihei Dōgen, and our modern teachers, Dainin Katagiri, Shoken Winecoff, and Myoshi Thomson, who guides our practice here in Chicago.
We welcome all to join us in our practice of the way of Zen. What is this practice? The founder of our lineage in Japan, Eihei Dōgen (1200-1253), put it simply: “To study the Way is to study the self; to study the self is to forget the self; to forget the self is to be awakened by all things.” Our practice, then, starts with ourselves, with seeing clearly who we are, and how we are, right now, in this moment.
Our basic activity together is quiet seated meditation. Indeed, the word “Zen” itself is derived from a Sanskrit word for meditation, and sitting in silent meditation has always been the central practice of awakening in Zen. But together we learn to practice the way of awakening in all our activities, and indeed to make our very lives themselves expressions of the awakened mind and heart.
Dharma Flower Zen Center
Address: 861 Clay Street Woodstock IL 60098
Tradition: Zen Master Seung Sahn
Affiliation: Kwan Um School of Zen
Phone: 815-236-2511
Fax: 877-526-1363
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Teacher: Harold Rail SDT
Main Contact: Paul Lemrise DT Email (Phone: 815-701-7733)
Spiritual Director: Zen Master Hae Kwang
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Dharma Flower Zen Center
Address: 861 Clay Street
Woodstock IL 60098
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Master Seung Sahn
Affiliation: Kwan Um School of Zen
Phone: (815) 236-2511
Fax: 877-526-1363
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Main Contact: Paul Lemrise Email (Phone: 815-701-7733)
Teacher: Harold Rail
Spiritual Director: Zen Master Hae Kwang
Notes and Events:
We embrace and impart the teachings of Zen Master Seung Sahn; provide instruction and create opportunities for Zen practice in the Chicagoland area, work to establish and maintain the area\\\'s first Kwan Um Zen Center, and undertake all efforts with the purpose of attaining our true nature and helping this world.
Hongaku Jodo
Address: 1501 Oak Ave #506 Evanston IL 60201
Tradition: Mahayana, Suzuki, Katagiri, Tosagore, Sakura
Affiliation: Hongaku Jodo Compassionate Lotus
Phone: 3125136356
Fax: 8478693948
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Samana: Keisho Ananda Email
Main Contact: Sensei Mui Ananda Email (Phone: 3125136356)
Teacher: Shaku Mui Shin Shi
Spiritual Director: Shaku Mui Shin Shi Email (Phone: 312.513.6356)
Notes and Events:
Hongaku Jodo and Hongaku Institute for Buddhist Studies is a descendent of the Ten Tai (Tendai) school with particular interest in the combined practices of Pure Land Buddhism, Zen, Original Buddhism, and Vajrayana as taught from the perspective of Pure Land Buddhism.
Ösel Ling Mindrolling International In America
Address: 1818 Dempster Street Evanston IL 60202
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma
Affiliation: Mindrolling International
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Resident Director: Julie Heegaard Email (Phone: 443-826-2348)
Main Contact: Julie Heegaard Email (Phone: 443-826-2348)
Spiritual Director: HE Minling Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Large Event space available for rental.
Peoria Insight Meditation Group
Address: c/o Peoria UU Church 3000 W Richwoods Blvd. Peoria IL 61604
Tradition: Theravada, Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein
Affiliation: Prairie Sangha, Urbana IL
Phone: 309-678-8099
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Notes and Events:
Peer led group meeting twice each month.
Rigpa Chicago
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Nyingma (Rigpa)
Phone: (866) 200-5876
Spiritual Director: Sogyal Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Rigpa aims to present the Buddhist tradition of Tibet in a way that is both completely authentic, and as relevant as possible to the lives and needs of modern men and women.
Open to all schools and traditions of Buddhist wisdom, and with the guidance and gracious patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Rigpa offers those following the Buddhist teachings a complete path of study and practice, along with the environment they need to experience the teachings fully.
Rockford SatSangha
Address: various meeting places Rockford IL 61103
Phone: 815 964-2007
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Main Contact: Judith Engblom Email
Notes and Events:
All Traditions welcome.
Meditation each Saturday morning 7:30.
Call contact person for location of next meeting.Shankli World Buddha Foundation
Address: 215 Bennett Court North
Oswego IL 60534
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: World Buddha Foundation, Buddhgaya, India
Phone: 6305511298
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Spiritual Director: Harish Sanskrityayan
Main Contact: Hari Jagannadhan Email
Notes and Events:
To promote and celebrate the diversity of Buddhist philosophy and culture, and to represent and advocate for the Buddhist community in the public realm, confronting misunderstandings or misrepresentations of the Dharma and engaging in inter-religious dialogue.
Promoting Education, social responsibility and world peace through Buddhist beliefs.
Sunyata Center
Address: 913 South Illinois Avenue Carbondale IL 62901
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Chan Buddhist
E-mail: sunyatacenter@yahoo.ocm
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Main Contact: Katherine Frith Email
Teacher: Gillian Harrison
Notes and Events:
Each week we hold two meditation sessions at Sunyata Center. The Shawnee Dharma Group meets on Tuesday nights at 7pm for 30 minute meditation and a group discussion. On Sundays we meet at 5pm for a 30 minute meditation session and book group discussion. There is also a meditation and book group that meets on Thursdays at 7 pm during the academic term.
Every semester we are blessed to have some monks and nuns from Dharma Drum Monastery in NY come to Sunyata to hold a Dharma teaching and meditation workshops.
Truc Lam (Vietnamese) Buddhist Temple)
Address: 1521 W. Wilson Avenue, Chicago, IL 60640 IL
Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese
Phone: (773) 506-0749
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Main Contact: Ven. Thich Hanh Tuan Email (Phone: 773-641-4336)
Spiritual Director: Ven. Thich Hanh Tuan Email (Phone: 773-641-4336)
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We teach Vietnamese Buddhism or Mahayana Vietnamese Buddhism, the combination of two traditions of Buddhism, Pure Land and Chan (Thien) Buddhism.
Underdog Zendo
Address: 2950 West Chicago Ave. #201, Chicago, IL 60622 Chicago IL 60622
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Buddhist
Affiliation: Drinking Gourd Institute, Buddhist Temple of Toledo
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Senior Dharma Teacher: Rev. Jay Rinsen Weik
Practice Leader: Shawn Shaon Nichols Email
Notes and Events:
Underdog Zendo is a vibrant Zen Practice Group located on the West Side of Chicago. We are a growing Sangha of open-minded folks coming together to practice Zazen. U-Z is dedicated to providing a positive space for all those interested in the path of enlightenment and the practice of Zen Buddhism. We hold Weekly Zen Practice every Sunday 4-6pm - All welcome!
Zen Buddhist Temple of Chicago
Address: 608 Dempster Street,
Evanston IL 60202
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Phone: (847) 272-2070
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Spiritual Director: Rev. Kongo Langlois Roshi
Notes and Events:
The Zen Buddhist Temple of Chicago is one of the oldest practicing Zen centers in the United States and the oldest continually-operating Chicago area Zen center. The Temple was founded in 1949 by Zengaku Soyu Matsuoka Roshi, whose family in Japan has a history of Zen priests dating back six hundred years.
Daikaku Kongo Roshi (Richard Langlois), Matsuoka Roshi’s disciple and dharma successor, became the Abbot and served in that post for 28 years. Kongo Roshi vigorously carried on the Zen traditions and teachings emphasizing the pure zazen (meditation) practice of shikantaza (just sitting) until his death in 1999.
The Zen Buddhist Temple of Chicago, inspired by our history, continues on in our tradition of promoting and supporting strong Zen practice.
Zen Life & Meditation Center of Chicago
Address: 38 Lake Street, Oak Park, IL 60302 IL
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto and Rinzai Zen
Affiliation: Whilte Plum Lineage
Phone: (708) 689-1220
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Contact: Roshi Robert Joshin Althouse
Spiritual Director: Roshi Robert Joshin Althouse
Notes and Events:
The Zen Life & Meditation Center of Chicago empowers others to live a more effective Zen-inspired life of openness, empathy and clarity in the face of uncertainty and change. It offers a comprehensive core curriculum that grounds students in mindfulness meditation. Drawing on many Western teachings from psychology, science and philosophy. it teaches a practical, down-to-earth, applied Zen practice for daily life. It offers free weekly meditations and its teachings and practices are open to everyone regardless of race, religion or culture.