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Green Island Sangha/Community of Mindfulness Long Island

Address: of the Community of Mindfulness/New York Metro 28 Brentwood Road, Bayshore NY 11706   NY
Tradition: Mahayana, The Community of Mindfulness/NY Metro [CMNY]
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Contact: Karen or Jeanne  Email  
Spiritual Director: Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh  
Notes and Events:

The Green Island Sangha is inspired by the teachings and practice of Vietnamese Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh; we belong to the international Sangha which he founded: the Order of Interbeing, a "fourfold community" of lay women and men, nuns and monks. We are a grassroots Sangha, beginners and more experienced practitioners learning from and supporting one other on the path of awakening. We are also a part of The Community of Mindfulness New York Metro.

Our aspiration is to bring mindfulness, concentration, and insight to daily living. During our sessions, we apply the practice of conscious breathing to sitting and walking, as well as communicating with compassionate listening and loving speech. Our gatherings also reflect the values of openness. For example, many members continue to participate within other religious or ethical traditions. We are a Sangha of practitioners from the entire length and breath of Long Island and consider ourselves to be part of a world wide Sangha. Beginners are welcome.

Green Mountain Zen Center

Address: 5014 Sunset Bluff Drive, Huntsville, AL 35803-1941   Huntsville AL 35803-1941
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Zen Master Bomun, Single Flower Sangha
Phone: (256) 426-3344
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Teacher: Bodhin Gary Beard  Email  (Phone: 256 655-9017)
Main Contact: Jim Gordon  Email  (Phone: 256 426-3344)
Teacher: Shogen Jim Gordon  
Spiritual Director: Bomun George Bowman  
Notes and Events:

A Zen group meeting twice weekly, and practicing an ecumenical form of Zen, affiliated with Zen Master Bomun George Bowman and his Single Flower Sangha.  We hold four weekend Sesshin (Zen meditation retreats) per year, with two led by Zen Master Bomun.

Web site:

Guhyasamaja Buddhist Center

Address: 10875 Main St. Unit 108 Fairfax, VA 22030   Centreville, VA VI 20122
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa (FPMT)
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: 703-774-9692
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Main Contact: Lorne Ladner  Email  (Phone: 703-774-9692)
Teacher: Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche Losang Jampa  
Spiritual Director: Gabe Mata  Email  (Phone: 703-774-9692)
Notes and Events:

The Guhyasamaja Center for Tibetan Buddhist meditation is a community of spiritual friends in the Washington DC area dedicated to the practice of Mahayana Buddhism. Our resident teacher, Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Jampa (Geshe Thinley Topgyal), is a retired abbot of Gyumed Tantric College. We follow the Gelugpa tradition, the same lineage as His Holiness The Dalai Lama. Visiting teachers who have graced the Center in the past include Ven. Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Ven. Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche, and Yangsi Rinpoche.

Our Spiritual Director, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, founded the center in 1994 as part of the worldwide Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition. FPMT is an international family of city and retreat centers, monasteries, publishing houses, hospices, and healing centers established by Lama Yeshe.

Guhyasamaja Buddhist Center

Address: 10875 Main Street. Unit. #108   Fairfax VI 22030
Tradition: Mahayana, Gelug
Affiliation: Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition
Phone: (703) 774-9692
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Spiritual Director: Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

The Guhyasamaja Center is committed to helping all beings fulfill their highest potential — boundless wisdom and compassion inspired by an attitude of universal responsibility. Our primary focus is the exploration of the mind — how to understand and work with our mind to overcome inner causes of suffering and dissatisfaction (such as hatred, greed, and ignorance) while cultivating inner causes of happiness (such as love, compassion, patience, and wisdom).

Whether you are new to Buddhism or a long-time practitioner, the center provides classes from FPMT's carefully designed curriculum and other opportunities to learn and practice, suitable for all levels of interest and experience. Please visit our Classes & Events page for details.

Gulf Coast Dharma

Address:   Pensacola 32504
Tradition: Theravada, Justin Otto
Affiliation: Insight/Vipassana
Phone: 5046717735
Fax: Justin Otto
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Main Contact: Justin Otto  Email  (Phone: 5046717735)
Notes and Events:

Our Sangha meets in person every Monday at 7pm Central time.  Information can be found on our website.

Gyobutsuji Zen Monastery

Address: Co Rd 9   Kingston AS AR 72742
Tradition: Mahayana, Uchiyama Roshi, Okumura Roshi
Affiliation: Japanese Soto School, Sanshin Zen Community
Phone: (479) 800-5391
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Spiritual Director: Shoryu Bradley  Email  (Phone: (479) 800-5391)
Notes and Events:

Gyobutsuji (Practice Buddha Monastery) is a small mountain monastery devoted to the practice of zazen.  Located in the Ozark mountains of Northwestern Arkansas, practice at Gyobutsuji aims to realize the spirit of the ancient teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha and Eihei Dogen Zenji through the contemporary Soto Zen practice styles of Kosho Uchiyama Roshi and his Dharma heir, Shohaku Okumura Roshi.

     The inspiration for Gyobutsuji's name is found in Eihei Dogen Zenji's Shobogenzo Gyobutsu Igi (True Dharma Eye Treasury: Dignified Behavior of Practice Buddha):

     All buddhas without exception fully practice dignified conduct: this [practice] is Practice Buddha.  [...] Sharing one corner of the Buddha's dignified conduct is done together with the entire universe, the great earth, and with the entire coming-and-going of life-and-death.  [...] This is nothing other than the dignified conduct of the oneness of Practice and Buddha.

     Rather than a means for individual spiritual attainment, practice at Gyobutsuji is approached as the actualization of boundless "truth", done together with "all things".  It is in this actualization, this sincere practice of the present moment, that we are released from suffering.  Dogen Zenji expressed this attitude in Gyobutsu Igi by presenting genuine practice as the universal buddha he called "Practice Buddha"(Gyobutsu).  At Gyobutsuji we aspire to honor our practice as Practice Buddha, the boundless "reality" beyond concepts of self and other, existence and nonexistence, and time and space. Practice at Gyobutsuji is the actualization of our trust that genuine practice is the greatest offering we can make to ourselves and to the whole of life.

     At this time, earth, grasses and trees, fences and walls, tiles and pebbles, all things in the dharma realm in ten directions, carry out buddha work. Therefore, everyone receives the benefit of wind and water movement caused by this functioning, and all are imperceptibly helped by the wondrous and incomprehensible influence of Buddha to actualize the enlightenment at hand.  — Dogen Zenji in Bendowa (Wholehearted Practice of the Way)

     It is through this practice of universal offering that we find our individual paths.  Personal development through study, work practice, interpersonal interactions and meditation, allows us to nurture our vow to awaken to universal life as we allow it to blossom through our individual activities.

Habitat of Buddha Yoga Inc

Address: 5908 67th Ave. N.   Pinellas Park FL 33781
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: None
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Main Contact: Reverend Upananda T Dedunupitiye  
Spiritual Director: Reverend Upananda T Dedunupitiye  Email  
Notes and Events:

The Habitat of Buddha Yoga, Inc (HBY) adheres to the Buddha’s teaching that one does not have to be initiated or baptized as a Buddhist in order to be a Buddhist. While one adheres to one’s religious/spiritual upbringing one has acquired since birth, one must be able to respect all the religions; one can be a Buddhist, as one embark upon and continue a life-long process of self-transformation through Buddha Yoga (=mental cultivation) which is specifically known as “Vipassana” (Insight) meditation only found in the Buddha’s Teaching. Just as different rivers flowing from different directions become one on emptying themselves into the ocean, people from different religio-cultural backgrounds become one, as they “sit together” for self-transformation, whose ultimate step is “Absolute Awakening” (Nirvana). Unless Awakening of the moment is achieved in daily life, Nirvana will only be a dream or fantasy. The HBY welcomes people from all walks of life and different religio-cultural backgrounds to congregate together and journey into the mind wherein lays the potential of Nirvana, or Buddha Nature. The Buddha Nature remains hindered by fermentations gradually built up, as life is lived in a stressful and disharmonious way. Buddha’s Teaching is not only for Buddhists but also for all beings. The HBY wishes you a life full of wellness, happiness and peace. 

Hayward Kadampa Buddhist Meditation

Address: 22248 Main Street   Hayward CA 94541
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: New Kadampa Tradition
Phone: 415-503-1187
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Teacher: Michele Katrina Thorsen  
Main Contact: Michele Katrina Thorsen  Email  (Phone: (415) 377-1906)
Notes and Events:

These drop-in classes explore meditation and modern Buddhist practices for improving our happiness, relationships, and ability to transform problems into opportunities. The classes are suitable for everyone and consist of guided meditations, teaching and discussion. Each class is self-contained, so drop in anytime. There is no need to pre-register or bring anything. Everyone is welcome!


We are a non-profit organization funded by class fees and donations. Any profits go towards supporting the International Temples Project for World Peace.

Healing Springs in the Pines Sangha

Address: Congregational Church of Pinehurst Linden Road   Pinehurst NC
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hahn
Affiliation: Community of Mindful Living
Phone: (910) 9149-2623
E-mail: or
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Spiritual Director: Thich Nhat Hanh  
Contact: John Bowman  Email  (Phone: 910-949-2623)
Teacher: Emily Whittle  
Notes and Events:

Meets on Sundays, 4-6 PM in the Fellowship Hall of the Congregational Church of Pinehurst. Activities include sitting and walking meditation, Dharma sharing, and sponsoring Days of Mindfulness.

Heart Circle Sangha

Address: 451 Hillcrest Road, Ridgewood, NJ 07450   Ridgewood NJ 07450
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen White Plum Asangha
Affiliation: White Plum Asangha
Phone: 877442-7936
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Teacher: Joan Hogetsu Hoeberichts, Sensei  
Spiritual Director: Rev. Joan Hogetsu Hoeberichts  Email  (Phone: 201-445-1874)
Notes and Events:

We offer meditation instruction every Sunday morning at 8:45; regular zazen periods, Sundays, Monday evenings, and Weds mornings.  Sunday morning programs include service and dharma talks followed by discussion.  Residential retreats are twice a year, householder retreats and workshops approximately four a year.  Precept study and koan study available.

For more information please go to our website.

Heart Of Dharma- Prajna Center

Address: 1109 Main St. Suite 329   Boise ID 83702
Tradition: Vajrayana
Phone: 208 921-4062
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Main Contact: Charlie Hill  Email  
Teacher: Dana Marsh  
Spiritual Director: Dana Marsh  
Notes and Events:

Heart of the Dharma is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to providing an avenue for spiritual seekers to meet with the liberating wisdom teachings of the Buddha.  We are dedicated to sharing the essence, or heart, of Buddhas teachings and making them widely available to everyone regardless of background. The Buddha taught the way out of suffering. Awakening to the truth of the way things are is possible. The result is freedom and happiness. 

Venue: Located in the Owyhee Plaza Hotel.            

Heart of the Dharma Fort Collins Sangha

Address:   Fort Collins CO 80521
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Based on the Prajnaparamita
Phone: 970.818.1278
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Spiritual Director: Dana Marsh  
Main Contact: Marissa Sutfin  Email  (Phone: 970.818.1278)
Notes and Events:

We meet every Wednesday night from 6:30pm-8pm at a private residence for mediation, tea, and teachings from Dana Marsh. Our practice is rooted in the Prajnaparamita, or the "heart essence" of Buddhas teachings. Everyone is welcome regardless of background! Please contact Marissa, the Fort Collins Coordinator, with questions or for more information on location and practice.

Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple

Address: 6401 NE 10th Ave Portland, OR 97211   Portland OR 97211
Tradition: Mahayana, White Plum Asanga
Affiliation: Zen Community of Oregon & Great Vow Zen Monastery
Phone: 503-894-8891
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Main Contact: Kodo Conover (lay teacher)  (Phone: 503-894-8891)
Spiritual Director: Hogen Bays, Roshi  
Notes and Events:

City temple affiliated with Great Vow Zen Monastery. Together they comprise Zen Community of Oregon. Daily morning and evening meditation schedule. Many workshops and other special events. Zazenkai. LGBTQ+ and POC groups. Active and engaged community. 

Mail to: P.O. Box 11178 Portland, OR  97211

HeartMind Center

Address: 213 West Chisholm Street   Alpena 49707
Tradition: Vajrayana, Nyingma
Phone: 989 447-2487
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Main Contact: Pema Sonam Gyatso  Email  (Phone: 989 447-2487)
Teacher: Pema Sonam Gyatso  
Spiritual Director: Pema Sonam Gyatso  Email  (Phone: 989 447-2487)
Notes and Events:

HeartMind Center's mission is to provide a refuge for the practice and study of meditation, mindfulness, and movement with the intent to benefit self and others.

Online Group Meditation: Every Saturday at 10 AM ET


Heartwood Refuge

Address: 159 Osceola Road   Hendersonville NC 28739
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Embracing Simplicity --now located at Heartwood Refuge
Phone: (828) 356-5568
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Venerable: Pannavati  
Main Contact: Sister Clear Grace  Email  (Phone: (828) 356-5568)
Teacher: Ven. Pannadipa  
Notes and Events:



7am – Sitting with Chanting (Bodhi Hall)




11:00 – 11:45: Qigong – no experience necessary. (Wellness Center)

Noon to 1:00 pm: Dharma talk and meditation with Venerable Pannadipa or Venerable Pannavati. (Dharma Hall)




5:30 to 6:30 pm: Recovery Dharma, a Buddhist recovery program. (Dharma Hall)




Noon to 1:00 pm: Dharma Contemplation Practice/Discussion – open to all. (Dharma Hall)

1:30 to 2:30 pm: Choir practice. (Bodhi Hall or Dharma Hall)

Join us if you like to sing! You don’t have to have a great voice – together, we make beauty.




11:00 – 11:45: Qigong – no experience necessary. (Wellness Center)

11:15 – 11:45: Silent Meditation. (Bodhi Hall)

Noon to 1:15 pm: Dharma talk and meditation with Venerable Pannadipa or Venerable Pannavati (Dharma Hall)

Heartwood Refuge Retreat and Conference Center

Address: 159 Osceola Road   Hendersonville 28739
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Multi-lineage
Phone: (828) 356-5568
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Retreat Information: Sister Clear Grace  Email  (Phone: 828-356-5568)
Spiritual Director: Venerable Pannavati  Email  
Notes and Events:

Retreats throughout the year - visit website for more details

Heruka Buddhist Center - Laramie Branch

Address: The Second Story Bookstore 105 Ivinson Ave.  Laramie, WY 82070
Tradition: Vajrayana, New Kadampa Tradition Tibetan
Phone: 970-482-7613
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Teacher: Kelsang Rinzin  
Spiritual Director: Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
Main Contact: Education Program Coordinator  Email  (Phone: 970-482-7613)
Notes and Events:

Weekly drop-in classes in meditation and Buddhism, currently scheduled for 6pm Monday evenings

Hidden Valley Zen Center

Address: 2626 Sarver lane, San Marcos, CA, 92069. This is NOT a mailing address! We have a PO Box only!   San Marcos CA 92069
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai Zen
Affiliation: Rochester Zen Center & Shodo Harada Roshi (One Drop Zen)
Phone: (760) 591-9893
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Assistant Spiritual Director, Teacher in residence: Sozui Sensei  Email  (Phone: 760 591 9893)
Spiritual Director and Teacher: Mitra Bishop-roshi  
Notes and Events:

Located on 23 acres in a quiet rural setting in inland North San Diego County under historic hundred-years-old California Oaks, Hidden Valley Zen Center is a place for the inner spiritual quest, using the forms of Rinzai Zen, which emphasizes the practice of zazen, including work with koans. Zazen means "sitting meditation," but it also includes meditation in action. Sussokukan (a traditional breath practice), the "Questioning Breath," and koan work--all specific zazen practices--are taught at HVZC.

We offer daily sittings and instructions, Introductory Workshops, Retreats (Sesshin) of various lengths, residential training and special events, all of which you can find here:

The central core of practice at Hidden Valley Zen Center is susok'kan, also known as the Extended OutBreath, which can be done non-denominational. Even for koan-practice students, susok'kan is still the basis of practice. A simple yet challenging practice requiring patience and perseverance and very effective to help deepening ones state of mind (samadhi).



Hokoku-An Zendo

Address: Columbia, Missouri   Columbia 65203
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Rinzai Zen
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Spiritual Director: Seido Ray Ronci  
Notes and Events:

Hokoku-An Zendo is located in Columbia, Missouri and offers zen meditation five times per week.  Please contact Seido Ray Ronci through the website using the webform on the Contact Us page.


Address: 2649 County 5  Eitzen MN 55931
Tradition: Mahayana, Dainin Katagiri
Affiliation: Soto Zen
Phone: 507-542-4968
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Teacher: Dokai Georgesen  
Notes and Events:

Founded more than 30 years ago by Dainin Katagiri, Hokyoji makes residential practice in a secluded natural setting available to experienced long-term and visiting practitioners from around the country.  Hokyoji’s connection to nature and its history as a place of inspiration and renewal make it a unique and powerful location for communal practice. In addition, it’s the only place in the Midwest where teachers can bring their own sanghas and lead their own sesshins and retreats within their own styles and traditions.

The annual practice calendar includes sesshin, practice periods, work retreats, and a mindfulness weekend.  Complete information about practicing at Hokyoji is available at our website.

Hollow Bones Sangha

Address: 2020 South Webster Ave.  Green Bay WI 54301
Tradition: Mahayana, Founded in 1998 by Roshi Junpo Kando Denis Kelly, dharma heir to Eido Shimano Roshi of the Dai Bosatsu Monastary in New York. The Sangha has centers in Green Bay, Appleton, Oshkosh, Jackson
Affiliation: Rinzai Zen
Phone: 920-562-9727
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Priest: MaDhyana Kathleen Kelly-Hoffman  (Phone: 920-445-7221)
Main Contact: Vimala John Nemick  Email  (Phone: 920-562-9727)
Teacher: Vimala John Nemick  
Notes and Events:

With multiple locations in Wisconsin, the Sangha offers a host of events; full seven days Sesshins, week-end sits, one day events, evening presentations and regular meditation schedules.

Holston Valley Sangha

Address: 108 W 10th Avenue, Suite 3   Johnson City TE 37604
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:

The Holston Valley Sangha (now called the Western Buddhist Group) meets every Friday evening from 7:00 pm to about 8:30 pm at the Appalachian Dharma & Meditation Center in Johnson City, Tennessee. 

Northeast Tennessee area (Sullivan, Hawkins, Greene, Washington, Carter, Johnson and Unicoi counties).

Please visit our web site for details. All are welcome


Hongaku Jodo

Address: 1501 Oak Ave #506   Evanston IL 60201
Tradition: Mahayana, Suzuki, Katagiri, Tosagore, Sakura
Affiliation: Hongaku Jodo Compassionate Lotus
Phone: 3125136356
Fax: 8478693948
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Samana: Keisho Ananda  Email  
Main Contact: Sensei Mui Ananda  Email  (Phone: 3125136356)
Teacher: Shaku Mui Shin Shi  
Spiritual Director: Shaku Mui Shin Shi  Email  (Phone: 312.513.6356)
Notes and Events:

Hongaku Jodo and Hongaku Institute for Buddhist Studies is a descendent of the Ten Tai (Tendai) school with particular interest in the combined practices of Pure Land Buddhism, Zen, Original Buddhism, and Vajrayana as taught from the perspective of Pure Land Buddhism.

Hongaku Jodo of Central Virginia

Address:   Lynchburg VI 24503
Tradition: Mahayana, Pure Land through Master Taicho
Affiliation: Hongaku Jodo (Chicago)
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Notes and Events:

The Hongaku Jodo of Central Virginia is a branch of the  Hongaku Jodo of Central Virginia is a branch of Hongaku Jodo Compassionate Lotus (HJCL),an international, independent and progressive Buddhist community headquartered in the Chicago, Illinois, area.  We are a Buddhist community for spiritual seekers of all ages. Our mission is to awaken to the heart of Great Compassion, to live by its calling, to gracefully experience the unfolding of life, to practice loving kindness, and to share the blessings of this spiritual experience and the teachings with all.

Hot Springs Buddhist Society

Address: 1107 West Grand Ave   Hot Springs AS 71913
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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Notes and Events:

One Hour meetings for group meditations for people on the Buddhist Path, or people interested in meditation.
All can come, donations appreciated.

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