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Austin Buddhist Center
Address: 5816 Ross Road Del Valle TX 78617
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: International Buddhist Center, Maryland
Phone: 512-247-7490
Fax: 512-247-7490
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Main Contact: Venerable Wilattawa Sumedha Thera (Phone: 512-247-7490)
Teacher: Katugastota Uparatana Mahathera
Spiritual Director: Venerable Katugastota Uparatana Mahathera (Phone: 301-946-9437)
Notes and Events:
Founded by a a couple of Buddhist philanthropists, Dilum Chandrasoma and Surangi Chandrasoma of Austin, Texas, together with Most Venerable Katugastota Uparatana Mahathera, the Austin Buddhist Center (ABC) runs programs for both local Americans and those of Sri Lankan and other ethnic origins. Located in a serene, calm and quite neighborhood, the ABC attracts people from all backgrounds and all walks of life, as it provides them with the true teachings of Buddha in a universal way. The regular programs include meditation sittings, teaching and dialogs on Dhamma, and community outreach programs as part of catering to the spiritual needs of the public.
Austin Dae Do Sah Zen Sangha
Address: S. 1st & Oltorf Austin 78704
Tradition: Mahayana, Korean Zen, another branch of lineage established by Zen Master Seung Sahn
Affiliation: Furnace Mountain Zen Retreat Center
Phone: 512-350-4872
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Main Contact: BJ Soto Email (Phone: 512-350-4872)
Spiritual Director: Zen Master Dae Gak
Notes and Events:
Weekly Meditations Thursdays 6:30-8
Korean chanting followed by seated and walking meditation and discussion.
Awaken Portland
Address: 13420 SW 2nd St Beaverton OR 97005
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Phone: 503-334-8087
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Spiritual Director: Adhisila Email (Phone: 503-334-8087)
Notes and Events:
Providing meditation space and instruction during regular hours. Please check the website for specific details and schedule. May you have happiness, health, and peace.
Awakened Life
Address: Santa Fe NM 87504
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai, Koan
Affiliation: Open Source & Pacific Zen Institute
Phone: 505-983-4505
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Main Contact: Margo Conover Email (Phone: 505-983-4505)
Spiritual Director: Joan Sutherland, Roshi
Notes and Events:
Contact:P.O. Box 2368 Santa Fe NM 87504
Awakened Life is a re-imagining of the Zen koan tradition that is rooted in its original values: life as a process of awakening; meditation, inquiry, imagination, and relationship as ways to discover and deepen that awakening; and creativity and caring for our world as the natural expression of awakening. We believe that buddha nature is everywhere, and so we value the art and the metaphors, the myths and the landscapes of this time and place. Awakened Life is a constantly evolving field of practice, shaped by the experiences of people right here and now. Enlightenment as a conspiracy of friends.
The Awakened Life programs and community are in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where founding teacher Joan Sutherland lives. Awakened Life forms the center of The Open Source, a network of practice communities and individuals in the western United States committed to co-creation, life in this world, and awakening together.
Awakening Heart Sangha
Address: Bartlett IL
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hahn
Affiliation: Community of Mindful Living
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Notes and Events:
Monday evening meditation and Dharma discussion.
Awakening Vajra International
Address: 3888 Balcom Road
San Jose 95148
Tradition: Vajrayana, Choden Lineage
Affiliation: Gelug
Phone: 414 704 6778
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Teacher: Geshe Kunsang
Main Contact: Jeff Seipel Email
Spiritual Director: Geshe Gyalten Kungka Email
Notes and Events:
The main import of AVI is to preserve the integrity and propagate the Buddhadharma in the Tibetan Gelupa tradition. And to preserve the legacy of H.E. Choden Rinpoche. June 4-5 we will offer the Yamantaka Initiation. From June 6-12 there will b the complete teachings on the Six Yogas of Naropa.
Awakening Valley Sangha
Address: 936 E 450 N Provo UT 84606
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hahn
Affiliation: Unified Buddhist Church
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Notes and Events:
We hold weekly mindfulness meditation meetings every Sunday from 1:30 to 3:00pm. All are welcome.
Awam Tibetan Buddhist Institute
Address: 3400 E Speedway Blvd
Tucson AZ 85716 Tucson AZ 85716
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan Buddhism, Rime/Nyingma
Phone: 520-622-8460
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Teacher: Yogi Acharya Lama Gursam
Main Contact: Jane Stanley Email (Phone: 520-622-8460)
Teacher: Khenpo Drimed Dawa
Spiritual Director: Khenchen Paljea Dorjee Rinpoche
Teacher: HE Jigme Lodro Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Bangla-America Buddhist Fellowship (Sambodhi Vihara)
Address: 1346 Elm Avenue Long Beach CA CA 90813
Tradition: Theravada
Affiliation: World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB)
Phone: (562) 394-3739
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Main Contact: Ven. Dr. Lokananda C. Bhikkhu
Teacher: Ven. Dr. Lokananda C. Bhikkhu
Spiritual Director: Ven. Dr. Lokananda C. Bhikkhu Email (Phone: (562) 394-3739)
Notes and Events:
1) Bangla-America Buddhist Fellowship (Sambodhi Vihara)
2) BABF-Sambodhi Vihar
BAO- Buddhist Association of Oklahoma
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Main Contact: Maurice Hoover Email
Notes and Events:
The mission of the Buddhist Association of Oklahoma is to support Buddhist teachings and community. We foster a network of friendship and support among individual Buddhist groups and Buddhists from all traditions. We promote communication among Buddhists and with the larger community. We assist members with the sponsoring of activities of interest and benefit to Buddhists within the state of Oklahoma and outlying areas.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
Address: 149 Lockwood Road, Barre, MA 01005 MA
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Insight Meditation Society (IMS)
Phone: 978-355-2347
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Contact: Mu Soeng
Notes and Events:
The Barre Center for Buddhist Studies offers the integration of study and practice in exploring the many streams of teaching and expression that flow from the sources of early Buddhism.
Our onsite and online programs combine contemplative and relational elements supportive of personal transformation. As an inclusive community, we welcome all interested in Buddhist inquiry as a way of developing wisdom and compassion for the benefit of all beings.
Bay Area Community of Mindful Living
Address: Unity of Bay City Spiritual Center 3736 State Street Road Bay City MI 48706 Bay City MI 48706
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Plum Village - Thich Nhat Hanh
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Main Contact: Brian McLuckie Email
Notes and Events:
A lay practice group in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh.
We meet every Wednesday evening. 6:00pm Tea. 7:00pm practice.
We meet at the Unity of Bay City Spiritual Center
3736 State Street Road Bay City MI 48706
All are welcome. No previous experience or knowledge is necessary.
Beginner's Mind Zen Meditation Ctr.
Address: 590 S. Braddock Ave. Pittsburgh PA 15221
Tradition: Mahayana
Phone: 412-527-7100
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Main Contact: Donald Drolet Email (Phone: 412-527-7100)
Notes and Events:
We are a Buddhist meditation group that offers a weekly meditation in the Ch'an Buddhist format. Our weekly service begins with a short set of Qigong, a period of sitting, a walking meditation, a 2nd period of sitting, a sutra chanting service and is then followed by a general discussion on Buddhism and meditation. All faiths are welcome. Thought the format is Buddhist in nature, we have many attendees of various other faiths that find benefit from the group meditation experience.
Beginners Mind Zen Center
Address: 9325 Lasaine Avenue Northridge CA 91325
Tradition: Mahayana, Japanese Soto Zen
Affiliation: San Francisco Zen Center
Phone: (818) 349-7708
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Teacher: Jane Schneider
Spiritual Director: Peter Schneider Email
Notes and Events:
On Saturday mornings, we offer meditation instruction from 9:30am - 10:30am (suggested donation $10). If you are new to meditation, or to Zen practice, the meditation instruction sessions are a good place to start and a great opportunity to get individualized instruction. And, after meditation instruction on Saturday morning, you are also welcome to stay for the regular Saturday practice: Saturday, 10:30am – 12pm (two 30-minute periods of meditation with a 10-minute period of walking meditation in between, followed by a short Zen Buddhist service; during the second period of meditation, we usually have a Dharma talk). Afterward, many of us stay and enjoy a vegetarian lunch together.
Monday – Friday, 6:30am – 7:30am (40-minute meditation, followed by a short Buddhist service). Tuesday & Thursday, 7:30pm – 8:10pm (40-minute meditation). Friday, 7:30pm – 9:00pm (30-minute meditation, followed by a book/reading study group and discussion).
Beginners Mind Zen Center
Address: 9325 Lasaine Avenue
Northridge, CA 91325
USA suburb of Los Angeles 91325
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Soto Zen as transmitted by Sunryu Suzuki
Phone: 818-349-7708
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Ino: David Email (Phone: 818-349-7708)
Tenzo: Jon Email (Phone: 818-349-7708)
Main Contact: Jane and Peter Schneider Email (Phone: 818-349-7708)
Teacher: Yozen Peter Schneider/Myokaku Jane Schneider
Spiritual Director: Myokaku Jane Schneider and Yozen Peter Schneider Email (Phone: 818-349-7708)
Notes and Events:
Our teachers, Peter and Jane, are direct disciples of Sunryu Suzuki, Roshi, and have studied in Japan for twenty-five years.Our zendo reflects that focus.
In addition to our meetings, members and guests communicate online via
Beginners as well as masters are encouraged to attend.
Belmont Zen Center
Address: 100 West Main Street, Suite 104 St. Clairsville OH 43950
Tradition: Mahayana, Seon (Korean Zen)
Affiliation: Taego Korean Buddhist Order, American-European Parish
Phone: (740) 535-6550
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Notes and Events:
Address: 421 Stonehaven Dr., #106 Ames IA 50010-6791
Tradition: Mahayana, Linji Chan, Pure Land, Vinaya
Affiliation: Calm Clarity Temple
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Spiritual Director: Ven. Hongyang Email
Notes and Events: Sangha Walks is the main website Buddhafolk is the original blog.
Bird and Bell Mediation Group
Address: 3005 Thomes Avenue Cheyenne, WY 82001
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Unitarian Universalist Church of Cheyenne
Phone: 307-421-5098
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Main Contact: Gene Heater Email (Phone: 307-421-5098)
Notes and Events:
Provides an equipped meditation room with regularly scheduled periods of silent meditation.
Primarily Buddhist but meditators of all traditions are welcome to join us.
Call or email for schedule.
Black Mountain Zen
Address: 8787 E. Pinnacle Peak Road Suite 206 Scottsdale AZ 85262
Tradition: Mahayana, Soto Zen
Affiliation: White Plum Sangha, Yokoji-Zen Mountain Center
Phone: 480-586 5149 or 480-433-3198
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Notes and Events:
A peer-led sitting group that meets Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00;
a simple service is held that includes two periods of meditation; meditation instruction given; all are welcome.Yoga+ is on the SW corner of Pima and Pinnacle Peak; parking and access to the second level are behind the building.
Blooming Lotus Sangha
Address: Silver City NM 88061
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: In the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
Phone: 575-313-7417
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Main Contact: George Email (Phone: 575-313-7417)
Notes and Events:
We are a community that supports the practice of Mindful Living as offered by Zen Master Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh.
(July 2014) Saturdays, 12:45 P.M., First Church of Harmony, 609 Arizona (the white church on corner of 7th street), Silver City, NM
Blue Cliff Monastery
Address: 3 Mindfulness Road Pine Bush NY 12566
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Thich Nhat Hanh, Engaged Zen Buddhism
Phone: 845-733-4959
Fax: 845-733-4300
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Spiritual Director: Thich Nhat Hanh
Notes and Events:
Blue Cliff Monastery set in the lush green Hudson Valley of New York was established in May 2007 and is an extension of Plum Village meditation center in France, founded by the Venerable teacher Thich Nhat Hanh. uring your stay at the Blue Cliff Monastery, we invite you to practice and learn the art of mindful living. Since the teachings emphasize practicing with the Sangha in order to enjoy its collective energy, retreatants are encouraged to participate fully in all scheduled activities. Retreatants are invited to help in communal activities, such as preparing meals, general cleaning, washing dishes etc. as a way of co Twice weekly on Thursdays and Sundays we hold our Days of Mindfulness which include listening to a teaching and the practices of walking meditation, formal lunch, and sharings in small groups. We also have special annual retreats such as a summer family retreat, teens retreat, people of color retreat, creativity and meditation retreat, Christmas and new year holiday retreat and a traditional three month winter retreat.
Blue Lotus Dharma Center
Address: 7921 Forsyth Blvd., Lower Level, Clayton, MO, 63105
MO 63117
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Center for American Buddhist Practice
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Main Contact: Shaul Hirschmann Email (Phone: 314.614.7370)
Notes and Events:
The Blue Lotus Dharma Center (BLDC) is operated by the Center for American Buddhist Practice. The BLDC approaches the Teachings of the Buddha in a two-fold way: First is to present the teachings in a very pragmatic way specifically for the American community without abandoning traditional Buddhist ceremonies; Secondly we offer traditional ceremonies that are free from any one specific culture and still strongly promote the true essence, proper conduct and requirements of those ceremonies.
The BLDC supports all reasonable Buddhist traditions and offers an environment where practitioners from any tradition/lineage can come and practice. This is not meant to be a replacement for those that are members of specific lineages or orders, but rather a “home away from home” for those that may not have a center or temple near by. For others, due to the approach to the Buddha Dharma that the BLDC offers, this is home. Either way, everyone is welcome.
One of the ways the BLDC looks to support all Buddhist traditions and the community of practitioners as a whole is by seeking to invite as many qualified teachers from the various schools and traditions to come and give teachings, empowerments or talks. The intent is to not only provide insight and education but to also promote a sense of unity between the various traditions, developing insight, knowledge and deeper awareness within a safe and open-minded community.
Join Us for Year-Round, Traditional Non-Sectarian Buddhist Services and Classes in English. And New!
Private Special Blessings Services
Upon Request
We\'ve moved to 7921 Forsyth Blvd., Lower Level, Clayton, MO, 63105 (between Central and Meramac)! All services and classes have resumed (see Home and Schedule page for specifics).
Blue Lotus Dharma Center
Address: 3463 Itaska St #1f St. Louis 63111
Tradition: Mahayana
Affiliation: Non Sectarian Mahayana
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Spiritual Director: Lama Ch
Notes and Events:
Mahayana service every Sunday from 10:00 - 11:30
Beginner's class every 1st and 3rd Sunday.
Blue Mountain Zendo
Address: Temple - 857 Constitution Drive Allentown, PA 18015
Allentown PA 18015
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai/Lam Te Zen
Affiliation: Independant American Rinzai
Phone: 610-760-3033
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Contact: Jisha (Phone: 610-760-3033)
Teacher: Rev. Joriki Dat Baker
Notes and Events:
Those who are new to Zen Practice should arrive fifteen minutes early for basic meditation instructions. Blue Mountain Zendo does offer cushion sets; however, it is a good idea to obtain a personal set if possible. Having your own set will allow you the opportunity to sit both with the sangha (group) as well as alone when at home or work. Also to note, if you cannot sit on the floor due to a medical condition, chairs are an option. If done correctly, sitting in a chair is no different than sitting on the floor. An offering for the temple is traditional for those visiting for the first time. This offering is symbolic of the “open” and “giving” nature of the new student and his/her recognition of the value of the teachings.
During Zazenkai (Extended Zen Service) the han is struck for the first time to start the beginning of the service. The ino then announces the first chant and the service begins. We chant in both Japanese, Pali and English to show respect to Zens roots and lineage. After the last chant, kinhin or walking meditation begins which will continue at various times during the service. The bell is struck and the sangha sits down to begin zazen (seated meditation) practice. During Zazen we become and remain still throughout the round while watching our breath or answering our Koan. Our eyes become half closed and focused downward on the floor in front of us to avoid distractions. The bell is struck (dink) after 25 minutes and to allow new students the option to stand up and face the wall or adjust their posture. The bell is struck once again after 10 minutes, informing those who are standing to please be seated. The final bell struck is at the 60 minute mark to signal the cessation of the sitting round. The sangha then does walking meditation or Kin-hin which will last for fifteen minutes. When kinhin is completed, the sangha once again is seated. To conclude, Rev. Joriki Dat Baker will then give a Dharma Talk and the service is closed with chanting. After the close of the service, tea and sweets are served in the kitchen; during this time, questions or comments may be posed in a relaxed atmosphere.
On the second Sunday of each month, Dokusan will replace the Dharma Talk. Dokusan is the private meeting between the zendo’s teacher and its students. Dokusan is a formal meeting and idle talk is inappropriate.
Blue Ocean Sangha
Address: 736 6th Street Miami Beach FL 33139
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh\\'s Order of Interbeing
Affiliation: Order of Interbeing
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Spiritual Director: Thich Nhat Hanh
Notes and Events:
The Blue Ocean Sangha is a lay Buddhist community that practices mindfulness by following the teachings of Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. We provide a resource for study and practice of socially "Engaged Buddhism."
We meet every Sunday evening from 6 to 8 P.M. for sitting and walking meditation, a Dharma teaching and discussion at the Miami Life Center in South Beach (metered parking available). Although blankets and chairs are provided, feel free to bring your preferred sitting meditation arrangement.
We look forward to having you practice with us. Everyone is welcome!
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