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Heart Insight Meditation Group

Address:   Woolloongabba Qld 4102
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: 0402588347
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Notes and Events:

When: Sunday evenings 6pm to 7:45pm

Program: Varied - dharma talks, group sits, discussion

Where: via Zoom

Directions: see the website for information



Thursdays – We meet in person from 6:30 – 8:00pm at:

 6 Qualtrough Street Woolloongabba

 We are located in the heart of Woolloongabba not far from Park Rd train station and just off Ipswich Rd. There is usually off-street parking available at the time we meet.

Enter through the main entrance and go up the stairs on the left. The sitting room is on the first floor. We follow the current Qld Health Covid-19 requirements.Donation: The group is run by donation to help cover the running costs.


Karuna Hospice Service Ltd

Address: 27 Cartwright Street PO Box 2020   Windsor Qld 4030
Tradition: Vajrayana, Buddhist Hospice Service, Tibetan
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: (07) 3632 8300
Fax: 07 3857 8040
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Teacher: Director Ven. Yeshe Khadro  
Spiritual Director: Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Since 1992 Karuna, a Brisbane-based charity, has used its expertise and compassion to help thousands of individuals and families live a meaningful and happy life while embracing uncertainty and change.

We provide in-home palliative care, a grief and bereavement service, a learning and support service and we have a bookshop full of useful resources. We take the time to understand your needs and provide a holistic approach to delivering the best possible support.

We offer in-home palliative care in the Brisbane North, Caboolture and Redcliffe areas. In addition helpful information is available on our website and most of our support sessions and courses are run out of Karuna House at 27 Cartwright St Windsor. 

Khacho Yulo Ling Buddhist Centre

Address: 348 Severin Street   Cairns Qld 4870
Tradition: Vajrayana, Sakya Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism
Affiliation: Sakya Tradition
Phone: (07) 4041 5556
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Main Contact: Venerable Rinchen  (Phone: 0740415556)
Spiritual Director: His Holiness Sakya Trizin & His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

Meditation times are Monday Night at 7pm, Wednesday morning 10am and Sunday morning at 11am.

Khmer Buddhist Society of Queensland

Address: 44/50 Third Avenue, Marsden, QLD 4132   Qld
Tradition: Theravada, Cambodian
Phone: (07) 3803 0845
Fax: 07) 3803 0988
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Contact: Mary (07) 3388 2698,  
Teacher: Ven.Choum Vanna  
Notes and Events:

Activities:   Cultural development, social, community development, religious education

Langri Tangpa Centre

Address: 535 Old Cleveland Road   Camp Hill Qld 5152
Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Gelugpa (FPMT)
Affiliation: FPMT
Phone: (07) 3398 3310
Fax: 07) 3398 3314
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Contact: Miffi Maxmillion  Email  (Phone: (07) 3398 3310)
Main Contact: Director Richard Taylor  Email  (Phone: (07) 3398 3310)
Teacher: Ven. Geshe Tashi Tsering  
Spiritual Director: Ven. Lama Zopa Rinpoche  
Notes and Events:

We offer classes in meditation, yoga, emotional balance, introduction to Buddhism, and regular teachings with touring Tibetan Lamas. Our centre is open to everyone with an interest in making their life happy and meaningful. There is no need to be a Buddhist to benefit from the courses on offer, and we encourage questioning and open dialogue.

Magnetic Buddha Dharma

Address: 12 Bottiger St,   Nelly Bay, Magnetic Island Qld 4819
Tradition: Vajrayana, Sakya
Affiliation: Tibetan Buddhist Society of Canberra
Phone: 0429 321 396
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Main Contact: Helene Rankin  (Phone: 0429 321 396)
Spiritual Director: Lama Choedak  
Notes and Events:

  • Weekly meetings for meditation and hosts visiting teachers from all Buddhist traditions
  • Visitors welcome.
  • - SUN 10-12 am chanting in Pali, meditation.

    Mahamuni Buddhist Society of Cairns

    Address: 30 Beatrice Street   Mooroobool Qld 4870
    Tradition: Theravada
    Phone: 0470312141
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    Main Contact: Aye Tun Maung  Email  (Phone: )
    Notes and Events:


    This Mahamuni Buddhist Society of Cairns is a new Theravada monastery. This society is formed by the intention of the distribution of Dhamma. Now, we are accepting the donation to promote the Dhamma.

     We do a lighting festival, and other programs are being planned

    Your generosity is warmly appreciated. Thank you. 

    Mountain Moon Zen Society (Mountain Moon Sangha)

    Address: PO Box 76 Coorparoo, QLD 4151 (Meetings are currently held in Cannon Hill)   Qld
    Tradition: Mahayana, Zen Western
    Phone: 07 3822 7792 040 2098 288
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    Contact: Liyea Bretz: (07) 3822 7792  
    Spiritual Director: Sei’un An Roselyn Stone  
    Notes and Events:

    The Mountain Moon Sangha is a group of Zen practitioners practicing at their zendo in Oliver Plunkett Catholic Parish Hall, Beauvardia Street, Cannon Hill.

    There are four authorised Zen teachers presiding within the Sangha - Liyea Bretz, Matthew Love, Garry Cam and Jean Wilson.

    These teachers were appointed by Sei-un An, Roselyn Roshi (founder of the Mountain Moon Sangha) in the Sanbo Kyodan lineage of Kamakura, Japan.

    Neldoreth Forest Community

    Address: Horsecamp Road   Gin Gin Qld 4671
    Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Buddhist Societies of Vic and WA
    Phone: (07) 4157 6146
    E-mail: gmail dot com address is mikebqld
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    Main Contact: Mike  (Phone: 07 4157 6146)
    Notes and Events:

    Purpose –  I am willing to share my 20 ha of forested land so that others may live and work in native forest and with Nature, guided by Buddhist philosophy.

    Teachings  Available Here  – I am willing to teach some forest meditation to a willing student, based on my experience of daily meditation practice since 1982.

    My Buddhist Background - I trained at the Buddhist Society of Vic in the 1980’s under Dhammika, attended a variety of Buddhist meditation retreats in the 80’s and 90’s, attended talks each week at the BSWA throughout 1995, 96 and 2002,  and I trained in the Buddhist monastery 99-01.  

    My Approach to Buddhist Philosophy – is non clerical; I adapt Buddhist ideas out of their original religious setting and into a form that reflects my own experience of following the Path since 1982.  I am most influenced by the writings of Eckhart Tolle, Shakti Gawain and Harvey Jackins.  I refer to Nyanatiloka’s works.

    My 11,000 word treatise on  defines my approach to Healing and Spiritual Practice.

    Location - 25 km SW of Gin Gin, 4 hours drive North of Brisbane, in the foothills past the coastal plain.

    Facilities - simple,  close to Nature  -  BYO camping gear and/or borrow mine

    Transport - I can email you “Directions when Driving”,  or I can pick you up from the Greyhound  bus stop in Gin Gin

    Cost – by donation and/or your labour contribution.

    Meditation and inspirational readings - as needed by those present. 

    Contact me  by email if you’d like to stay here, and detail your experience in Buddhism and/or meditation, and whether you’re fit for manual work (a man’s work!) or willing to pay for the Council rates ($40 pw) instead, and whether you’ll bring all your own camping gear.

    More details on

    Phoenix Zen Centre-Brisbane

    Address: 3 Albury Street   Deagon Qld 4017
    Tradition: Mahayana, International Kwan Um School of Zen
    Affiliation: Mu Sang Sa is the head temple of Asia and as such the Phoenix Zen Centre
    Phone: 07 3269 7393
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    Main Contact: Dae Haeng  Email  (Phone: 07 3269 7393)
    Teacher: Founding Abbot Dae Haeng  
    Notes and Events:

    Practice times Monday and Wednesday 7-9 PM

    Sunday 8 am - 12.30

    Monthly : 1 day retreats 

    Pure Land Learning College Association,

    Address: 57 West Street   Toowoomba, Qld 4350
    Tradition: Mahayana, Pureland Chinese
    Affiliation: Pureland College Association Inc.
    Phone: 7-4637-8765
    Fax: 7-4637-8764
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    Spiritual Director: Ven. Master Ching Kung  
    Notes and Events:

    Our goal is twofold:

    to provide a good learning environment for students

    who aspire to learn and practice Pure Land Buddhism and the teachings of the sages,

    and to train and nurture successors to continue the propagation of Buddhism.

    To accomplish this, the PLLCA first emphasizes the foundation studies of

    Guidelines for Being a Good Person,

    Accounts of Request and Response, Changing Destiny,

    the Ten Virtuous Karmas Sutra, and Precepts for Novice Monks.

    These texts are the foundation in the study of

    morality, ethics, causality, wisdom, and science.

    Building on this foundation, students will progress to advanced studies

    in the five Pure Land sutras and one treatise.

    Queensland Zen Centre (Dae Kwang Sa)

    Address: 31 Lingle Street Robertson Qld 4109 Qld   Qld
    Tradition: Mahayana, Zen, Korean
    Affiliation: Independent
    Phone: (07) 3219 4110
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    Main Contact: Shim Kwang  
    Teacher: Zen Master Sen Shin ,resident teacher.  
    Notes and Events:

    Notes and Events:

    Founded in 1989 by the late teacher Zen Master Seung Sahn, internationally renowned Grand Master of the Kwan Um School of Zen, the Queensland Zen Centre – Dae Kwang Sa or “Great Light Temple” is a residential training temple for students of Zen Buddhism. 

    The temple offers a training program consisting of daily meditation practice, monthly retreats, and introductory courses for persons interested in discovering their life direction.  In awakening the Bodhisattva ideal, one’s essence is realized and spontaneously functions for the benefit of all beings.

    The formal aspects of Zen training consist of sitting and bowing meditation, chanting of sutras, and kong-an practice, a process of direct inquiry into one’s true nature as it appears in each moment.  The temple’s resident teacher oversees all aspects of Zen training including giving Dharma talks and kong-an interviews.

    The temple’s resident teacher is Zen Master Sen Shin.  An ordained nun since 1990, Zen Master Sen Shin received transmission in Zen Master Seung Sahn’s lineage from Zen Master Dae Gak in 2006.

    Zen Master Sen Shin also oversees the teaching at the Queensland Zen Centre’s practice groups at Nundah (Nundah Zen Group) in Brisbane and at Runaway Bay (Gold Coast Zen Group) at the Gold Coast.

    Rigpa Brisbane

    Address: 2/19 Enoggera Terrace GPO Box 2658, Brisbane, 4001.   Red Hill Qld
    Tradition: Vajrayana, Tibetan, Dzogchen Longchen Nyingthik
    Phone: (07) 3030 0649
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    Main Contact: Natalie Stuart  (Phone: (07) 3630 4979)
    Spiritual Director: Sogyal Rinpoche  
    Notes and Events:

    Rigpa aims to present the Buddhist tradition of Tibet in a way that is both completely authentic, and as relevant as possible to the lives and needs of modern men and women.

    Open to all schools and traditions of Buddhist wisdom, and with the guidance and gracious patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Rigpa offers those following the Buddhist teachings a complete path of study and practice, along with the environment they need to experience the teachings fully.

    Under the Spiritual Direction of Sogyal Rinpoche, Rigpa has grown into an international network of over 100 centres in 23 countries. Rinpoche is a world renowned Buddhist teacher from Tibet and the author of the highly acclaimed book - the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.

    Rigpa Brisbane offers a number of courses and events which bring students together with the teachings in an interactive environment.

    The centre is roughly a 10 minute drive from the CBD. Parking is available the lot accross the road (see map).

    Entrance is via the gate on the right of Kids on the Terrace

    Rongton Buddhist Centre Incorporated

    Address: Contact Robin for details   Alderley Qld
    Tradition: Vajrayana, Sakya
    Affiliation: Sakya Losal Choe Dzong (Canberra)
    Phone: 07 33115532 Mob. 0439 992 312 0409 486 540
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    President: Robin Mathieson  Email  (Phone: (07) 33568791)
    Main Contact: Ven. Tsultim  Email  (Phone: (07) 33524730)
    Teacher: Ven. Lekshe Tsultim  
    Spiritual Director: Lama Choedak Rinpoche  
    Notes and Events:

    Location: north Brisbane

    Weekly Practice Schedule:

    Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm: Refuge prayers & Calm Abiding Meditation practice followed by Chenrezig practice and tea & chat.

    Tuesdays evenings at 7.30pm: Introduction to Calm Abiding Meditation (8 week course)

    Weekly Vajrayana practice:

    Saturday morning at 7.00am:  Green Tara Puja (All welcome)

     Calm Abiding Meditation at 8am. with Refuge Prayers and some prostrations (recommended but optional) suitable for all.

    Sunday morning at 9.30am: White Tara (uncommon version)

    White Soor Offering for the Deceased by request

    Check our new website for up and coming events

    Sun Mountain Zen Community

    Address: St Paul\'s Anglican Church Hall 554 Vulture Street East Brisbane Qld   Qld
    Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai and Soto Zen,Sanbokyodan (school of Zen, Roselyn Stone Roshi.
    Phone: (07) 3298 5094
    Fax: 07) 3298 5883
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    Teacher: : Dr. Rev. Mervyn Lander and Dr. Rev Cecilie Lander  
    Main Contact: Arno Hess  
    Notes and Events:

    Notes and Events:

    Welcome to the Brisbane based Sun Mountain Zen Community. Sun Mountain Zen is an intentional community of Zen practitioners guided by Mervyn and Cecilie Lander. They are authorized teachers of the Sanbokyodan (school of Zen), Kamakura, Japan and are Dharma heirs of Roselyn Stone Roshi.

    Our practice combines elements of both Rinzai and Soto traditions of training.
    Zen practice is appropriate to all who seek the contemplative way, irrespective of whether they have a specific religious affiliation or none.

    No previous experience of Zen or meditation is required to participate in this Brisbane Zen community.

    We sit every Monday from 7PM to 8:30 PM. Individual Zen insturctions are provided.

    Tara Kadampa Buddhist Centre

    Address: 109 Leichhardt St,   Spring Hill Qld 4000
    Tradition: Vajrayana, New Kadampa
    Affiliation: Heruka Centre, Melbourne SA, Khedrubje Centre, Central Coast, Maitreya Centre, Adeleide., Bodhisattva Centre, Canberra, NSW., Dharmapala Centre, Perth W.A., Kadampa Meditation Centre Australia, Melbou
    Phone: 0405 788 655
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    Teacher: Kelsang Tsalden  
    Spiritual Director: Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  
    Notes and Events:

     Our meditation Centre is located on the edge of Brisbane CBD, five minutes walk from central station, and houses the extraordinary Kadampa Temple for World Peace. Our modern space is a peaceful oasis with air-conditioning and sound-proofing. Seating is available on comfortable chairs or meditation cushions on the floor.

    The Centre includes a gift and bookshop, and provides a relaxed environment in which people from all walks-of-life can discover the benefits of meditation and modern Buddhism for themselves. Everyone is welcome!

    Tibetan Buddhist Healing Practices

    Address: Atkinson House, 1st Floor, 145 Stanley Street   Townsville Qld 4810
    Tradition: Gelugpa
    Affiliation: Australian Institute of Tibetan Healing Practices, Sydney
    Phone: 0423075575
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    Teacher: Gen-la Chris Yangchen  
    Notes and Events:

    Overcoming Problems – 2017 course enrolment now open

    Overcome Stress, Anxiety, Anger, Transform Adversity; relevant – practical – life changing

    Overcoming Problems was formally recognised in 2008 as a new form of Buddhism for Westerners to overcome problems.

    The course founder, Gen Chris Yangchen, is a Tibetan Buddhist nun and has been teaching for 26 years.

    These innovative classes:

    Have an openness that allows you to explore for yourself

    Take a holistic approach to overcoming stress & negative habits

    Include meditation and mindfulness

    are multidimensional and down to earth

    are remarkably insightful and resonate on a personal level

    improve relationships with others

    are user friendly for those who want to change

    demystify mind, western culture and conditioning

    are taught with humour, understanding and compassion

    Course starts Wednesday 23rd of August 2017 at 6:50pm (late enrolments close 20th September 2017)

    Level 1, 145 Stanley Street, Townsville City

    0423 075 575

    Patron:  H.H. Khalkha Rinpoche, Head of the Jonang Tradition & Buddhism in Mongolia

    Spiritual Director: His Eminence Khejok Rinpoche

    Tuong Quang Buddhist Monastery

    Address: 21 Queensland Road, Darra   Qld 4076
    Tradition: Mahayana, Vietnamese
    Phone: 07 3375 3114
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    Teacher: Ven. Thich Huyen Dat (resident head monk)  
    Notes and Events:

    ACTIVITY: Every Saturday from 10am to 12pm - Sutra chanting, Dharma talk
    and lunch

    According to Ven. Huyen Dat, the Tuong Quang Buddhist Monastery has two
    main goals to fulfil the needs of ethnic community services:-

    1. Strengthen the organisation to guide daily life matching with Buddhist
    practice path.

    2. Engage actively to bring Buddhist practice into daily life.
    Besides the above goals, this Monastery has been applying the following basic
    spiritual cultivation in order to nourish the true happiness in individual or
    community activities:-

    (a) Avoid committal of cruel, evil actions. Not doing anything that causes
    suffering to others;
    (b) Trying to perform good deeds. These actions are harmless but also benefit
    ourselves and others;
    (c) Keep a calm and pure mind to prevent bad karma, which comes from our

    These are the vital basic matters which help people cultivate themselves.

    University of Queensland Buddhist Society

    Address: Level 4, Building 21 UQ Union Building, University of Queensland   St. Lucia Qld 4072
    Tradition: Non-Sectarian
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    Notes and Events:

    Please check the website for current events. We hold regular meditation and Dhamma talks, as well as social events and temple visits.

    Vipassana Centre Queensland (Dhamma Rasmi)

    Address: PO Box 119, Rules Road Pomona Qld 4568  Qld
    Tradition: Theravada, vipassana
    Phone: (07) 5485 2452
    Fax: 5485 2907
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    Notes and Events:

    Notes and Events:

    Dhamma Rasmi ("Rasmi" means ray of light or sunshine) is in a beautiful sub-tropical area known as the Sunshine Coast, 140 km north of Brisbane.

    Forty acres were purchased in 1989 and another twenty acres in 1993. The land is gently sloping and partly timbered, with a small tree-lined creek. Facilities include a high-ceilinged octagonal hall for 200 students, dormitories for 30, a kitchen/dining building, and a reception/administration area with servers rooms. The next phase of accommodation includes six 2-bed cottages and shady tent sites.

    A minimum of two courses are held at the centre each month. A growing number of meditators have settled in the area to help the management, and gain benefit by visiting for group meditation. Other frequent visitors are a family of kangaroos and smaller marsupials, who live in the eucalypt forest nearby.

    These courses are conducted by Assistant Teachers to S.N.Goenka of the Vipassana International Academy, India.

    Wat Sangharatanaram ( Gold Coast Thai Temple )

    Address: 137 Beaudesert-Nerang Road   Nerang, The Gold Coast Qld 4211
    Tradition: Theravada, Thai
    Affiliation: Wat Buddharangsee (Annandale) NSW
    Phone: (07) 5502 0464
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    Teacher: Venerable Ajaan Lamai Apisamo  
    Spiritual Director: Ven. Phra Abhijaya Abhipunno  
    Notes and Events:

    Location: in the middle of Nerang Suburb, on the Gold Coast.

    - Alms offering: 10.30 am daily

     - Evening Chanting and Meditation: 7pm daily,  Everyone is welcome to meditate. Dhamma talk and discussion is available upon request.

    Wat Sangharatanaram is a public place of worship meaning that it is open to the general public. All are welcome to attend including Thais, non-Thais, Buddhists, non-Buddhists, all ages etc.

    Monks and facilities are provided for daily conduct of chanting, meditation, Dhamma talks and receiving offerings for merit-making of individuals and families. Monks can be invited for their one daily meal outside the temple. Functions are held on commemorative occasions for attendees to experience customs for merit-making, food offering, devotional practice and sermons familiar to Thai Buddhists in the Theravada, Dhammayuta tradition. Accredited teachers give lessons to young children of Thai migrants, to introduce them to the language, customs and values of Thailand. All monks and lay persons at our temple are volunteers. The temple is supported by donations from acceptable sources. Some fund-raising is conducted externally to the temple. Suitable grants are sought from government and philanthropic organisations.

    If you wish to visit the Gold Coast Thai Temple, please know that we are open 7 days a week from 09:00am. We recommend if you are visiting to visit between the hours of 09:00am – 03:00pm.

    Further, the community gather on a regular basis on every first Sunday of each month. You can expect to learn and experience more of the Thai culture, meet new people and try some delicious Thai food! 

    Wat Thai Buddharam

    Address: 1 Paradise Road, Forestdale, QLD 4118   Qld
    Tradition: Theravada, Thai  
    Affiliation: Melbourne Thai Buddhist Temple, Lao Buddhist Association of QLD, Khmer Buddhist Society of Qld
    Phone: (07) 3806 8900
    Fax: 07 3806 8906
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    Teacher: Ajahn Chonlatish Chanhorm  
    Main Contact: Secretary Ven. Chonlatish Chanhorm  Email  (Phone: 07) 3806 8900)
    Notes and Events:

    Activities: Buddhist Services, Educational, Cultural, Meditation and Thai Language Classes

    MAP to locate the Wat.

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