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There were 5 results matching your query.

Ho Sen dojo

Address: Sint-Rochusstraat 27  Antwerpen Antwerpen 2000
Tradition: Mahayana, Roland Yuno Rech
Affiliation: Belgische Zen Vereniging
Phone: 03 231 34 97
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De Antwerpse zendojo Ho Sen (‘Bron van het Onderricht’) werd eind de jaren 1980 opgericht door de zen-non Mia Casteleyn, naaste leerlinge van Meester Yuno Rech, om gelegenheid en plaats te bieden om zazen (zittende zen) te beoefenen. Nu telt de dojo een vijftigtal mensen en kan er vijf keer per week zazen beoefend worden. Wij zetten ons ook actief in bij de organisatie van sesshins (zazen-stages), samen met de andere Belgische dojo’s.

Vandaag wordt het onderricht in de dojo verzorgd door Luc De Winter en Ann Beerlandt.

Naast de begeleiding van zazen bestaat het onderricht ook uit regelmatige dharma-workshops, zen-naaiworkshops, vertaalprojecten, lezingen, zazendagen, enzovoort…

De zendojo Ho Sen is lid van de Association Zen Internationale (AZI), opgericht door Meester Taisen Deshimaru, de Belgische Zen Vereniging (BZV), die verschillende dojo’s in België verenigt. De leraren van Ho Sen zijn verbonden aan de Association Bouddhiste Zen d’Europe (ABZE) van meester Roland Yuno Rech.

Jikoji,Centrum voor Shin-Boeddhisme

Address: Pretoriastraat 68  Antwerpen Antwerpen B-2600
Tradition: Mahayana, Pure Land, Jodo Shinshu
Affiliation: Shinran Shonin, Nishi Hongwanji
Phone: +32(0)475 62 78 36
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Teacher: Fons Martens  
Spiritual Director: Fons Martens  
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Weekly Services Tuesdays 1930h


Quarterly EKO

Kwan Um Zen School

Address: Cogels Osylei 20  Berchem Antwerpen 2600
Tradition: Mahayana, Bon-Yo Do-An
Affiliation: Kwan Um School of Zen
Phone: 0496 38 14 13
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The Kwan Um School of Zen is an international organization of more than a hundred centers and groups founded by Zen Master Seung Sahn, the first Korean Zen Master to live and teach in the West.  The Schools purpose is to make this practice of Zen Buddhism available to an increasing number of students throughout the world.

The heart of the Kwan Um School of Zen is the daily practice that goes on in its Zen centers and groups, which are spread throughout Europe, North and South America, and Asia.  Students and visitors eat together, work together and meditate together, gradually attaining a clear compassionate mind which moment to moment is able to help all beings.

We offer training in Zen meditation through practical instruction, daily morning and evening practice, public talks, teaching interviews, sittings, retreats and workshops.  Our programs are open to anyone regardless of previous experience and are often offered at no cost.

The founding teacher of our School was Zen Master Seung Sahn, the 78th Patriarch in his line of transmission in the Chogye order of Korean Buddhism.  In 1972 he came to the USA and started the Providence Zen Center, the first in what is now the Kwan Um School of Zen.  He and his students have founded over a hundred temples, centers and groups around the world.

Zen Master Seung Sahn gave transmission to Zen Masters and inka (teaching authority) to senior students called Ji Do Poep Sa Nims or Dharma Masters.  He died on 30th November 2004.

Wat Dhammapateep

Address: Kouterdreef 37   Mechelen Antwerpen B-2800
Tradition: Theravada
Phone: +32 15 290099
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President: Waldimar Van der Elst  Email  
Main Contact: President  Email  (Phone: Waldimar Van der Elst)
Spiritual Director: Phra Khruvinaithorn  Email  (Phone: Somsak Subhalert)
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Thai Theravada Buddhist Temple and Socio-Cultural Association.

Activities: Meditation, Dhamma Retreat, Novice Training, Language School (Thai, Dutch), Thai Traditional Dance School, Thai Vegetal Sculpture, Thai Theravada and Culture Info session.

Zen Sangha Antwerpen

Address: Arthur Sterckstraat 40  Antwerpen-Berchem Antwerpen 3000
Tradition: Mahayana, Taizan Maezumi Roshi, Dennis Genpo Merzel Roshi, Catherine Genno Pagès Roshi
Affiliation: White Plum Asanga
Phone: +32 (0)9 324 63 95
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Teacher: Frank De Waele Sensei  
Spiritual Director: Frank De Waele Sensei  
Notes and Events:

Zen meditation and instruction every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7:30 - 9:30pm
Monthly Zazenkai on Sundays.