There were 41 results matching your query.
Zen Dojo Internacional de Buenos Aires
Address: Bermejo 6815 (Liniers) Capital Federal, Buenos Aires1408
Tradition: Mahayana, Rinzai Zen, Tenryu-Ji Kyoto, Japan
Affiliation: Daihonzan Chozen-Ji Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Phone: 4644-1121
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Spiritual Director: Seizan Feijoo
782 Dojo
Address: Blandengues 782 Bahia Blanca, Argentina 8000
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Ch´an Ssu Lun - Avaivartika Order
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Teacher: Ven. Shan Jieshi
Spiritual Director: Shan Jian Da Shi
Notes and Events:
El Dojo ofrece un espacio de meditación y enseñanzas Buddhistas .
Nos reunimos en silencio para preparar el dia con practicas sencillas, y asi vamos construyendo dia tras dia una nueva manera de ver el resto de las actividades.
Address: Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Tradition: Theravada
E-mail: e.appamada [at]
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Budismo Theravāda & Meditación. [f][t] /appamadanet.
Budismo Pragmatico Argentina
Address: Ecuador 561 General Roca 8332
Tradition: Non-Sectarian
Affiliation: Centro de Estudios de Psicologia Budista
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Teacher: Esteban Gudi
Notes and Events:
Meditacion samatha, vipassana, Pragmatica . Estudios de Budismo temprano y filosofias comparadas. Psicología Budista y Oriental.
Centro SYZ
Address: Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires 1096
Tradition: Mahayana, (Lin Ji) Budismo Chan
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Main Contact: Centro SYZ Email
Spiritual Director: Fa Chao Shakya Email
Notes and Events:
Centro SYZ es un sitio dedicado a la diseminación / enseñanza del Budismo Chan (Zen).
Centro Zen Buddhista Argentino
Tradition: Mahayana, Non-Sectarian, South American Zen, Tierra Pura, Jogye, Chan.
Phone: 54-11-1532344921
Contact: (Kumgang Poep Sa Nim)
Main Contact: Office Email
Teacher: (Kumgang Poep Sa Nim)
Spiritual Director: Kumgang Poep Sa Nim Email
Notes and Events:
Bienvenidos al CZBA. Cualquier persona puede iniciarse en la práctica del Buddhismo Zen, rogamos enviar un email para solicitar entrevista y poder darles los horarios actualizados y la dirección completa. Gracias
Join us. Sitting Zen, Walking Zen and Chanting Zen.
Dharma Talks in English available.
Dhammadapa Sangha
Address: Formosa 182, Ing. Maschwitz, Pcia. de Buenos Aires Ingeniero Maschwitz 1623
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
Affiliation: Sangha Dhammapada
Phone: 0348 4627143
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Teacher: Sifu Koio Samadhi
Spiritual Director: Sifu Koio Samadhi
Notes and Events:
* Transmisión del Budismo Zen con identidad propia. Budismo Zen del Río de la Plata.
* Fomentar la defensa y desarrollo de los Derechos Humanos a través del desarrollo espiritual y de actividades sociales y comunitarias.
* Promover el diálogo interreligioso con el anhelo de encontrarnos en lo que nos une como seres humanos sin necesidad de hacer hincapié en las diferencias que siempre pertenecen a la esfera de las formas y no de la esencia.
Dhammapada -Templo Budista
Address: Formosa 182, Ing. Maschwitz. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ingeniero Maschwitz 1623
Tradition: Mahayana, Zen
Affiliation: Sangha Dhammapada
Phone: 0348 4627143
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Teacher: Sifu Koio Samadhi
Spiritual Director: Sifu Koio Samadhi Email (Phone: 01167467600)
Notes and Events:
* Transmisión del Budismo Zen con identidad propia. Budismo Zen del Río de la Plata.
* Fomentar la defensa y desarrollo de los Derechos Humanos a través del desarrollo espiritual y de actividades sociales y comunitarias.
* Promover el diálogo interreligioso con el anhelo de encontrarnos en lo que nos une como seres humanos sin necesidad de hacer hincapié en las diferencias que siempre pertenecen a la esfera de las formas y no de la esencia.
Estudio y Meditacion Budista
Tradition: Mahayana, Vajrayana, Guelug-Segyupa
Phone: 54 11 45444351 -
Main Contact: Paola (choepel palmo)
Teacher: Ven. Segyu Choepel Rinpoche
Spiritual Director: Venerable Segyu Choepel Rinpoche
Notes and Events:
Actividades Regulares
Grupo Budista de Benito Juarez
Tradition: Mahayana, Budismo Shin de las Americas
Affiliation: North American Shin Association (NASBA)
Main Contact: Sebastián Calo
Notes and Events:
Nos dedicamos a las enseñanzas del Buda histórico y del reformador religioso del siglo 13, Shinran Shonin, el fundador de budismo Shin o Jodo Shinshu. Además, la tradición iconoclasta y meditativa de Soto Zen nos inspiramos, como un medio eficaz de cultivar mejor un corazón tranquilo y lúcido para oír la luz espiritual dentro de nosotros. También estamos abiertos a todas las tradiciones budistas y a la totalidad de la espiritualidad y de la sabiduría del mundo.
Grupo Budista de Cordoba
Address: Gral. Paz 120 P.10 H
Informes: Tienda Esotérica Verde Mente
Galería Rex – Loc. 15 Cordoba
Tradition: Mahayana, Shin Buddhism
Affiliation: North American Shin Association (NASBA)
Phone: 0351 – 4113452
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Main Contact: Rodrigo Pedraza Cécere
Notes and Events:
Esperamos que usted se sienta en casa cuando practicamos juntos. Nuestra comunidad espiritual le ofrece la amistad, aprendizaje, enriquecimiento, servicio y práctica.
Mahabodhi Sunyata Bahia Blanca
Address: Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, 8000 Argentina
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Chan Ssu Lun Tao
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Teachers: Shan Chien zi Sherab Chödron
Contact Person: Shan Jiēshi Email
Main Contact: Shan Jieshi Email (Phone:
Notes and Events:
Mahabodhi Sunyata es un espacio real y virtual dedicado a ofrecer recursos para desarrollar tu naturaleza interior, apoyados con meditación básica de Serenidad y Plena Atención, junto con enseñanzas del Dharma de Buda.
Desde hace años hemos ofrecido una mano amiga para las personas de Bahia Blanca y Argentina
Nichiren Shu Argentina - Sangha de Buenos Aires - Grupo Don Torcuato
Tradition: Mahayana, Buddhism of Nichiren - Budismo de Nichirén
Affiliation: Nichiren Shu
Phone: (+54 11) 4846-1306
Organizador: Sebastián Minuet Email
Organizador: Nicolás Pstyga Galizia Email
Notes and Events:
Budismo de Nichiren Daishonin Escuela de Nichirén Don Torcuato - Prov. de Buenos Aires Reuniones de estudio y de práctica, mas información en Prácticas: * Meditación Shodaigyo * Shakyo (Caligrafía, escritura de Namu Myoho Renge Kyo y del Sutra del Loto en Kanji) * Gongyo * Odaimoku.
Shobo An Zendo
Address: Av. San Martin esq. Pje. Antartida Argentina La Quebrada, Cordoba 5111 Argentina
Tradition: Non-Sectarian, Tsao Tung Chin Lien Tao
Affiliation: Chin Lien Chia Taoist School
Phone: 54 3543 452717
Fax: same
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Main Contact: Augusto Al Q\'adi Alcalde Email (Phone: 54 3543 452717)
Teacher: Augusto Al Q\'adi Alcalde
Spiritual Director: Augusto Al Q\'adi Alcalde
Notes and Events:
NIGHT BROTHER’s Zen (Ch’an) Way
Augusto Alcalde was a student of the late Shifu Yuan Chueh from Canton, China, with whom he trained from 1968 until he was fully certified by his teacher, ten years after, being him the most influential relationship in the Way.
He started sharing and conveying the practice of Ch\'an (Chinese Zen) in 1974.
The Tradition in which his teacher Yuan Chueh was rooted was the "Chin Lien Chia" (Golden Lotus), a tradition that embraces the arts of meditation as the play and actualization of full attention (T\'so Ch\'an), with the play of the Internal Martial Arts of china (the Nei Chia Ch\'uan), including T\'ai Chi (Chen Style) and Pa Kua of the Huang Pei Family, together with the short arts of Chi Kung (vital energy practice) and Chinese Yoga, as well as the Healing Arts of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The Chin Lien Chia is a school that conveys Ch\'an practice in the context of stillness, movement, healing, and everyday life and activities, deeply rooted in the primal Taoism of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu.
Yuan Chueh\'s focus was, as is Augusto\'s, that true Ch\'an practice has to be rooted in the traditions of Primal Taoism, early Budhism or Theravada (The Way of the Ancients), as well as in the Mahayana (The Great Way), together with the study and involvement with the traditions, myths and cultures that belong to the land and the original dwellers of the land in which the practice and everyday life is happening.
Augusto has been a social activist since the 60\'s in Argentina. He has been also working with engaged buddhists associations as a social activist, for many years, and focuses on social issues from a Latino and Ch\'an vision. He networks with indigenous peoples and groups from Latin America and the world that are engaged in actively resisting the deadly works of ignorance, greed and hate.
He conceives group practice as one of healing and walking together, with no hierarchies, rituals, fixed forms, roles or structures, and open to all traditions.
The focus is on a truly lay, working person\'s practice and play, away from monastic archetypes, multicultural, and willing to contain and be contained by all beings.
It is emphasized the importance of social involvement as an outcome of living, understanding and seeing, given the crucial point in which the Blue Planet and the many beings that inhabit her are, in accordance of the words of Gautama: "only one thing i convey, the understanding of the causes, and the stopping of suffering", or to say it in another way, the arising of true joy, dance and dignity, and the full acceptance and realization of humanity as our nature.
He does not, thus, consider himself a teacher in the traditional sense of the word, with some special or unique realizations or qualities, but a "Kalyanamitra" an ancient dharma term that means something like "spiritual friend", or, as he likes to translate it, "compañero of the way", or "soul mate" (with no capital letters), or, as a musician and poet friend said, "Night Brother".
The focus then is on joy and learning, mutually, in any occasional changing role that one has in life, and the practice and application as work and everyday life and relationships.
He offers as a means of continuity of the relationship, the practice and the play, e-mail correspondence as needed, and phone contact once a month, for all the people that have participated in any of the activities, and are interested in sharing about their practice, play and application.
Wat Rattanarangsiyaram
Address: Argentina, Posadas, Misiones Posadas, Misiones
Tradition: Theravada
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Notes and Events:
Wat Rattanarangsiyaram, was founded in 1997 by Lao community
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Zendo Pencohue
Address: Vagues, San Antonio de Areco Buenos Aires 2760
Affiliation: Zendo Betania
Phone: 54 2325 15651145
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Main Contact: Patricio Email (Phone: Dufaur)
Notes and Events:
En Zendo Betania se practica el Zen de la línea HARADA - YASUTANI - YAMADA.